Another Sickening Deluge of Open Racism at

Dan Riehl kicks it off
Wingnuts • Views: 31,869

Here’s Dan “Darker Means Guiltier” Riehl again at, with another blatantly race-baiting post: Hoodie-Wearing Gunmen Kill 1, Wound 5 in Bobby Rush’s Chicago District.

No point in quoting this; I’ll just give you the short version. Blacks, crime, hoodies, blacks, crime, Black Panthers. Also, blacks.

Riehl’s audience at takes it from there, of course:

Black Libs will kill if they don’t get what they want


No, it can’t be a jiggaboo in a hoodie killing someone, this can’t be true, they are such peaceful spooks, just like the Moozlums.


If President Obama had a son, he would like the shooters.


Where is the Muslim Jihadist POTUS now???
I guess if a black in a hoodie gets shot, he needs to open his mouth to instigate riots. But if the Hoodies do the killing it is OK, because he is not the president of the United States! He is president of the Unions, Blacks, illegals, felons, unemployed and low lifes. This country will be forever in ruins if this terrorist gets re-elected.


The people who vote these morons into office are dumber than a bag of hammers. This is why democracies fail. Its the subhuman vote


Planet of the Apes 2012……….


All bl ack crime is racially motivated.


Yet more proof, as if any were needed, that Blacks don’t care AT ALL about Blacks. They only get annoyed when it isn’t Blacks killing them.


The Emancipation Proclamation was probably the most insane document to ever come out of Washington, ever! Somehow, the Emancipation Proclamation needs to be turned into the Emancipation REVOCATION.


Awwww…. Looks like the jig is up….

ANYONE who isn’t black is on their hit parade…….


No one understood me when I tried to buy and “African American” saw at Home Depot



What did they do when you finally got a jig saw?


They knew when he went up there like this it would be ‘monkey see monkey do’…..


I’m starting to head down that rocky road towards becoming a racist.

Everyday I’m going faster & faster & further & further.

The def. of a racist is:…….A person who believes his or her race is superior to another’s.


The mighty Boa saw long ago that there is a “modern” definition. Anyone who does not kow-tow to and agree with everything the radical black says and does is a racist.

Since the mighty Boa agrees with little if any, he concluded long ago that he must be a racist. That has proven quite a blessing. People can call the mighty Boa a racist until doomsday, but it won’t stop him from speaking the truth, nor will it cause him any guilt in doing so.


COWARD! most negroes are cowards-look at the crimes they commit. They are like animals-just look at TV and read the internet-they speak and no one can even understand what they are saying (and they are speaking English) . Damn shame society has to tolerate such an ignorant backwards race that will never prosper or make anything of themselves-and their own negroes are to blame!!


I believe we should have more patience with Africans, They have only been in the US for 250 years and I am sure if given enough time they will become educated and have as much intelligence as whites. Maybe another 200-300 years.


If Bobby Rush had a son, it would look like Obama.


If either had a son, it would look like my dookie.


the nig-nogs are out like wild animals now..


THIS dumb nig is a moron.


True, these are fuckin’ animals created decades ago by LBJ’s great society , loose on the streets and decent society is paying the price! Law enforcement has got to do something!!


that’s funny as hell! Shit, you’re right! LOL …dum nigs


N.E.G.R.O.S. are just violent, lazy wastes of skin…kill rape rob and take drugs..N.E.G.R.O. mentality

As usual, these incredibly hateful comments are posted right next to comments whining that conservatives are unjustly accused of racism, and many of the worst ones are also the most popular.

When Andrew Breitbart was alive, he would spew insults and rant about “planted comments” when stuff like this was pointed out, but he also would make sure that they got deleted. The people now running his site don’t care at all about open racism; in fact, it’s beginning to look like this is their business model.


(All of the racist comments quoted in the “related” article are still there, four days later.)

UPDATE at 3/30/12 5:38:42 pm

Dan Riehl responds on Twitter:

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1 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:32:39pm

As I understand it, nearly every person guilty of committing a violent crime was wearing, or had worn, shoes. SHOES!

I'm packing heat the next time I have to go to the local Footlocker.

2 Kragar  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:35:49pm

Why the hell does the Adchoices commerical under the post link to this:

3 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:38:53pm
Ginger Whetstine
They don't know any better because the education system has been taken over by their own people who have made sure no one knows their own histroy or the truth of any of this. They have been dumbed down by the UN's awesome Agenda 21 and now most of the left is unaware of how they play into the hands of globalists that don't want any of us to survive their take over. It is so sad to watch them feed their own into this machine the globalists have made. Typing this and watch barry distort and flim flam all his words to start the fooling of America for 2012......... all those people clapping and cheering don't know what we know, I feel so sorry for them because when they open their eyes they will finally understand the horror they unleashed on us. When they wake up we will need therapists on every corner they will be so messed up mentally.


4 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:42:08pm

Ginger Whetstine & associated nutbags are reading! Winning!

5 Talking Point Detective  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:42:13pm

So what this reveals is basically what every thread tangentially related to racial issues in the frightwing blogosphere would look like if moderators weren't eliminating overtly racist bile.

What a shock.

6 erik_t  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:42:20pm

So his defense is 'other fringe freaks of the right liked it'?

Is that a defense or an admission?

7 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:43:02pm

Hilarious. Numb nuts defends himself by Tweeting that Drudge linked to his race baiting trash. Drudge, the biggest race baiter in the right wing bigotsphere.

Matt Drudge's race-war-mongering narrative: How selective editing can lie

Stewart mocks Drudge's "race baiting" story on school bus fight

Matt Drudge’s disgusting race war awareness campaign

And so on...

8 Political Atheist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:43:21pm

If you just can not understand those who enjoy hate so much have no worry. You are better off not imagining the inside of those heads.

I had an interesting conversation. Maybe apocryphal maybe not. A man had realized he was highly prejudiced. And cared little for change.

Then he became a police officer. Day in and day out people acted fearful of him. Made assumptions about him because of the uniform. Some just hated him on sight. He was very uncomfortable with this.

To his credit he soon connected the dots. The lesson was clear. He put his racism behind him and got to be a better person for it.

9 Stanghazi  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:45:06pm

That Reihl is now at Breitbart? They are bottom dwellers.

By the way, where's Breitbarts tox test? Serious.

10 Tigger2005  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:45:22pm

There are times I really, really HATE my racist pig brother.

wow you have really good eye sight to see that on that blurry video at least an hour after the altercation and after he was treated by SFD.. I guess Trayvon should have hurt him worse than he did after attacking him.

11 Stanghazi  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:46:28pm

Race hate = money via hits to the website. Same as Fox.

They say we are "stoking" it? holy shit.

12 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:47:35pm

re: #9 Hoodies for Justice. T

Mar. 2:

Los Angeles County Coroner's spokesman Craig Harvey said toxicology and microscopic tissue studies were ordered because of Breitbart's death at the relatively young age of 43.

They will take four to six weeks to complete, he said.

13 wrenchwench  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:48:04pm

re: #8 Daniel Ballard

If you just can not understand those who enjoy hate so much have no worry. You are better off not imagining the inside of those heads.

I had an interesting conversation. Maybe apocryphal maybe not. A man had realized he was highly prejudiced. And cared little for change.

Then he became a police officer. Day in and day out people acted fearful of him. Made assumptions about him because of the uniform. Some just hated him on sight. He was very uncomfortable with this.

To his credit he soon connected the dots. The lesson was clear. He put his racism behind him and got to be a better person for it.

That's why it's worth discussing race even when people are sick of it, even when people think it creates division, even when the people who want to discuss it are called racists for talking about race so much. Once in a while, a racist will connect the dots, learn, grow, and not be a racist any more.

It's worth it.

14 Stanghazi  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:48:59pm

re: #12 jaunte

Mar. 2:

Ya know, he had a very quiet funeral. Kudos to his wife for not being part of the show, I guess. Poor beneficiary of bad $.

15 Charles Johnson  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:50:27pm

Classic. Riehl followed me, but also blocked me.

What you're seeing in this post really is the developing right wing business model. They're dropping all pretense at policing their sites, because it's clear that overt racism gets them lots of traffic. If Drudge linked to this ugly post, that's good for hundreds of thousands of hits.

16 erik_t  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:51:25pm

re: #15 Charles Johnson

Frankly, hate speech legislation sounds more attractive by the day.

I do not feel my discourse being enriched.

17 elizajane  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:55:21pm

What is this sudden fear of hoodies? Everybody wears hoodies. My cute Asian-type, soccer-playing, church-going, ballet-loving kiddos wear hoodies. Their little blonde cheer-leader friends wear hoodies. What memo have we failed to receive, here in this boring, whitebread, law-abiding small town? Or is there some linguistic hoodie-hoodlum confusion stalking the right wing?

18 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:57:05pm

re: #17 elizajane

They know what fear they mean to stoke when they say "hoodie."

19 erik_t  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:57:13pm

re: #17 elizajane

I assume it's just another code-word for 'black'. As we've seen from name-your-right-wing-personality's wearing of hooded sweatshirts, they really think nothing of them.

20 The Gender Ambiguity of a Flea  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:57:27pm

re: #16 erik_t

Frankly, hate speech legislation sounds more attractive by the day.

I do not feel my discourse being enriched.

There's no discourse. The Breitlings, et al, have already invalidated anything Charles...or any of us...say.

To them, truth is defined by affiliation. Therefore they can hold completely contradictory beliefs.

21 Tigger2005  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 5:59:40pm

re: #17 elizajane

What is this sudden fear of hoodies? Everybody wears hoodies. My cute Asian-type, soccer-playing, church-going, ballet-loving kiddos wear hoodies. Their little blonde cheer-leader friends wear hoodies. What memo have we failed to receive, here in this boring, whitebread, law-abiding small town? Or is there some linguistic hoodie-hoodlum confusion stalking the right wing?

It's just a big fat racist dog whistle.

22 Stanghazi  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:00:02pm

re: #17 elizajane

What is this sudden fear of hoodies? Everybody wears hoodies. My cute Asian-type, soccer-playing, church-going, ballet-loving kiddos wear hoodies. Their little blonde cheer-leader friends wear hoodies. What memo have we failed to receive, here in this boring, whitebread, law-abiding small town? Or is there some linguistic hoodie-hoodlum confusion stalking the right wing?

black w/hoodie = threat

to vigelante dude

That is all. I watched on my drive home (I live by a high school) EVERYONE wears hoodies. Probably a good buy for their reasonable, American parents.

23 Stanghazi  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:00:57pm

re: #18 jaunte

They know what fear they mean to stoke when they say "hoodie."

Cept the bs is their own kids wear them. oooh, but they are ok/white.

24 Talking Point Detective  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:08:34pm

Say. Killgore - still around?

Are you aware that on the original police report, Zimmerman was called (in at least one spot) a "white male."

Do you think that cop conferenced with the media before filling out the report to make sure to get the conspiracy straight - or can they just communicate on these issues telepathically?

25 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:11:14pm

Was the gunman wearing pants? Nearly all criminals wear pants. I think it's important that we know this relevant piece of information.

26 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:12:53pm

re: #24 Talking Point Detective

Say. Killgore - still around?

Are you aware that on the original police report, Zimmerman was called (in at least one spot) a "white male."

Do you think that cop conferenced with the media before filling out the report to make sure to get the conspiracy straight - or can they just communicate on these issues telepathically?

I'm well aware. That's where the media got the original idea to report that Zimmerman was a white guy. Once the mug shot came out they had to change it to White Hispanic. I would consider that a flaw in the police report. His physical appearance, to me, is Hispanic not white.

27 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:13:31pm

re: #25 SanFranciscoZionist

Was the gunman wearing pants? Nearly all criminals wear pants. I think it's important that we know this relevant piece of information.

No pants, no crime!

28 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:14:44pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

You know that there's no particular appearance that means "Hispanic," right? That "Hispanic" means "from a Spanish-speaking background" and such a person could be black, white, Native American, Asian, ...?

29 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:15:27pm

Maybe it's time to reread Walden. I found the original copy I read back when I was 19, including my dopey notes in the margins.

30 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:16:28pm

re: #28 Shvaughn

You know that there's no particular appearance that means "Hispanic," right? That "Hispanic" means "from a Spanish-speaking background" and such a person could be black, white, Native American, Asian, ...?

Not interested in derpstorm, try again later.

31 Talking Point Detective  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:19:15pm

re: #28 Shvaughn

You know that there's no particular appearance that means "Hispanic," right? That "Hispanic" means "from a Spanish-speaking background" and such a person could be black, white, Native American, Asian, ...?

The first think that comes to my mind when I see this picture is "HISPANIC."


32 b_sharp  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:19:23pm

B. Sharp ‏ @B_SharpC
.@DanRiehl @Lizardoid Damn Riehl you're stupid. Look up cum hoc ergo propter hoc and affirming the consequent. Hoodie != gangster. #doofus

33 The Gender Ambiguity of a Flea  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:19:42pm
34 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:19:55pm

re: #19 erik_t

I assume it's just another code-word for 'black'. As we've seen from name-your-right-wing-personality's wearing of hooded sweatshirts, they really think nothing of them.

Somehow, when a white man wears a hoodie, it fails to create that scary look.

The reason, of course, is that it's the skin of the wearer, not the clothes on their back, that they are 'reading'.

35 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:20:53pm

re: #30 Killgore Trout

Not interested in derpstorm, try again later.

What an idiotic way to try to be contrarian.

Even in the terms you're talking about-- people describing someone as looking Hisppanic, that can mean anything from them looking quite Native American to them looking pure Spanish. In addition, obviously lots of pure white people are Hispanic, your stupid claim last thread that it was an invention by the media remains stupid. Nearly everyone from Argentina, for example, is a white Hispanic.

This is probably your lamest contrarian effort yet.

36 erik_t  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:21:46pm

re: #35 Obdicut

What an idiotic way to try to be contrarian.

Even in the terms you're talking about-- people describing someone as looking Hisppanic, that can mean anything from them looking quite Native American to them looking pure Spanish. In addition, obviously lots of pure white people are Hispanic, your stupid claim last thread that it was an invention by the media remains stupid. Nearly everyone from Argentina, for example, is a white Hispanic.

This is probably your lamest contrarian effort yet.

None of those groups are 'regular Hispanics'. Like, duh.

37 Talking Point Detective  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:22:03pm



38 b_sharp  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:23:15pm

re: #36 erik_t

None of those groups are 'regular Hispanics'. Like, duh.

Ain't no such thing.

39 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:23:32pm

re: #23 Hoodies for Justice. T

Cept the bs is their own kids wear them. oooh, but they are ok/white.

Their kids wear them, they themselves wear them...

40 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:24:06pm

re: #37 Talking Point Detective

Complete with NSFW popups

41 b_sharp  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:26:27pm

Gus, did you just start following me on Twitter?

42 Talking Point Detective  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:26:34pm

re: #40 Obdicut

Complete with NSFW popups

Oh shit. Sorry about that! Didn't actually hang around long enough to see that.

But when I went back, all I could think of when those pop ups appeared was how "Hispanic" looking Penelope Cruz is.

43 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:27:31pm

re: #41 Bee#

Gus, did you just start following me on Twitter?

Yes. I was following you but for some strange reason I wasn't.

44 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:27:50pm

Twitter seems to have some weird bug like that.

45 b_sharp  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:28:31pm

re: #43 Gus

Yes. I was following you but for some strange reason I wasn't.

OK. I wasn't sure if it was you or a doppelganger.

46 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:29:15pm

re: #45 Bee#

OK. I wasn't sure if it was you or a doppelganger.

Nah. That's me.

47 b_sharp  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:32:02pm

re: #34 SanFranciscoZionist

Somehow, when a white man wears a hoodie, it fails to create that scary look.

The reason, of course, is that it's the skin of the wearer, not the clothes on their back, that they are 'reading'.

You have yet to see me in nothing but a hoodie.

48 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:32:17pm

So this stupid "logic" about hoodies. In that case those shooters in Chicago also used handguns which George Zimmerman used to murder Trayvon Martin...

49 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:35:00pm

There is are two issues here with regard to this whole "white Hispanic" thing.

The first is definitional -- whether "Hispanic" and "white" are mutually exclusive categories (they're not).

The second is whether any particular Hispanic person fits the "white" category, and who gets to judge that.

KT's problems are twofold:

1. He claimed that the "white Hispanic" category was made up by the media, and that since Zimmerman is Hispanic, he's automatically not "white" (but "regular Hispanic" or something).

2. He's claiming that Zimmerman is (non-white) Hispanic based on KT's own subjective interpretation -- in other words, he looks Hispanic to me, so he's Hispanic, just look at him!

The correct way to determine if someone is Hispanic, is white, etc. is to go by that person's self-identification, not by one's own subjective experience of looking at a couple pictures of them. Zimmerman's family have (apparently) said that he is Hispanic, so that settles it. If he doesn't identify as white, then he's not white.

But again, the question is whether it's important to say that a black boy was shot by a Hispanic man or a white man; ultimately it seems that the only people who care about this are racist white race warriors.

50 William of Orange  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:35:25pm

Keith Olbermann fired by Current TV!

Spitzer takes over his slot.

For nearly a year now, Al Gore and Joel Hyatt have been building their liberal cable news channel, Current TV, with the mercurial television anchorman Keith Olbermann at its center.

This week, the center collapsed.

Current said on Friday afternoon that it had fired Mr. Olbermann — one of the nation’s most prominent progressive speakers — just a year into his five-year, $50 million contract. It was the culmination of months of murky disputes between Mr. Olbermann and the channel that he was supposed to save from the throes of ratings oblivion.

Yet as inevitable as it might have seemed to some in the television business who know the long history of antipathy between Mr. Olbermann and his employers, it was nonetheless shocking to his fans, to his detractors and to staff members at Current when the announcement was made.

Forty-five minutes afterward, in a stream of Twitter messages, Mr. Olbermann threatened to take legal action against the channel and said its claims about him were untrue. In part because of the prospect of litigation, executives at Current declined to comment on the firing on Friday. But they immediately named as his replacement Eliot L. Spitzer, the former governor of New York, who took over Mr. Olbermann’s 8 p.m. time slot on Friday night. It represents Mr. Spitzer’s second shot at an 8 p.m. talk show; in 2010, two years after he resigned the governorship after he admitted having patronized a prostitution ring, he led a short-lived show on CNN. It was canceled in mid-2011.

Call me shocked really.

51 Charles Johnson  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:36:21pm

re: #45 Bee#

OK. I wasn't sure if it was you or a doppelganger.

You can check that kind of thing by looking at an LGF user's profile, and clicking the Follow button. It will show you their Twitter handle.

52 Talking Point Detective  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:42:48pm

re: #49 Shvaughn

The correct way to determine if someone is Hispanic, is white, etc. is to go by that person's self-identification, not by one's own subjective experience of looking at a couple pictures of them. Zimmerman's family have (apparently) said that he is Hispanic, so that settles it. If he doesn't identify as white, then he's not white.

OK - I buy that. But cops don't ask families how they identify when they fill out a police report. The one cop identified Zimmerman as a white male. So, is it then the responsibility of the press to interview the family to see how Zimmerman's families identifies his racial/ethnic identity?

The point is that KT is, again, reconstructing events to fit his agenda. This particular agenda item is that the press is "stoking" racial animosity. That's bullshit.

The racial tensions are there, and what happens in the press reflects those racial tensions. Of course the press is exploiting sensationalism to sell their product. That's a given.

But the meme that the press is "stoking" racial animosity (along with the rightwing "race-baiter" meme) serves a very specific, and specious, rightwing agenda: that racial problems only exist because of libruls and the librul lamestream media.

That KT doesn't see the overlap between his agenda and that of the extremists he says he abhors is to his own discredit.

53 wrenchwench  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:51:01pm

The people who feel misled by photos of Trayvon taken when he was 14 years old when actually he was 17 years and three weeks old at the time of his death are saying that media outlets using those photos are trying to make things look worse than they actually are. They are saying that, whatever you think of a 17 year old kid getting shot by a neighborhood watch guy for wearing a hoodie while black, it would have been worse if the kid was at least 2 and a half years younger than he was when he died, or at least 2 and a half years older than how he looks in those photos.

17 year olds are kids. I apologize to the 17 year olds out there, because I know I was very wise and mature and adult when I was seventeen, but 17 year olds are children. It's hard to remember that when they are six feet tall.

54 erik_t  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:58:21pm

re: #53 wrenchwench

17 year olds are kids. I apologize to the 17 year olds out there, because I know I was very wise and mature and adult when I was seventeen, but 17 year olds are children. It's hard to remember that when they are six feet tall.

We were all fully rational and mature and adult-ish when we were 17. It's just every single other seventeen-year-old on earth that gave the rest of us a bad name.


55 b_sharp  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 6:58:43pm

re: #53 wrenchwench

The people who feel misled by photos of Trayvon taken when he was 14 years old when actually he was 17 years and three weeks old at the time of his death are saying that media outlets using those photos are trying to make things look worse than they actually are. They are saying that, whatever you think of a 17 year old kid getting shot by a neighborhood watch guy for wearing a hoodie while black, it would have been worse if the kid was at least 2 and a half years younger than he was when he died, or at least 2 and a half years older than how he looks in those photos.

17 year olds are kids. I apologize to the 17 year olds out there, because I know I was very wise and mature and adult when I was seventeen, but 17 year olds are children. It's hard to remember that when they are six feet tall.

His age is irrelevant.
The hoodie is irrelevant.
The amount of melanin in his skin (Zimmerman) is irrelevant.

What is relevant is Zimmerman is a cop wanna-be who overstepped his bounds playing a stupid game and someone else paid the ultimate price for it.

56 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:02:31pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

I'm well aware. That's where the media got the original idea to report that Zimmerman was a white guy. Once the mug shot came out they had to change it to White Hispanic. I would consider that a flaw in the police report. His physical appearance, to me, is Hispanic not white.

Killgore, I agree with you to some extent, although I wouldn't blink if the dude was described as white. He does 'look' Latino, by which I mean with some indescribable combination of Indian and Spanish ancestry (light on the Indio, obviously) that makes him look like a lot of Latino guys I know.

If I'd never seen George Zimmerman before, and was shown that mugshot, I'd probably say 'white, maybe Latino'. Or 'Latino, maybe white.'

'White Latino', or 'White Hispanic' is a phrase which, albeit one I've heard many times before, is not normally used by the press to describe an individual, and it is being used in this case. I hadn't noticed, but I did some checking, and the phrase is going around, not just in Breitbartian circles.

The police report--let's just say that there seem to have been bigger flaws in the police report than not realizing the guy was part Peruvian on sight.

What I don't get is how seriously you seem to take it, and how much emphasis you seem to put on your personal conviction that dude doesn't look white. Seriously, who gives a shit how the press is attempting to describe Zimmerman? What they're saying is clunky and unusual, but not actually inaccurate. Why should I give a damn?

Ruben Navarette has some thoughts about the whole thing that are quite interesting.


Some of these I agree with, but I don't see them having much impact on the case, and how I see it.

57 Charles Johnson  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:02:34pm

In other news, the lawsuit by unpaid bloggers against AOL and Arianna Huffington was tossed out today.

If they'd asked me, I could have told them: if you don't value your own work, no one else will, either. And it's too late to complain when the person who benefitted from your unpaid work gets paid.

58 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:04:51pm

My take is that the outrage around the country isn't about what Zimmerman did. Its all about what the Sanford police didn't do. They are running interference for a killer.

59 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:06:02pm

re: #58 Mich-again

My take is that the outrage around the country isn't about what Zimmerman did. Its all about what the Sanford police didn't do. They are running interference for a killer.

For me it's both.

60 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:07:14pm

re: #57 Charles Johnson

if you don't value your own work, no one else will, either. And it's too late to complain when the person who benefitted from your unpaid work gets paid.

Word up!

61 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:08:34pm

re: #59 Shvaughn

Yeah I get that, but if Zimmerman gets arrested for manslaughter, this story would not have blown up like it did. When people lose faith in law enforcement, all hell breaks loose.

62 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:09:21pm
63 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:11:57pm

And the SYG law, which the NRA promoted and is pushing in other states as well will end up setting the NRA back. They pushed the pendulum too far and now it is going to swing back.

64 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:13:01pm

re: #63 Mich-again

And the SYG law, which the NRA promoted and is pushing in other states as well will end up setting the NRA back. They pushed the pendulum too far and now it is going to swing back.

And more than just the legal effects, Zimmerman's actions hurt CCW and other gun owners everywhere.

65 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:14:49pm

re: #63 Mich-again

And the SYG law, which the NRA promoted and is pushing in other states as well will end up setting the NRA back. They pushed the pendulum too far and now it is going to swing back.

I haven't seen any signs yet of the pendulum swinging back. Has anything started yet on this, or is it just the assumption that SYG laws will be harder to pass in the future?

66 Charles Johnson  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:15:55pm

And by the way, if LGF reaches the point where I'm actually profiting from LGF Pages, and someone buys me out for $20 million, I'll find a way to compensate the authors who helped it reach that point. I wish I could do it now, but it's not possible.

67 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:16:59pm

re: #64 Obdicut

And more than just the legal effects, Zimmerman's actions hurt CCW and other gun owners everywhere.


68 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:17:16pm

re: #64 Obdicut

And more than just the legal effects, Zimmerman's actions hurt CCW and other gun owners everywhere.

I cant imagine this story convinced a single person that America would be safer if more people carried guns around.

69 Mattand  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:18:35pm

re: #56 SanFranciscoZionist

The police report--let's just say that there seem to have been bigger flaws in the police report than not realizing the guy was part Peruvian on sight.

What I don't get is how seriously you seem to take it, and how much emphasis you seem to put on your personal conviction that dude doesn't look white. Seriously, who gives a shit how the press is attempting to describe Zimmerman? What they're saying is clunky and unusual, but not actually inaccurate. Why should I give a damn?

This is the same shit that Fox News and every two-bit racist worth his flaming cross has been pushing since this case went national.

This is what I was bitching about the other day. I just am not getting why so many conservatives are putting this much work into pushing this meme.

Are you guys that out of touch with your humanity and empathy?

70 Interesting Times  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:19:18pm

re: #68 Mich-again

I cant imagine this story convinced a single person that America would be safer if more people carried guns around.

It's convinced me that Florida is not exactly a desirable destination for my tourist dollars as long as this "Yee-haw! You can shoot anyone you want and get away with it!" law is in effect.

71 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:20:44pm

re: #67 Altar Boy of Darwinism


By making people scared of people carrying guns around all over again.

72 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:21:54pm

re: #65 Shvaughn

I do think that existing SYG laws will end up being revised to preclude using the defense after initiating the confrontation and that it will be just about impossible to pass the law anywhere new.

73 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:21:58pm

re: #70 Interesting Times

It's convinced me that Florida is not exactly a desirable destination for my tourist dollars as long as this "Yee-haw! You can shoot anyone you want and get away with it!" law is in effect.

It's not the only one...


74 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:23:00pm

Hey all!

How is life this evening?

75 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:23:02pm

re: #71 Obdicut

By making people scared of people carrying guns around all over again.

Okay, I can see that. I don't see any laws changing any time soon, though.

76 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:24:07pm

re: #74 ggt

Hey all!

How is life this evening?

Empty and meaningless...

And hi right back atcha!

77 Romantic Heretic  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:24:09pm

re: #8 Daniel Ballard

If you just can not understand those who enjoy hate so much have no worry. You are better off not imagining the inside of those heads.

I don't think they like hate so much as they need it. The same way a crackhead needs his fix or an alcoholic her bottle.

Their bodies just don't operate properly unless flooded with the drug they are addicted to. Which in their case is all the hormones that heir hate triggers.

78 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:24:51pm

re: #70 Interesting Times

It's convinced me that Florida is not exactly a desirable destination for my tourist dollars as long as this "Yee-haw! You can shoot anyone you want and get away with it!" law is in effect.

Good point. There are too many other places in the USA to spend my family's vacation budget than in Florida where apparently anyone can get shot by paranoid nutjobs roaming the streets carrying guns looking to start confrontations so they can kill people. F off Mickey.

79 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:27:07pm

IANSA hearings/debate/whatever it is called is coming again this year. Last time around US Ambassador to the UN at the time, John Bolton, made it clear that the US would not agree to any action that violated the US Constitution.

Wonder how it will turn out this time.

I haven't been paying attention, so I am not sure exactly what is at stake.

80 JamesWI  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:28:15pm

re: #66 Charles Johnson

And by the way, if LGF reaches the point where I'm actually profiting from LGF Pages, and someone buys me out for $20 million, I'll find a way to compensate the authors who helped it reach that point. I wish I could do it now, but it's not possible.

Someone save this comment for future legal squabbles. :P

81 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:29:50pm

re: #78 Mich-again

Good point. There are too many other places in the USA to spend my family's vacation budget than in Florida where apparently anyone can get shot by paranoid nutjobs roaming the streets carrying guns looking to start confrontations so they can kill people. F off Mickey.

Really? You sound like the people from other countries who are afraid to come to Chicago because of Al Capone.

If you let the bullys affect your behavior, they have won.

82 Charles Johnson  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:32:05pm

re: #80 JamesWI

Someone save this comment for future legal squabbles. :P

Wouldn't have posted it if I didn't mean it.

83 Talking Point Detective  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:34:42pm

re: #77 Romantic Heretic

I don't think they like hate so much as they need it. The same way a crackhead needs his fix or an alcoholic her bottle.

Their bodies just don't operate properly unless flooded with the drug they are addicted to. Which in their case is all the hormones that heir hate triggers.

Hyperbolic in a way, but also true. Psychological research suggests that confirming one's beliefs actually releases chemicals in the brain that elevate mood, just as confronting beliefs that contradict our cherished ideology releases chemicals that make us feel shitty. We start with ideological predisposition and then fit reality into that ideology because of dopamine.

Around 7:30 in - a discussion of neurological/addiction aspect of partisan loyalties.


84 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:35:00pm

re: #64 Obdicut

And more than just the legal effects, Zimmerman's actions hurt CCW and other gun owners everywhere.

I don't know the answer Obdicut.

Self-defense is THE hallmark of a free person. I'm hoping that the gadget guru's will come up with a phaser or some such practicle device that will disable, but not kill the majority of people it is used against. Such a weapon would make traditional firearms obsolete. It would seem inevitable that in our sci-fi world, such a kewl thing would be on the market.

There are some useful things out there, pepper spray, those funky flashlights and tasers, but they haven't caught on.

85 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:36:11pm


86 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:37:28pm

re: #81 ggt

If this is what people and politicians in Florida want, good for them. There are lots of other great places to see in the USA.

87 prairiefire  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:40:17pm

re: #74 ggt

Hey all!

How is life this evening?


88 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:40:36pm

re: #84 ggt

Self-defense is THE hallmark of a free person.

But this isn't a case of self defense. This was a nut carrying around a gun looking for trouble.

89 Political Atheist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:47:50pm

re: #82 Charles Johnson

I'll make you the same promise the other way around. If something I put here goes viral like an embedded short video or photo, we share the adshare proceeds.

90 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:49:54pm
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone."

Henry David Thoreau

91 The Gender Ambiguity of a Flea  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:54:16pm

re: #84 ggt

I don't know the answer Obdicut.

Self-defense is THE hallmark of a free person. I'm hoping that the gadget guru's will come up with a phaser or some such practicle device that will disable, but not kill the majority of people it is used against. Such a weapon would make traditional firearms obsolete. It would seem inevitable that in our sci-fi world, such a kewl thing would be on the market.

There are some useful things out there, pepper spray, those funky flashlights and tasers, but they haven't caught on.

Self-defense is the distinguishing characteristic of a free person?

I'm not saying this with antagonism, but do you think you could extrapolate on that concept, philosophically? I guess my own idea of a "hallmark" of freedom would prioritize self-expression.

Subsequently, what's the relationship between the right to self-defense and the right to bear a lethal weapon? Because I have to admit I get a bit nitpicky about that distinction in the discussion of self-defense.

92 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:54:35pm

Today in Reasons to Be Killed If You're Black

Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr., a 68-year-old African-American Marine veteran, was fatally shot in November by White Plains, NY, police who responded to a false alarm from his medical alert pendant. The officers broke down Chamberlain’s door, tasered him, and then shot him dead.

93 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:55:29pm

re: #88 Mich-again

But this isn't a case of self defense. This was a nut carrying around a gun looking for trouble.

I agree.

The quandry is how do you guarantee access to weapons for self-defense for the law-abiding that won't do irreparable damage when/if used by the mentally ill or the habitually irresponsible?

With over 3M people in the country it is impossible to keep control of legal weapons, much less illegal ones.

94 Political Atheist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:57:22pm

re: #64 Obdicut

And more than just the legal effects, Zimmerman's actions hurt CCW and other gun owners everywhere.


95 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:57:31pm

re: #91 The Ghost of a Flea

Self-defense is the distinguishing characteristic of a free person?

I'm not saying this with antagonism, but do you think you could extrapolate on that concept, philosophically? I guess my own idea of a "hallmark" of freedom would prioritize self-expression.

Subsequently, what's the relationship between the right to self-defense and the right to bear a lethal weapon? Because I have to admit I get a bit nitpicky about that distinction in the discussion of self-defense.

From Sumarians to the Greeks, Romans, English Common Law and our own Slave Codes in the South, a slave could not "carry arms".

The history on this is long and detailed.

96 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 7:57:53pm
97 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:03:23pm

re: #92 jaunte

Today in Reasons to Be Killed If You're Black

Yikes. That's in my county, just 12 miles north of here.

98 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:05:29pm

re: #93 ggt

The quandry is how do you guarantee access to weapons for self-defense for the law-abiding that won't do irreparable damage when/if used by the mentally ill or the habitually irresponsible?

Well it gets even more complicated when people like Zimmerman who should have felony convictions on their record get preferential treatment from the law because daddy is a Federal Magistrate. And that in turn allows that person to obtain the CCW when they wouldn't have been eligible otherwise. Zimmerman had 3 separate incidents where he was charged by Florida police, including resisting arrest with force, but for some unknown reason the prosecutors withdrew the charges.

99 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:05:50pm

One Example:

A slave was not permitted to keep a gun. If caught carrying a gun, the slave received 39 lashes and forfeited the gun. Blacks were held incompetent as witnesses in legal cases involving whites. The education of slaves was prohibited. Anyone operating a school or teaching reading and writing to any African-American in Missouri could be punished by a fine of not less than $500 and up to six months in jail. Slaves could not assemble without a white person present. Marriages between slaves were not considered legally binding. Therefore, owners were free to split up families through sale.

I'm not going to do any more research tonite. But I think the above is sufficient to show that rather recently in history, in this country it was an issue.

It's not going away.

100 Political Atheist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:05:51pm

re: #84 ggt

I don't know the answer Obdicut.

Self-defense is THE hallmark of a free person. I'm hoping that the gadget guru's will come up with a phaser or some such practicle device that will disable, but not kill the majority of people it is used against. Such a weapon would make traditional firearms obsolete. It would seem inevitable that in our sci-fi world, such a kewl thing would be on the market.

There are some useful things out there, pepper spray, those funky flashlights and tasers, but they haven't caught on.

So true. Slaves and prisoners lose that right. Oppressed minorities lose that right to tyrants.

I also have to point out that non lethal weapons have not "caught on" because it is a felony for a civilian to have one. I might get a CCW for my .45 But I can not get a permit to carry a taser gun. Of course a tazer could be a terrible weapon of torture. The pepper spray we can have is 1/10th the strength of what cops get. I'll presume possible abuse is why you and I can not have them. But consider if you will what that does to our choices as free people who have homes and lives to defend. . We get what is legal to have. Because we are law abiding people. The ones at a natural disadvantage in a fight.

So I don't have a tazer. I have a .45 I would like to have tazer. I'll take the classes and register. I'll go by the rules. But we may not apply to have that tool.

101 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:06:53pm

re: #92 jaunte

we don't need secret police in America

they just execute you randomly out in the open, no secrecy needed

102 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:07:16pm

re: #98 Mich-again

Well it gets even more complicated when people like Zimmerman who should have felony convictions on their record get preferential treatment from the law because daddy is a Federal Magistrate. And that in turn allows that person to obtain the CCW when they wouldn't have been eligible otherwise. Zimmerman had 3 separate incidents where he was charged by Florida police, including resisting arrest with force, that for some unknown reason the prosecutors withdrew the charges.


When current Federal Firearms Laws should be sufficient to prevent it. But no matter how many laws we pass, people who shouldn't have guns have them and will continue to have them. Criminals don't follow laws --sometimes they do it blatantly, and sometimes they work the system.

It is a huge quandry.

103 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:07:38pm

Maher on Romney's car elevator: "I'm not worried that he's out of touch, I'm worried that he's Batman."

104 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:08:18pm

re: #64 Obdicut

And more than just the legal effects, Zimmerman's actions hurt CCW and other gun owners everywhere.

That is a truth.

105 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:08:22pm

re: #98 Mich-again

Well it gets even more complicated when people like Zimmerman who should have felony convictions on their record get preferential treatment from the law because daddy is a Federal Magistrate. And that in turn allows that person to obtain the CCW when they wouldn't have been eligible otherwise. Zimmerman had 3 separate incidents where he was charged by Florida police, including resisting arrest with force, but for some unknown reason the prosecutors withdrew the charges.

We don't know for sure that he got special treatment because of his father. It could have been that in the previous incidents, he didn't do it or there wasn't evidence.

106 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:09:08pm

re: #100 Daniel Ballard

So true. Slaves and prisoners lose that right. Oppressed minorities lose that right to tyrants.

I also have to point out that less on non lethal weapons have not "caught on" because it is a felony for a civilian to have one. I might get a CCW for my .45 But I can not get a permit to carry a taser gun. Of course a tazer could be a terrible weapon of torture. The pepper spray we can have is 1/10th the strength of what cops get. I'll presume possible abuse is why you and I can not have them. But consider if you will what that does to our choices as free people who have homes and lives to defend. . We get what is legal to have. Because we are law abiding people. The ones at a natural disadvantage in a fight.

So I don't have a tazer. I have a .45 I would like to have tazer. I'll take the classes and register. I'll go by the rules. But we may not apply to have that tool.

I really want one of those Surefire flashlight thingys that temporarily imbalance a person --like in Rear Window --with the flash bulb.

THAT seems like the perfect weapon if you have time to get to safety and a place to go.

107 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:09:23pm

re: #101 windupbird is in the gravity well

Marine veteran, retired corrections officer, an alarm from a medical pendant. None of that seems to matter when race is in the picture.

108 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:10:55pm

re: #105 Shvaughn

We don't know for sure that he got special treatment because of his father. It could have been that in the previous incidents, he didn't do it or there wasn't evidence.

Regardless, with such a history, you think his father and family would have prevented him from having a weapon.

It's not just law enforcement, it's friends and family that need to step in.

My family has done it, I know others that have too. With his father being an ex-judge, you really have to wonder about the whole family, IMHO.

109 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:10:55pm

I am so sorry to hear that gun owners have been hurt by George Zimmerman.

110 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:10:56pm

re: #107 jaunte

Marine veteran, retired corrections officer, an alarm from a medical pendant. None of that seems to matter when race is in the picture.

I imagine it has the opposite effect, if you're a certain strain of officer

sensing weakness, perfect time to attack, and all that

111 Tigger2005  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:11:19pm

This is a conversation between me and my brother. Of course, my brother's comments are in quotes.

***** bought a house last year over by 291 and 24.. he won't live in a black neighborhood.. he doesn't even feel safe going to a gas station down on Van Brunt where he works.. He is a good guy but he is kind of racist.. he notices if white people are watching him in stores but he doesn't even trust black people and he is BLACK!!!
I told you in a previous massage i have a very good black friend that doesn't even trust his own race,, yet he wonders why people look at him when he goes into stores ... YOU CAN't HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. Mos t of the black guys I worked with for 27 years carry guns... Do you think they are protecting themselves againt white people???

He was in his car with a 9mm weapon. He was told not to pursue. He should not have been anywhere near Martin. Why can't you grasp these simple facts. Good night.

******* is in the zip code of the HIGHEST muder rate in Missouri.. there was at least 2 people shot nIN our parking lot... I am supposed to trust anybody???

He was in his car with a 9mm weapon. He was told not to pursue. He did not have to be anywhere near Martin. Why can't you grasp these simple facts? Good night.

he was attacked by trayvon
good night
youy will find out how fucking stupid you are some day
me and ***** were sitting in front of her house one night and caught some guy sneaking around.. he had a ski mask on.. he came within 10 feet of my truck.. I got out of my truck to confront him.. I guess if I
chased him down and shot him I would be a racist killer even if I didn't know what race he was. My adrenaline was probably the highest it has ever in my life. you have probably never been in a situation like that. it is scary and you don't think clearly.

So when one of your "very good black friends" gets killed by some paranoid wanna-be cop with a history of violence, you're going to be really understanding of the killer aren't you Mitch? And yeah, guy in car with 9mm weapon was "attacked" by 17 year old with iced tea and bag of Skittles (and no history of violence) who was talking on the phone with his girlfriend. And even if Trayvon really did "attack" Zimmerman...why shouldn't he? Zimmerman was chasing and harassing him. Zimmerman wasn't a cop. How would you like it, Mitch? If someone was chasing after you, probably yelling, giving you shit for no reason, someone who didn't identify him as a cop and wasn't in uniform, and he caught up to you and grabbed your coat or wouldn't do anything to defend yourself? You wouldn't possibly just react?

The fact is that blacks commit more crimes so they are regarded with more suspicion.. call it racist or racial profiling.. I don't care.. it is a FACT.. too bad if it causes some extra deaths over what they inflict on themselves.. stop hiding your head in the sand and denying the reasons why blacks are not trusted.


so you think he shot him for NO reason? I have said from the beginning he shouldn't have followed him but I will defend his right to defend himself
several break ins in the nieghborhood was no reason?

And damn right I would call you a racist killer if you chased down someone who wasn't doing anything and shot him

how do you knoe trayvon wasnt responsible for them?
oh some some guy with a ski mask on at 2 am sneaking up to my truck "wasn't doing anything"
the only reason i didnt run over the mother fucker was bcuz ***** was freaking out
i found where he parked his car and i was waiting for him


112 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:12:11pm

re: #105 Shvaughn

We don't know for sure that he got special treatment because of his father. It could have been that in the previous incidents, he didn't do it or there wasn't evidence.

Well when someone is charged with resisting arrest with force, that means there was at least one policeman, probably more who were right there as witnesses. If I had to guess at one charge that would be about impossible to shake, its resisting arrest with force. That the charges were simply dropped is telling.

113 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:13:43pm

I wonder how many black people have been killed by people covered by laws the NRA lobbied for

114 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:14:03pm

Damn it! I didn't win. I had plans! Plans I tells ya!


115 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:14:41pm

re: #108 ggt

Regardless, with such a history, you think his father and family would have prevented him from having a weapon.

It's not just law enforcement, it's friends and family that need to step in.

I think you're being kind of ridiculous here. The dropped charges against Zimmerman aren't serious enough -- especially when dropped -- for his family to take his guns away from him.

He's a grown man with a legal right to own those guns. When you're in your 20s, you don't need parental permission to carry.

116 prairiefire  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:15:35pm

re: #111 Tigger2005

Hang in there. I think good ol' Missouri is going through a racial acceptance growth spurt. Especially since that black guy in the White House is telling them they have to buy insurance.

117 Political Atheist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:17:48pm

re: #106 ggt

I really want one of those Surefire flashlight thingys that temporarily imbalance a person --like in Rear Window --with the flash bulb.

THAT seems like the perfect weapon if you have time to get to safety and a place to go.

I like to think the smart play is pick your tools to what suits you. Like folks that don't like weapons can choose better doors, locks and maybe an alarm system. And that flashlight.

118 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:17:58pm

re: #115 Shvaughn

I think you're being kind of ridiculous here. The dropped charges against Zimmerman aren't serious enough -- especially when dropped -- for his family to take his guns away from him.

He's a grown man with a legal right to own those guns. When you're in your 20s, you don't need parental permission to carry.

If you know a family member has a history violence or drugs or whatever that would disqualify them from owning a firearm, responsible family members take action.

Sorry if you think that is ridiculous. I think this situation shows us that it takes more than laws and law enforcement. If he had the legal right, but shouldn't have owned a gun, who else but the family can step-in?

119 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:18:24pm

re: #117 Daniel Ballard

I like to think the smart play is pick your tools to what suits you. Like folks that don't like weapons can choose better doors, locks and maybe an alarm system. And that flashlight.

Big dog.

120 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:18:57pm
Conservatives with high school degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and graduate degrees all experienced greater distrust in science over time....In addition...conservatives with college degrees decline more quickly than those with only a high school degree []. These results are quite profound, because they imply that conservative discontent with science was not attributable to the uneducated but to rising distrust among educated conservatives.

Brainwashing. it works

121 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:19:31pm

And another thing about Florida gun laws. The state made a law that severely fines and penalizes any local politicians or officials who dare to impose on the State's right to rule on all firearm issues. Ordinance No. 2011-4254 It might explain why the police in Sanford placed a call to the State AG office for what to do next with Zimmerman. Maybe they didn't want to be subject to being fired and getting stuck with a $5,000 fine.

122 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:19:38pm

re: #120 windupbird is in the gravity well

Brainwashing. it works

Athiests are all Communists --donchya know?


123 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:21:31pm

re: #115 Shvaughn

He's a grown man with a legal right to own those guns. When you're in your 20s, you don't need parental permission to carry.

He was a grown man when he was arrested and charged on 3 occasions with Domestic Violence, Resisting Arrest, and Resisting Arrest with Force. That didn't stop daddy from stepping in then to keep junior out of the system.

124 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:22:56pm

re: #121 Mich-again

And another thing about Florida gun laws. The state made a law that severely fines and penalizes any local politicians or officials who dare to impose on the State's right to rule on all firearm issues. Ordinance No. 2011-4254 It might explain why the police in Sanford placed a call to the State AG office for what to do next with Zimmerman. Maybe they didn't want to be subject to being fired and getting stuck with a $5,000 fine.

There was another situation in Florida, years ago. ummmm, something about a string of rapes and advertising that the loca police department was going to hold classes to train women to use firearms --rapes all but stopped.

Anyone remember what City that was? I don't know how to begin to google it.

I'm just trying to show some of the precedence for the situation we are in.

Florida seems to figure a lot in the history of it all --LOL.

125 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:22:57pm

re: #98 Mich-again

Well it gets even more complicated when people like Zimmerman who should have felony convictions on their record get preferential treatment from the law because daddy is a Federal Magistrate. And that in turn allows that person to obtain the CCW when they wouldn't have been eligible otherwise. Zimmerman had 3 separate incidents where he was charged by Florida police, including resisting arrest with force, but for some unknown reason the prosecutors withdrew the charges.

Some of it may have been the fact that even if the elder Zimmerman didn't have much political pull, like most judges (even retired ones) he would likely have been able to engage the services of a first rate defense attorney. And police are sometimes less willing to try to press charges when it means facing a good lawyer in court.

126 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:23:14pm

re: #123 Mich-again

He was a grown man when he was arrested and charged on 3 occasions with Domestic Violence, Resisting Arrest, and Resisting Arrest with Force. That didn't stop daddy from stepping in then to keep junior out of the system.

something tells me that being black in florida, one would expect a different outcome to Resisting Arrest with Force, likely one that ends with bullets and a toe tag

127 [deleted]  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:24:03pm
128 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:24:50pm

re: #126 windupbird is in the gravity well

something tells me that being black in florida, one would expect a different outcome to Resisting Arrest with Force, likely one that ends with bullets and a toe tag

One would think SYG laws would work both ways --no?

I'd like to see more stats on this, but I have a headache and it's late and I don't want to think or research anymore.

129 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:25:24pm

re: #127 MikeySDCA

OT: Just out of curiosity I just checked out the California Lottery site. It's crashed. The MegaMillions official site hasn't posted the winning numbers.

I won.
So says this superlaser aimed at your planet.

130 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:25:32pm

re: #128 ggt

One would think SYG laws would work both ways --no?

I'd like to see more stats on this, but I have a headache and it's late and I don't want to think or research anymore.

I am, shall we say, not convinced of the colorblindness of Florida authorities? :-)

131 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:25:39pm

re: #127 MikeySDCA

OT: Just out of curiosity I just checked out the California Lottery site. It's crashed. The MegaMillions official site hasn't posted the winning numbers.

I got one number. I should know! I checked it at least 100 times already.


132 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:26:02pm

re: #127 MikeySDCA

OT: Just out of curiosity I just checked out the California Lottery site. It's crashed. The MegaMillions official site hasn't posted the winning numbers.

Meh. I'm patient. Not like I can collect it right now anyway...

133 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:26:15pm
Clearly, any campaign to reduce unintended pregnancy must be coupled with a comprehensive program of sex education and easily accessible options for contraceptive health.

American Congress of OB's and GYN's

But, that might be science --huh?

134 abolitionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:26:26pm

re: #113 windupbird is in the gravity well

I wonder how many black people have been killed by people covered by laws the NRA lobbied for

Charlton Heston's legacy is definitely what I'd call mixed.

135 Lidane  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:26:47pm

Still broke. Boo.

If any Lizards won the lottery tonight, I'll gladly offer my services in writing your letters of resignation from work, school, etc. for the low price of $25k a word.

136 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:27:11pm

OT But Funny: From Andy Borowitz:

Osama bin Laden had 5 houses and 4 wives, making him a cross between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich.

137 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:28:40pm
A single winner could claim yearly payments or a one-time cash option of $462 million, Mega Millions spokeswoman Kelly Cripe said.


138 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:29:51pm

I can't even imagine what my attorney would do if we won.

I'm thinking about 12 trusts and at least one annuity.

139 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:30:17pm

re: #138 ggt

I can't even imagine what my attorney would do if we won.

I'm thinking about 12 trusts and at least one annuity.

Give it to me?

140 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:30:28pm

The accountant would probably cream . . .you know.

141 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:30:53pm

re: #139 Varek Raith

Give it to me?

You'd have to set up a 501 (c) 3 --I'd need the deduction.

142 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:31:33pm

re: #141 ggt

You'd have to set up a 501 (c) 3 --I'd need the deduction.

Mongo be tax shelter?

143 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:31:35pm

Can you collect from the Caymans?

144 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:32:21pm

re: #142 Varek Raith

Mongo be tax shelter?

You set up a fund for the undead to be?

I'm assuming it isn't something a person can generally plan for.

145 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:32:25pm

And how does a guy get a free pass for making 46 nuisance calls to 911 over his years as a volunteer neighborhood watchman and the cops never told him to cut it out. There must be a good reason.

146 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:32:50pm

re: #118 ggt

If you know a family member has a history violence or drugs or whatever that would disqualify them from owning a firearm, responsible family members take action.

Zimmerman didn't have a history that would disqualify him from owning a firearm.

Well, he does now, but didn't before.

147 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:33:14pm

re: #145 Mich-again

And how does a guy get a free pass for making 46 nuisance calls to 911 over his years as a volunteer neighborhood watchman and the cops never told him to cut it out. There must be a good reason.

I thought Charles said he wasn't even an official member of the Neighborhood Watch.

You'd think he'd be on the Nutcase list from the sound of it.

148 freetoken  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:33:39pm

The more reading I do on anthropology, genetics, and human evolution the more I am realizing how absurd our fascination with certain "race" categories into which we want to pigeonhole people, and furthermore how silly (to go along with being repugnant) the frothy whine of racists truly are.

As last weeks premier shows of Finding Your Roots tried to illustrate, with Henry Gates getting DNA tests of his buddies in the barbershop, someone can visually be tagged as "black" yet have over 50% of European ancestry. Furthermore, there are so many groups of people in this world who have dark skin and yet are not of recent African origin.

So our obsession with skin color and what it is supposed to mean is a perpetuation of our social class struggles from antebellum America as well as the post Civil War chaos (reconstruction in the South, and mass migration of previous slaves to the manufacturing cities of the North.)

The writers at and their loyal readership who spew all this ugly racist stuff are playing very old tunes because it resonates with them, for some reason. I don't really know if they are trying to convince themselves of being in a victimized group themselves, or if this is just generalized hatred that is being expressed at the nearest, most convenient, target.

149 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:33:48pm

re: #146 Shvaughn

Zimmerman didn't have a history that would disqualify him from owning a firearm.

Well, he does now, but didn't before.

Does he now?

150 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:34:35pm

re: #123 Mich-again

He was a grown man when he was arrested and charged on 3 occasions with Domestic Violence, Resisting Arrest, and Resisting Arrest with Force. That didn't stop daddy from stepping in then to keep junior out of the system.

Do you have any proof of this, or is it still just speculation that his father intervened?

151 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:34:40pm

re: #149 ggt

Does he now?

It doesn't seem so.

152 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:35:27pm

re: #143 ggt

Can you collect from the Caymans?

Funny. I thought about something like that earlier. Nah. On these amounts they don't wait for you to do the taxes on them.

The prize tonight was 640 million. Cash payout was indicated as 463 million. After taxes that's roughly 230 million. They took in 1.5 billion tonight.

153 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:36:23pm

Office pool won $6, split 23 ways #iamrich!"

154 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:36:40pm

My guess. They probably made a little under 1 billion in this deal.

155 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:36:59pm

re: #145 Mich-again

And how does a guy get a free pass for making 46 nuisance calls to 911 over his years as a volunteer neighborhood watchman and the cops never told him to cut it out. There must be a good reason.

"Why was George Zimmerman allowed to run amok?" may well be the cardinal question on this matter.

156 freetoken  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:38:51pm

I've never played a lottery, so I don't keep up on this stuff. Is the California lottery having some sort of special deal? I can't seem to get to their website.

157 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:39:10pm

re: #148 freetoken

The more reading I do on anthropology, genetics, and human evolution the more I am realizing how absurd our fascination with certain "race" categories into which we want to pigeonhole people, and furthermore how silly (to go along with being repugnant) the frothy whine of racists truly are.

As last weeks premier shows of Finding Your Roots tried to illustrate, with Henry Gates getting DNA tests of his buddies in the barbershop, someone can visually be tagged as "black" yet have over 50% of European ancestry. Furthermore, there are so many groups of people in this world who have dark skin and yet are not of recent African origin.

So our obsession with skin color and what it is supposed to mean is a perpetuation of our social class struggles from antebellum America as well as the post Civil War chaos (reconstruction in the South, and mass migration of previous slaves to the manufacturing cities of the North.)

The writers at and their loyal readership who spew all this ugly racist stuff are playing very old tunes because it resonates with them, for some reason. I don't really know if they are trying to convince themselves of being in a victimized group themselves, or if this is just generalized hatred that is being expressed at the nearest, most convenient, target.

The only bearing "race" has is on medical issues and the more the "races" interbreed the less and less that will matter.

People who seem to think race or skin color matters are stuck in a Mythical Fable of the Past.

When reading/listening to the original Tarzan novel a while back I had to laugh because the reason the author gave that Tarzan was able to survive and be such a "leader" of the Jungle was his superior British genes. Seriously.

The need to feel superior is somehow so pervasive. I don't get it, but it doesn't seem that religion has helped much.

Even in some of the old Pearl S. Buck novels about China, people distinguished themselves by skin color --darker people worked in the fields --concubines to the emperor had light skin . . . .

Slaves, serfs etc worked in the fields--darker skin --I guess.

158 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:40:27pm

re: #151 Altar Boy of Darwinism

It doesn't seem so.

If he isn't convicted of a felony or adjudicated mentally ill, he is still eligible to own a firearm under Federal Law--no?

And now that so many people seem want him dead, it seems his claim of needing one for self-defense is demonstrably real.

159 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:41:10pm

re: #153 jaunte

Office pool won $6, split 23 ways #iamrich!"

Let's see. After taxes that would be $3.00 which divided by 23 is 13 cents each.


160 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:41:43pm

I won $0!!!

161 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:42:20pm

Had to fix some numbers there. Hey, I'm in lounge mode here.

162 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:42:23pm

re: #156 freetoken

I've never played a lottery, so I don't keep up on this stuff. Is the California lottery having some sort of special deal? I can't seem to get to their website.

400 or 600M --largest jackpot ever--anywhere?

Your chances of being POTUS are greater than winning this lottery.

163 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:43:08pm

re: #99 ggt

One Example:

I'm not going to do any more research tonite. But I think the above is sufficient to show that rather recently in history, in this country it was an issue.

It's not going away.

The majority of gun control laws have always been about keeping guns out of the hands of the poor and the minorities. Being able to have a $20,000 custom shotgun will always be legal; being able to buy a sub-$100 short barreled revolver rarely is for that reason.

164 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:43:14pm

re: #162 ggt

400 or 600M --largest jackpot ever--anywhere?

Your chances of being POTUS are greater than winning this lottery.

While getting struck by lightning, bitten by a shark and being abducted by aliens at the same time.

165 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:43:44pm

re: #155 Dark_Falcon

"Why was George Zimmerman allowed to run amok?" may well be the cardinal question on this matter.

We've said that same thing about every shooter in the last few years from Columbine to Ft. Hood.

Laws aren't enough.

166 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:43:49pm

re: #150 Shvaughn

Do you have any proof of this, or is it still just speculation that his father intervened?

Having a "resisting arrest with force" charge in Florida simply dropped is proof enough for me of preferential treatment. Maybe it was his 3rd grade math teacher who intervened. ha

167 freetoken  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:46:19pm

re: #157 ggt

The only bearing "race" has is on medical issues and the more the "races" interbreed the less and less that will matter.

But again, even that is not true. "Race" is a construct from the time when early civilizations started to categorize their enemies from distant lands.

And, just because certain Africa-Americans have different alleles that may have bearing on various physical maladies or diseases does not mean that all African populations would be implicated in having these genetics. That's the important part that is missed by almost all westerners - there was more genetic diversity within Africa than there was in the neolithic populations of Europe and western Asia from which most westerners are descended.

168 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:46:54pm
169 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:47:15pm

re: #157 ggt

The only bearing "race" has is on medical issues and the more the "races" interbreed the less and less that will matter.

People who seem to think race or skin color matters are stuck in a Mythical Fable of the Past.

When reading/listening to the original Tarzan novel a while back I had to laugh because the reason the author gave that Tarzan was able to survive and be such a "leader" of the Jungle was his superior British genes. Seriously.

The need to feel superior is somehow so pervasive. I don't get it, but it doesn't seem that religion has helped much.

Even in some of the old Pearl S. Buck novels about China, people distinguished themselves by skin color --darker people worked in the fields --concubines to the emperor had light skin . . .

Slaves, serfs etc worked in the fields--darker skin --I guess.

In Europe as well, one of the reasons very pale skin was considered attractive for centuries is that it indicated that you didn't work outdoors.

For some time in the last century, of course, a tan similarly indicated a life of leisure. Then skin cancer made that scarier.

In ancient Greek art, men have notably darker skin than women. In that case, having a tan is a sign of gender privilege--men walk around outdoors, scantily clad, all day, in the public space, while women are supposed to stay inside. The history of the body is really complicated. And weird. And sometimes heartbreaking.

170 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:47:29pm

re: #163 William Barnett-Lewis

The majority of gun control laws have always been about keeping guns out of the hands of the poor and the minorities. Being able to have a $20,000 custom shotgun will always be legal; being able to buy a sub-$100 short barreled revolver rarely is for that reason.

Yes, you are right. I posted the oft cited essay from Clayton Cramer a few days/nights ago.

Many Scots emmigrated to this country when the English did house to hut searches for firearms. (yes, there is a True Scotsman joke in there somewhere--like they are only in Pennsylvania?)

There is so much history with this issue.

My only answer is Education and Contraception. (and I"m sticking to it)

171 Dancing along the light of day  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:47:53pm

re: #66 Charles Johnson

And by the way, if LGF reaches the point where I'm actually profiting from LGF Pages, and someone buys me out for $20 million, I'll find a way to compensate the authors who helped it reach that point. I wish I could do it now, but it's not possible.

That is SO going to enrage the stalkers!

172 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:48:27pm

re: #171 Floral Giraffe

That is SO going to enrage the stalkers!

I can haz car elevator???

173 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:49:02pm

re: #168 Varek Raith


Honestly, I haven't followed Tammy Duckworth's career. I can say I saw an interview with her while she was still in rehab at Bethesda (Walter Reed?-I can't remember the hospital) and I knew she was going on to better things. She was very good on camera and a sharp lady.

174 Political Atheist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:49:21pm

re: #172 Varek Raith

I can haz car elevator???


175 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:50:57pm

re: #167 freetoken

But again, even that is not true. "Race" is a construct from the time when early civilizations started to categorize their enemies from distant lands.

And, just because certain Africa-Americans have different alleles that may have bearing on various physical maladies or diseases does not mean that all African populations would be implicated in having these genetics. That's the important part that is missed by almost all westerners - there was more genetic diversity within Africa than there was in the neolithic populations of Europe and western Asia from which most westerners are descended.


but, aren't asians and native american's still having an issues with diabetes --or is it that the rest of us have caught up that it isn't as much as a ancestry related issue?

176 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:52:47pm

re: #169 SanFranciscoZionist

In Europe as well, one of the reasons very pale skin was considered attractive for centuries is that it indicated that you didn't work outdoors.

For some time in the last century, of course, a tan similarly indicated a life of leisure. Then skin cancer made that scarier.

In ancient Greek art, men have notably darker skin than women. In that case, having a tan is a sign of gender privilege--men walk around outdoors, scantily clad, all day, in the public space, while women are supposed to stay inside. The history of the body is really complicated. And weird. And sometimes heartbreaking.

I know, like the bound feet in China for upper class women? How weird is that.
All the different body adornments and disfigurements amazes me. I see kids with those huge deformed earlobes and I wonder, WHY? Will my insurance/tax money have to go to fix those when you decide to grow-up?

177 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:54:23pm

re: #171 Floral Giraffe

That is SO going to enrage the stalkers!


How iz u?

178 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:58:28pm

So, I just learned that Texas made it legal to hunt deer with a silencer this week...

179 freetoken  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:59:41pm

re: #175 ggt

Different populations of humans around the world have their own proclivities towards physical illnesses (as well as other characteristics, such as height, weight, etc.)

I'm only familiar with a few of these, and while I remember reading something about East Asian populations (and their first Americans descendants), I can't recall if it was about diabetes. There was a belief about a particular allele having to do with the metabolism of ethyl alcohol, but I've not kept up on that one.

The best known genetic mutation originating within certain populations is lactose tolerance, a mutation that had to do with not inventing a new enzyme but merely stopping the gene that would turn off the lactase production past childhood. This mutation happened in the farming population of SW Asia, and the cattle herding population in sub-Sahara Africa.

The other well known mutation has to do with sickle-cells in certain African populations, which has its benefits as well as its detriments.

There are however many other mutations whose effects have been discovered. Yet there remains many more whose effects are still unknown.

180 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 8:59:57pm

re: #178 Altar Boy of Darwinism

So, I just learned that Texas made it legal to hunt deer with a silencer this week...

Something funny going on with the head in that one.

181 Lidane  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:00:24pm

re: #178 Altar Boy of Darwinism

So, I just learned that Texas made it legal to hunt deer with a silencer this week...

What could possibly go wrong?

182 Targetpractice  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:01:20pm

re: #181 Lidane

What could possibly go wrong?

Lidane, you're not suggesting somebody might use that silencer in hunting "The Most Dangerous Game," are you?


183 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:01:31pm

re: #178 Altar Boy of Darwinism

Be vewwy vewwy quiet...

184 Kragar  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:02:40pm

re: #178 Altar Boy of Darwinism

So, I just learned that Texas made it legal to hunt deer with a silencer this week...

I can see no negative repercussions from that course of action.

Other than making it legal for the assholes in Texas to have silencers that is.

185 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:03:01pm

re: #180 Gus

Something funny going on with the head in that one.

Really, I don't understand that one.

Does a silencer silence the sound of the trigger being pulled. As I understand it, a deer can sense/hear even that. A twig breaking --anything.

186 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:03:31pm

re: #184 Kragar

I can see no negative repercussions from that course of action.

Other than making it legal for the assholes in Texas to have silencers that is.

I think if Texas wants to be it's own country--we should let it.

187 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:04:09pm

re: #176 ggt

I know, like the bound feet in China for upper class women? How weird is that.
All the different body adornments and disfigurements amazes me. I see kids with those huge deformed earlobes and I wonder, WHY? Will my insurance/tax money have to go to fix those when you decide to grow-up?

The stretched earlobes scare me, but one of Dan Savage's readers says they really do close up if you take the spools out.

188 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:06:29pm

re: #185 ggt

Really, I don't understand that one.

Does a silencer silence the sound of the trigger being pulled. As I understand it, a deer can sense/hear even that. A twig breaking --anything.

Doesn't seem like hunting. Sounds more like a gun-lust sub-culture. Plus silencers are always associated with assassinating people, murders, bad guys, etc. It's funny because I'm sure these people will talk about "rap music, and urban thug culture" and then turn around and lust after a key element in murder, the mob, assassins.

189 Kragar  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:06:42pm

re: #187 SanFranciscoZionist

The stretched earlobes scare me, but one of Dan Savage's readers says they really do close up if you take the spools out.

Never been a fan of body "art"

190 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:06:53pm
191 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:06:57pm

re: #185 ggt

Really, I don't understand that one.

Does a silencer silence the sound of the trigger being pulled. As I understand it, a deer can sense/hear even that. A twig breaking --anything.

A deer can hear a gun with a silencer being fired, let's just put it like that. Silencers are more accurately called 'suppressors', or, even better, 'somewhatquieters'. This is useful in some settings when dealing with human hearing and ambient noise. I somehow don't think it's going to improve anyone's deer-hunting luck.

192 abolitionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:08:24pm

re: #182 Targetpractice

Lidane, you're not suggesting somebody might use that silencer in hunting "The Most Dangerous Game," are you?


U gotta realize the new law makes it more fair to the few dear that are born deaf. /

193 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:08:38pm

re: #181 Lidane

What could possibly go wrong?

It helps those who can't aim so well. You can take multiple shots at the deer now. Used to be, you had one shot, and then all the noise scared the deer off. That law won't ever pass in my state. That silencer BS is for amateurs. Whats next Texas? Hunting deer with machine guns? ha

194 Targetpractice  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:09:39pm

re: #193 Mich-again

It helps those who can't aim so well. You can take multiple shots at the deer now. Used to be, you had one shot, and then all the noise scared the deer off. That law won't ever pass in my state. That silencer BS is for amateurs. Whats next Texas? Hunting deer with machine guns? ha

Recoilless rifles.


195 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:09:46pm

re: #185 ggt

Really, I don't understand that one.

Does a silencer silence the sound of the trigger being pulled. As I understand it, a deer can sense/hear even that. A twig breaking --anything.

196 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:10:03pm

re: #191 SanFranciscoZionist

A deer can hear a gun with a silencer being fired, let's just put it like that. Silencers are more accurately called 'suppressors', or, even better, 'somewhatquieters'. This is useful in some settings when dealing with human hearing and ambient noise. I somehow don't think it's going to improve anyone's deer-hunting luck.

I think the reasoning might be that a suppressed shot will scare away fewer deer in the surrounding area. Otherwise I'm baffled.

197 Kragar  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:10:08pm

re: #188 Gus

Doesn't seem like hunting. Sounds more like a gun-lust sub-culture. Plus silencers are always associated with assassinating people, murders, bad guys, etc. It's funny because I'm sure these people will talk about "rap music, and urban thug culture" and then turn around and lust after a key element in murder, the mob, assassins.

Gangstas vs. Rednecks: Weirdly Similar Subcultures

198 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:11:19pm

re: #195 Varek Raith

[Embedded content]

Eh, more gadgets for the boys to spend their money on.

NEXT . . .

199 Varek Raith  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:12:10pm

re: #198 ggt

Eh, more gadgets for the boys to spend their money on.

NEXT . . .

200 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:12:24pm

re: #197 Kragar

Gangstas vs. Rednecks: Weirdly Similar Subcultures

Next time I'll just say "well, silencers are so Insane Clown Posse."


201 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:12:30pm

re: #197 Kragar

Gangstas vs. Rednecks: Weirdly Similar Subcultures

The perpetrators of the next revolution?

I keep hearing that one is coming . . .

202 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:13:10pm

re: #201 ggt

The perpetrators of the next revolution?

I keep hearing that one is coming . . .

Ron Paul!


203 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:13:13pm

re: #178 Altar Boy of Darwinism

So, I just learned that Texas made it legal to hunt deer with a silencer this week...

Where did you see that?

204 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:13:49pm

re: #199 Varek Raith

[Embedded content]

Are there undead deer?

205 Kragar  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:13:55pm

re: #202 Gus

Ron Paul!



206 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:14:17pm

re: #205 Kragar



207 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:14:27pm

re: #203 jaunte

Where did you see that?


208 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:14:34pm

America is like a bad action movie with breast implants.


209 freetoken  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:14:36pm

Well, the boys in Texas may have silencers for their guns, but I bet few of them have elevators for their cars.

210 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:14:57pm

re: #193 Mich-again

It helps those who can't aim so well. You can take multiple shots at the deer now. Used to be, you had one shot, and then all the noise scared the deer off. That law won't ever pass in my state. That silencer BS is for amateurs. Whats next Texas? Hunting deer with machine guns? ha

They really hold still after someone's fired a gun with a silencer?

211 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:15:39pm

re: #205 Kragar



212 Targetpractice  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:15:50pm

re: #196 Altar Boy of Darwinism

I think the reasoning might be that a suppressed shot will scare away fewer deer in the surrounding area. Otherwise I'm baffled.

So are silencers./

But really, it's like so much else in our gun-culture, it's the "need" to have the "neat" stuff, regardless of the need for it. Like high-capacity magazines, which we get told simply must be legal because there might be that one home intruder who you can't scare off or kill with less than 10 shots.

213 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:16:04pm

re: #207 Altar Boy of Darwinism


“These devices are already legal for hunting exotic animals, including feral hogs, and there is no resource or enforcement-related reason to prohibit these devices for hunting alligators, game animals or game birds,” Scott Vaca, TPWD Assistant Chief of Wildlife Enforcement, said in a statement.

They don't hunt feral hogs, there is a reality show that shows them "trapping" them and then --well I don't know what they do after that, but they make a lot of money on catching them thar' hawgs.


214 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:16:09pm

re: #200 Gus

Next time I'll just say "well, silencers are so Insane Clown Posse."

We'll never die alone, juggalos will carry on.
Swing the hatchet if we must, each and every one of us..

215 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:17:25pm

So, everytime I upding someone (I haven't down-dinged, so I don't know about that), I get this weird shadow triangle thingy that goes away after I release the dinger.

It appears over the karma buttons.
ALL of the karma buttons.

216 Four More Tears  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:17:32pm

re: #204 ggt

Are there undead deer?

The Walking Deer

217 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:17:42pm

re: #207 Altar Boy of Darwinism


Crazy. The state websites can't keep up with the gun nuts.

Game animals and game birds may be hunted with any legal firearm, EXCEPT:

white-tailed deer, mule deer, desert bighorn sheep, and pronghorn antelope may NOT be hunted with rimfire ammunition of any caliber.
shotguns are the only legal firearm that may be used to hunt Eastern turkey during the spring Eastern turkey season (see County Listing). Rifles and handguns may not be used to hunt Eastern turkey.
pellet guns and other air guns are NOT LEGAL.
fully automatic firearms are NOT LEGAL.
firearms equipped with silencers or sound-suppressing devices are NOT LEGAL.

218 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:18:02pm

re: #196 Altar Boy of Darwinism

I think the reasoning might be that a suppressed shot will scare away fewer deer in the surrounding area. Otherwise I'm baffled.

Now that might be a possibility...I don't know how far they can hear, or how the silencer might affect that.

219 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:20:17pm

re: #212 Targetpractice

So are silencers./

But really, it's like so much else in our gun-culture, it's the "need" to have the "neat" stuff, regardless of the need for it. Like high-capacity magazines, which we get told simply must be legal because there might be that one home intruder who you can't scare off or kill with less than 10 shots.

I'm thinking the Elin Woods school of offense might have some merit.

Golf Clubs are excellent self-offense weapons and also have lots of accouterments one can purchase to go with them. Better fashions as well.

220 Tigger2005  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:21:29pm

cont'd a conversation with my brother on Facebook. His comments are in quotes.

I wasn't talking about that situation and you know it. And oh wow. Several breakins in the neighborhood and Trayvon "could" have been responsible for them. Along with a hundred or more other people. Wow. Good justification for murder there.

but ***** made me leave.. thats the only reason he wasnt road kill
why do you think zimerman shot him??? tell me

And yeah he shot him for no reason. He didn't have to be "defending" himself. What you are saying is that anybody has a right to carry a concealed weapon, chase down anybody who just LOOKS suspicious, harass them and give them shit, and then when they fight back, shoot them in self-defense. WOW.

was it bcuz he got tired of bashing trayvons head against the sidewalk?
or he was afraid trayvon might kill him?
you think you know everything but you werent there

Oh, you think YOU know everything, but you weren't there. You just know that a thug black kid in a hoodie must have hurt the poor innocent white man for no reason, thus earning himself a well-deserved hole in his chest

you are formong opinions on what you saw on the media
you don't have acess to the police or fire department reports or even witnesses
you are just a fucking sheep following Al Sharpton

LOL go fuck yourself. Go log in at or riehlworldreport and post in the comments section with the rest of the racist turds. They'll love ya there. Good night

dont tell me that you would not do the same if you feared for your life and had a gun.. i dont care about what lead up to the altercation.. if you were high on adrenaline and chased somebody down and they turned around and jumped you and had the advantage and you feared for your life you would use the gun
let them rob you or kill you or rape you girl first then form an opinion ok???
there are a lot of white people i wouldn't trust.. don't expect me to trust balacks too

LOL did you forget that I was robbed by a nice young white boy and his sweet white sister?

what if trayvon was white and zimmerman wasnt charged?? would whites be chimping out? would you?? NO
if you were armed and you caught him leaving your house with your stuff you would just go in and call the police while he got away.. you don't have to tell me bcuzi know thats what you would do even if your adrenaline was telling your brain to fight
the fact is you dont know what went on that night and you will probably never know but you already formed your opinion and convicted Zimerman for what ever you think he is guilty of.. I hope that happens to you someday
trial by public opinion
brought on by chimping out and liberal media
would it make it right if it was by FOX NEWS???
or would that just be wrong?

221 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:22:07pm

Atheist and pro-Israel, Maikel Nabil tests free speech in Egypt

A year ago this week, Maikel Nabil became the first Egyptian blogger to be arrested solely for his opinion. Now released, he talks about his fight for one of the key principles of democracy.

222 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:22:35pm

re: #220 Tigger2005

cont'd a conversation with my brother on Facebook. His comments are in quotes.

I wasn't talking about that situation and you know it. And oh wow. Several breakins in the neighborhood and Trayvon "could" have been responsible for them. Along with a hundred or more other people. Wow. Good justification for murder there.

And yeah he shot him for no reason. He didn't have to be "defending" himself. What you are saying is that anybody has a right to carry a concealed weapon, chase down anybody who just LOOKS suspicious, harass them and give them shit, and then when they fight back, shoot them in self-defense. WOW.

Oh, you think YOU know everything, but you weren't there. You just know that a thug black kid in a hoodie must have hurt the poor innocent white man for no reason, thus earning himself a well-deserved hole in his chest

LOL go fuck yourself. Go log in at or riehlworldreport and post in the comments section with the rest of the racist turds. They'll love ya there. Good night

LOL did you forget that I was robbed by a nice young white boy and his sweet white sister?

Fox News Drone --

I advise at least 1 hour of NPR, rinse, repeat.

223 Shvaughn  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:23:09pm

re: #220 Tigger2005

Your brother is a racist asshole, but I suspect you already know that. My condolences.

224 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:26:13pm

re: #207 Altar Boy of Darwinism

Texas also has helicopter hog shootin'. I guess the silencer really isn't needed there.
Nice blood-spatter background at the link, it really says "responsible harvester of depredating wildlife."

225 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:27:28pm

re: #224 jaunte

Texas also has helicopter hog shootin'. I guess the silencer really isn't needed there.
Nice blood-spatter background at the link, it really says "responsible harvester of depredating wildlife."

What is the difference between a wild hog and a javalina?

Not a joke, I really don't know.

226 freetoken  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:28:06pm

The atavists are slowing chipping away at modernism:

Committee: Cut more than $4.7M in funds if U-M doesn't report stem cells

227 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:28:20pm

Who are these hyper-paranoid people? Do they constantly think that any day now they're going to get mugged? Assaulted? Or that a home invasion may take place any day now? Do they keep their guns ready at all times and know their exact location? Do they get ready every morning when they're packing their piece thinking "today might be the day?"

228 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:29:01pm

I seriously find that if you take a Fox News Drone and expose them to NPR, they become a rational person for until their next exposure to Fox News.

It is really disturbing. I've begun to wonder what formula the Fox Execs have found to brainwash --it's a cash cow whatever it is.

229 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:29:13pm

re: #224 jaunte

Texas also has helicopter hog shootin'. I guess the silencer really isn't needed there.
Nice blood-spatter background at the link, it really says "responsible harvester of depredating wildlife."

Like I said.

230 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:29:16pm

re: #225 ggt

Different species; I think the javelina are smaller and native to Texas, and the wild pigs are feral escaped domestic swine.

231 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:30:16pm

re: #226 freetoken

The atavists are slowing chipping away at modernism:

Committee: Cut more than $4.7M in funds if U-M doesn't report stem cells

We really have to find a way to highlight that the Constitution specifically mentions Science and Progress, but says nothing about advancing religion.

Any verbiage I could post on my fb is greatly appreciated.

232 Targetpractice  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:30:27pm

re: #220 Tigger2005

Not reading anything there I haven't already heard from several other wingnuts. Their latest mantra, in wake of the video, is now "Let the investigation work!," absolutely convinced that there's a mountain of evidence that exonerates Zimmerman and that it's all gonna come out during or after the grand jury is impaneled. But that's not stopped them from "wondering aloud" if Trayvon wasn't "casing" houses for the purposes of future burglaries.

233 jaunte  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:30:41pm

re: #225 ggt

Here's the javelina: [Link:]

234 freetoken  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:31:42pm

re: #231 ggt

Any verbiage I could post on my fb is greatly appreciated.

Verbiage: A stem cell is not a person.

235 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:33:02pm

re: #227 Gus

Who are these hyper-paranoid people? Do they constantly think that any day now they're going to get mugged? Assaulted? Or that a home invasion may take place any day now? Do they keep their guns ready at all times and know their exact location? Do they get ready every morning when they're packing their piece thinking "today might be the day?"

In my family it stems from recent ancestors who grew-up in the mountains before rural electricity and such. Guns meant food & safety --from people and wild animals

Hell, both my Dad and my Father-in-law probably had their first gun before they ever even saw a car. Taking them away was unfathomable to them and they passed on the love of hunting, fishing, shooting sports and guns. They also had lots of rules about the firearm that they passed on. Others seem not to have had the lessons they taught.

236 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:33:28pm

re: #218 SanFranciscoZionist

Now that might be a possibility...I don't know how far they can hear, or how the silencer might affect that.

The only way to truly suppress a bullet in flight is to make it subsonic, the crack of one transiting the sound barrier can be heard for miles. The only commercially available ammunition in a rifle caliber that's feasible and ethical to hunt deer with is the wildcat .300 Whisper. I suppose someone could also hunt deer with a suppressed .45 ACP, but getting within pistol range of a wild deer is a task in itself, and its buddies are definitely going to hear the hammer fall and action cycling at that distance. This bill benefits an incredibly small, niche market of hunters poachers.

237 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:37:06pm

re: #234 freetoken

Verbiage: A stem cell is not a person.

I agree, but that won't make the point about the Constitution.

something like:

Have you actually read the Constitution? I have and did you know that there is very specific wording that says the Congress has the Duty towards the Advancement Science, but no wording about ANY duty towards God?

Think that might be a bit to antogonistic? More than the stuff I've posted about Contraception.

238 Gus  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:38:05pm

re: #237 ggt

I agree, but that won't make the point about the Constitution.

something like:

Think that might be a bit to antogonistic? More than the stuff I've posted about Contraception.

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 8 - Powers of Congress

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

239 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:39:52pm

re: #238 Gus

Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 8 - Powers of Congress

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

Yes, I"ll link to the actual Constitution. But I like to preface it with my Particular Cutting and Direct Point.

240 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:45:11pm

re: #239 ggt

Yes, I"ll link to the actual Constitution. But I like to preface it with my Particular Cutting and Direct Point.

I liked to and mentioned the Article and Section with my text.

With all the rhetoric, I think we need to push back a little with some reality about OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT.

The Whacko's are trying to read all kinds of god into the documents that simply isn't there.

241 Dancing along the light of day  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:47:35pm

re: #177 ggt


How iz u?

Peachy keen, and yourself?

242 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:48:07pm

re: #241 Floral Giraffe

Peachy keen, and yourself?

tired, headache, about to move upthread.

Haven't see you in awhile.

243 Tigger2005  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:48:29pm

re: #212 Targetpractice

So are silencers./

But really, it's like so much else in our gun-culture, it's the "need" to have the "neat" stuff, regardless of the need for it. Like high-capacity magazines, which we get told simply must be legal because there might be that one home intruder who you can't scare off or kill with less than 10 shots.

Jason? Freddy? Michael Meyers? Ever heard of those guys, hmmmm? They don't stop, man.

244 Dancing along the light of day  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:49:13pm

re: #242 ggt

tired, headache, about to move upthread.

Haven't see you in awhile.

Passes the aspirin. Be well! Missed you too!

245 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:54:07pm

re: #243 Tigger2005

Jason? Freddy? Michael Meyers? Ever heard of those guys, hmmm? They don't stop, man.

I don't know, after the alarm system, and the dogs, If I haven't been called by the alarm company or have called 911, I'm not sure I'd be a candidate for a firearm. I'd could use my cell phone to take pictures of the intruder and video any thing that happened. If after all that the person intends harm, I'm hosed.

I don't shoot, so it's moot.

I still think a shotgun would be more effective than any rapid fire, silenced firearm.

But, that is just me.

246 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 9:57:24pm

re: #244 Floral Giraffe

Passes the aspirin. Be well! Missed you too!

YOu are a sweetie!

247 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 30, 2012 11:52:10pm

re: #196 Altar Boy of Darwinism

I think the reasoning might be that a suppressed shot will scare away fewer deer in the surrounding area. Otherwise I'm baffled.

The idea would seem to be shooter comfort as well. Suppressed guns are easier on your hearing.

248 Patricia Kayden  Sat, Mar 31, 2012 6:52:53pm

I never read the actual racist comments since they would literally make me sick. Good to point out that refuses to remove them or to take steps to keep them from being posted.

Shows what type of people (out and out racists) run that website. Not too surprising.

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