Death and The Anti-Vaxxer

Health • Views: 56,862

Death and The Anti-Vaxxer

This is one blog post I’ve held off writing because it angers me beyond bearing, and scares me to death.

15 years ago, Andrew Wakefield, then a doctor, presented a paper to the famous medical journal The Lancet. In it he claimed there was a link between autism and vaccinations, that the one caused the other. Years of controversy later, after collecting $674,000 from lawyers looking to make lawsuits, and, worst of all, frightening parents into not giving their children vaccinations, Wakefield was exposed as a fraud. He was stripped of his doctor’s licence, and struck off the list of medical practitioners in the UK. The Lancet for its part, publicly apologized, and announced, after a thorough investigation, that Wakefield had concocted the whole thing out of thin air. Yet we are still living with the consequences of Wakefield’s lies. People have died because of them, and are dying still.

My fear is that I will become one of them. If I do, it won’t be my fault.

You see, I belong in that percentage of people who rely on what’s known as herd immunity to keep them safe. My immune system is impaired to the point where I’m very vulnerable to infectious diseases.

First from Crohn’s Disease and arthritis. Second, by the fact that I take Humira to control and counteract both the CD and arthritis. Humira is what’s known as a TNF inhibitor. By binding to tumour necrosis factors in the body, it reduces and restrains inflammation responses. Since both CD and arthritis are caused by inflammation, it does a very good job of keeping both in check. Problem is, TNF is a natural part of the immune system, and by knocking down the TNF response, Humira is knocking down part of the immune system. This makes me vulnerable to infections of all sorts. Before I could start taking Humira, I had to be tested for tuberculosis, to make sure I wasn’t unknowingly carrying it. Taking Humira is so risky that the FDA issued a black box warning that has to be carried on the product labeling. This is to alert doctors of the extra need to carefully monitor patients taking Humira. Risky or not, to me it is utterly worth it. After years of struggling to keep my CD under control, Humira has brought me sweet relief. Plus, I don’t have to take another medication to control my arthritis; Humira takes care of both. Bonus! Nonetheless, I cannot ignore how vulnerable Humira makes me. I can’t take certain vaccines, such as the MMR. Nor can I take the zoster vaccine that prevents shingles, despite the fact I had chicken pox when I was a child. These are live attenuated vaccines, which makes them too dangerous for someone with a damaged immune system to take. In other words, someone like me.

Which is why I could cheerfully strangle Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy. Why I wish so-called anti-vaxxers could be wiped off the face of the earth. These people could quite possibly be responsible for my death, and neither know nor care. That’s not even hyperbole. It’s the absolute truth.

By now, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must have heard of the measles outbreak currently going on in the United States. Sparked by an unvaccinated visitor to Disney World, the disease has spread to several states, and even to Mexico. Gods help me if it spreads to Canada. Which it might, because Canadians go to Disney World too. Because, remember, I can’t take the MMR vaccine. I must rely on herd immunity to protect me. Thanks due to Wakefield, and idiots like McCarthy and Jim Carrey, attacking the safety of vaccines, herd immunity in the United States has fallen well below the rates required for safety. People can claim it’s the result of undocumented immigrants all they want. That’s a lie. The drop in herd immunity is a result of white, middle class supposedly educated parents deciding that the MMR vaccine is just too dangerous to be given to their child. Writing that sentence made me want to puke.

Look, I have zero fucks to give about your special snowflake(s). If you want to leave them open to being killed or maimed by one of the most contagious diseases known, that’s your business. And theirs when they grow old enough to tell you how stupid you’re being. But your idiocy is putting my life at risk, and I take grave exception to that. Being dead or permanently disfigured is not something I want to be involved in. I’m already disabled as it is. I don’t need any extra burdens to bear. You get where I’m coming from?

I’m not alone in feeling that way. Not even close. A father is petitioning his son’s school to ban all unvaccinated children. Why? His son is recovering from leukemia, his immune system is shot, and he can’t be vaccinated for at least 6 months. His unvaccinated schoolmates pose a lethal risk to him. He’s not the first parent to face this fear, which I can only imagine must be overwhelming at times. For instance, here’s an open letter from a lady whose son has cancer. She has some things to say to the parents of those who have “chosen” not to vaccinate their sweet, precious child; you’re putting the life of her child at risk.

Mere words alone cannot express how pissed off I got reading that letter. I think what gets me the most is the sheer selfish stupidity of these people, who breezily brush off objections, claiming it’s “their” choice to make. Uh, no. This choice you’re making affects whole communities. Currently, this choice is affecting several American states and the country of Mexico. That’s a whole shit load of people in case you can’t count. Worst of all, one of the states it has spread to is Arizona. Where this little thing called the Super Bowl is scheduled to take place. A lot of health officials and doctors are praying the enormous crowds descending on Arizona this weekend won’t be the catalyst for an even bigger outbreak. This is me praying it doesn’t make it to Canada. Spending time in the hospital is not a thing I look forward to. I’ve already done enough of that, thanks ever so.

I’m insanely lucky. I know that for a fact. I’m insanely lucky to have been born in a developed country that has a health care system that actually functions. Otherwise, I’d be dead. I certainly wouldn’t be on Humira. Humira costs almost $2000 a box, for 2 pen injectors. On disability, I could never even come close to affording it. So it astonishes me that there are people not only turning down the opportunity to get vaccinated, they are leading whole campaigns to convince other people to do the same. How do you quantify such insanity? Mind boggling doesn’t even come close!

For the longest time, it was thought that measles had been eliminated from the US. Along with pertussis, also known as Whooping Cough. Now measles is back with a vengeance, and California, that bastion of all things liberal, has had outbreaks of whooping cough in which babies, too young to be vaccinated, died. Let it be said, that this not just a US problem. The UK also thought it had gotten rid of measles for good. Until people bought into the anti vaccine hysteria, herd immunity dropped to record lows, and they had a major outbreak. At one point, people were lining up to get themselves and their children vaccinated, meanwhile cursing themselves for not having done it when they should have. Like, when the kids started school. There too, people died. Now measles is listed as endemic in the UK. What a triumph of folly.

Here’s the thing. Diseases travel. It’s how they survive. Patient Zero who started the Disney outbreak, may have come from Holland, where there are large pockets of people who don’t get vaccinated for religious reasons. In Pakistan, they’re trying to eliminate polio, that dreadful disease that used to haunt the lives of so many until Dr. Jonas Salk discovered a vaccine against it. Too bad that Pakistan also has a severe case of the Taliban, who have made it their business to kill the health units going around in “their” territory, trying to vaccinate people against polio. Almost I hope some unvaccinated fool goes to Pakistan and contracts polio and brings it back to the US. If that’s sounds too ugly, too bad. That’s what it might take for people to wake the fuck up to just how dangerous skipping their vaccinations is. Because diseases travel; it’s what they do. As do people.

I am wildly lucky that I don’t have a job that requires me to travel. Especially to the United States. If I did, I’d have to do some serious soul searching. Refuse to go and put my job at risk. Go on the trip and put my life at risk. There is no way, no how someone should be forced to make a choice like that. Not in this day and age. But I’m willing to bet money that some people are being forced to confront just such a choice. I don’t envy them.

Oh, just so you know, this is what measles looks like.

It’s gross, it’s painful, it can do permanent damage. It can come back to haunt you long after the original infection is gone. Death is another possible complication, just to repeat myself. None of which are caused by vaccines. After Wakefield started spouting his crap, extensive studies were done looking into the possibility that vaccines caused autism. None were found. People have been making the same tired attacks on vaccines since, oh, the whole concept was discovered.

There’s another facet to the whole current outbreak. Measles is expensive, and, one way or another, everybody pays for it, even people who have kept up with their vaccinations.

Finally, slowly, slowly, people are beginning to realize just how serious the situation is. When your children’s school sends your unvaccinated child home because they pose a direct threat to their schoolmates, parents notice. When pediatricians won’t accept your children as patients unless you agree to vaccinate them, parents begin to realize this may be a problem. Finally, when the “happiest place on earth” is ground zero for a measles outbreak, even the most obtuse parent starts to pay attention.

About bloody time! Look, I have an autistic nephew, and I know for a fact he was born autistic. I realized that right after he was born, when we visited him in the hospital. Babies make noise, always, except when they’re asleep. That’s how they communicate, the only form of communication they have. This particular baby was much too quiet. Even as his mother played with him, he made almost no sounds, not even the little “grunting” noise most babies produce. I knew then something was wrong. His diagnosis came as no surprise, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with being vaccinated.

What’s darkly ironic about the whole situation is that there is research indicating prenatal exposure to measles and influenza can cause schizophrenia. It is known that pregnant women who catch measles are at high risk of bearing a still born or disabled child. By the way, anti-vaxxers don’t just confine their attentions to the MMR vaccine. They’re against them all, including those for the flu. Which last really drives me wild. They also claim the concept of herd immunity is a myth. Since that “myth” is what keeps me safe and healthy, at least so far, I find this particular claim particularly infuriating.

All, all the objections have been addressed. Thimerosal, so long the focus of anti-vaxxer hysteria, has been removed from all vaccines. Researchers have combed through the studies available, and created their own. Not a one could replicate Wakefield’s conclusions. Brian Deer, a reporter with The Sunday Times investigated Wakefield thoroughly. He found ethical failures, numerous conflicts of interest, and that Wakefield had tampered with the evidence. In 2004, The Lancet retracted part of the paper. In 2010, the entire paper was withdrawn, while The Lancet’s editor in chief declared the journal had been deceived and that the paper was “utterly false”. Deer did more digging, bringing to light more information about Wakefield’s irregular research habits which were published in another British medical journal. In 2010, Wakefield was struck off the British Medical Register. He can no longer practice as a doctor in the UK. Nor is he licensed to practice medicine in the US, where he currently lives. But the damage has been done. With a lot of help from celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Jenny McCarthy, Alicia Silverstone, Bill Maher, Billy Corgan, Charlie Sheen, Kristin Cavallari, Rob Schneider, and Robert Kennedy Jr., the anti vaccine mythology marches on. Just as an aside, may I say how beyond enraging it is that my health, my life, is dependent on the pronouncements of a bunch of know nothing celebrities, who have fallen for what has been described as one of the greatest science hoaxes of all time. Even Wakefield’s colleagues in research have come out against the conclusion that the MMR vaccine causes autism. Google can be anyone’s friend, but it doesn’t substitute for a scientific education.

There are signs of hope. Pediatricians are finally putting their collective feet down, refusing to treat children unless they’re vaccinated.

Reputable organizations like the CDC and WHO have gone on the attack. More and more newspapers are publishing editorials blasting the anti-vaxxer movement, citing them for being to blame for the falling rates of vaccination, and the resultant loss of herd immunity. More and more schools are banning unvaccinated children during times of high risk, like now. Just think, before the anti-vaxxer movement kicked into high gear, the Disney measles outbreak would simply not have happened, or at least, not been as severe. Simply because there wouldn’t have been so many unvaccinated people vulnerable to catching one of the most contagious diseases known. Calls are increasing to make vaccination waivers much more difficult to get, and to ban personal belief waivers completely. If nothing else, the sheer economic damage outbreaks like the current one can cause are being recognized. At least that’s getting people’s attention, none too soon, but you always have to start somewhere. That more and more vaccines are being offered at little to no cost is also helping. In Canada, there are now calls for a national vaccine policy, and a computerized national registry to keep track of everyone’s vaccinations. Australia already has one.

I am going to leave the final word to Melinda Gates, who has travelled worldwide, helping people in the developing world gain access to basic health care, including vaccines.

“We take vaccines so for granted in the United States,” Gates told the Huffington Post in a prerecorded interview published on Thursday. “Women in the developing world know the power of [vaccines]. They will walk 10 kilometers in the heat with their child and line up to get a vaccine, because they have seen death. [Americans have] forgotten what measles deaths look like.”

I hope more people will listen to such wisdom. Because my life and health is at stake. I have no choice but to rely on herd immunity for my safety. I can, and do, take all the vaccinations deemed safe enough. The rest lies in the hands of strangers I do not know, and will never meet. That’s a terrifying feeling, a feeling of helplessness in the face of the ignorance of others. So don’t tell me it’s “your” choice whether or not to get yourself vaccinated, whether or not to get your children vaccinated. When you make such a choice, you are making a choice that affects entire communities. Some of whom are people like me, with a wonky immune system that leaves them extremely vulnerable to opportunistic infections.

I wish I had something profound and moving to sum all of this up. All I know is that my safety is currently a very, very fragile thing. So I will leave you with the statement all medical and healthcare workers are taught world wide:

First, do no harm.

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1 Decatur Deb  Jan 31, 2015 7:08:07pm

Strong start, hatchling.

2 CuriousLurker  Jan 31, 2015 7:15:25pm

Impressive first post. Thanks for all the info.

3 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 31, 2015 8:33:48pm


I am of the belief that not vaccinating a child when there is no valid medical rational for not doing so should be considered felony child abuse.

4 De Kolta Chair  Jan 31, 2015 8:40:43pm

“It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid.”

— George Bernard Shaw, who was a naive moran himself but at least he knew how to construct a sentence ///

5 Great White Snark  Jan 31, 2015 8:40:56pm

Heck of an entrance. +1 and i’ll just humbly add a little from earlier.

6 Charles Johnson  Jan 31, 2015 8:43:52pm
7 De Kolta Chair  Jan 31, 2015 8:46:04pm
8 Kragar  Jan 31, 2015 8:46:16pm
9 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 8:49:06pm

Excellent post!

When my kids started school, we had to submit vaccination records, and if your kids aren’t immunized, they cannot attend. It’s statewide policy that is absolutely enforced in public schools.

10 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 8:50:12pm

Climate change deniers are motivated by hatred for the left. I say this because right wingers love to say the sky is falling, but the left beat them to it this time, and it drives them crazy. The wingnuts are only too happy to take money from the Kochs for that cause.
The difference between them and the antivaxxers is that the antivaxxers believe the crap they’re spewing.

11 Nostradumbass  Jan 31, 2015 8:51:06pm

I take a different TNF blocker (Enbrel), and this stuff really pisses me off as well.

12 De Kolta Chair  Jan 31, 2015 8:52:16pm
How anti-vaxxers see themselves
13 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 8:54:19pm

It’s the “Herd immunity is a myth” crap that pisses me off the most, because it’s so fucking stupid. If there’s no such thing as herd immunity then there’s no such thing as a subcritical mass of plutonium—the arithmetic is exactly the same!

14 Kragar  Jan 31, 2015 8:54:20pm

re: #12 De Kolta Chair

[Embedded content]

They’re the ones with the guns, right?

15 De Kolta Chair  Jan 31, 2015 8:56:15pm

re: #14 Kragar

They’re the ones with the guns, right?

Nyah, where’s the self-righteous martyrdom in that?

16 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 8:56:38pm

re: #13 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

It’s the “Herd immunity is a myth” crap that pisses me off the most, because it’s so fucking stupid. If there’s no such thing as herd immunity then there’s no such thing as a subcritical mass of plutonium—the arithmetic is exactly the same!

You’re asking the same people who can’t understand the scientific research supporting vaccines to understand nuclear physics, even at the most basic level.

17 Teukka  Jan 31, 2015 8:56:55pm

I can’t upding this enough.

I’m one of those who partly rely on herd immunity because I am on medications which suppress my immune system (Methotrexate, if you want to know) to deal with an autoimmune disease (Psoriasis).
While I can take some vaccines, what’s called attenuated vaccines are out of the question for me.
Also, if I get something that makes me develop a fever, I have to immediately cease the Methotrexate regime, because if I don’t, it can have serious complications.
And if I do that, the Psoriasis will come back with a vengeance. I have not so pretty scars on my legs from the initial bout which prompted my doctor to put me on Methotrexate in the first place. Not a severe case thankfully, but widespread.
And an active Psoriasis has its own set of problems, such as secondary infections (basically, when the plaque areas get infected by bacteria).
And don’t make get me started on psoriatic arthritis, tendinitis and the other auto-immune diseases which tend to like to hang out with Psoriasis
(long story short: “you should use a dandruff shampoo” comments, looks I get when I wear something that doesn’t cover my legs or arms are the least of my worries).
And people are willing to risk exposing me to this to avoid a risk of serious side-effects which is far minor than the risks which prompted the vaccination programs in the first place. Before they were in place, Mumps, Whooping Cough, Rubella, Chicken Pox and Measles were child-killers in the most literal sense. And not even state of the art healthcare will be able to prevent those deaths, it’s simply the course the infection takes in some individuals.

And hoping I won’t violate some unwritten rule or offend peoples linguistical sensibilities (too much), this one goes out to all antivaxxers:


18 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 8:58:25pm

Great first post, Uraniabce.

Unfortunately “Klingons Antivaxxers believe the sick should die—only the strong pure should survive.”

19 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 8:58:35pm

We take vaccines so for granted in the United States,” Gates told the Huffington Post in a prerecorded interview published on Thursday. “Women in the developing world know the power of [vaccines]. They will walk 10 kilometers in the heat with their child and line up to get a vaccine, because they have seen death. [Americans have] forgotten what measles deaths look like.”

This applies to many, many things in the U.S.
Like roads, bridges, water that doesn’t catch fire, 40 hour work weeks…
I could go on, but mobile device said no.

20 De Kolta Chair  Jan 31, 2015 9:01:15pm

re: #17 Teukka

I had a nasty case of psoriasis a few years ago. Not pleasant at all, to say the very least. Thank the gawds for medicine. And agreed, feck ‘em to the marrow.

21 teleskiguy  Jan 31, 2015 9:01:39pm

Uraniabce, you hit it well out of the park with this. Outstanding first post!


22 Nostradumbass  Jan 31, 2015 9:04:03pm

re: #17 Teukka

Yes, I have psoriatic arthritis, and it really isn’t fun. I started out taking large doses of Ibuprofen, and the weird T/Gel shampoo, which didn’t really do the job. Now I take Enbrel. These drugs are also such that, if you get any sort of infection at all, you have to stop until it goes away.

23 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 9:04:49pm

Thanks for writing this page!

My grandfather struggled from the residual effects of polio. I have a hearing loss from mumps and scars in my lungs from pneumonia that was a complication from measles (I almost didn’t recover from the pneumonia). My children and grandchildren have been spared the pain and suffering that previous generations endured from these and many other diseases thanks to vaccinations.

The anti-vaxxers seem to have no conception of what these types of diseases can do. Having never been impacted by the diseases, they seem to see them as bogeymen that aren’t real. When I hear parents argue that vaccines are risky and they want to minimize risk to their children, I want to scream as well. They just have no idea how dangerous some diseases can be and how they are putting their children at very real, significant risk.

And as noted in the page, the worst part is their willingness to put other people and children at risk. Their arrogance and ignorance is astounding.

24 RealityBasedSteve  Jan 31, 2015 9:06:11pm

Uraniabce, Possibly the best first post ever by a hatchling. I’m bookmarking this and sending it on to others.


25 Teukka  Jan 31, 2015 9:09:22pm

re: #22 Nostradumbass

Yes, I have psoriatic arthritis, and it really isn’t fun. I started out taking large doses of Ibuprofen, and the weird T/Gel shampoo, which didn’t really do the job. Now I take Enbrel. These drugs are also such that, if you get any sort of infection at all, you have to stop until it goes away.

I have the fortune of my tendencies towards psoriatic arthritis and tendinitis being subliminal for the time being (that is, too mild too count), and it is uncomfortable enough.
And every time I get the mild flu you can occationally get when you’ve gotten the flu jab (protection isn’t always 100%), I get a small taste. Every tendon, every joint, some teeth ache. And that’s with a mild case of the flu. I shudder to think of what the full strength would be like to experience.

26 Gus  Jan 31, 2015 9:11:39pm

re: #8 Kragar

[Embedded content]

27 Kragar  Jan 31, 2015 9:12:41pm

re: #26 Gus


28 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 9:13:19pm

Americans have had the luxury of ignorance for too long. The price is being paid.

29 Teukka  Jan 31, 2015 9:13:52pm

re: #28 prairiefire

Americans have had the luxury of ignorance for too long. The price is being paid.

With interest.

30 Lidane  Jan 31, 2015 9:14:06pm

re: #3 William Barnett-Lewis


I am of the belief that not vaccinating a child when there is no valid medical rational for not doing so should be considered felony child abuse.


If a simple injection can spare your child from getting some truly horrible diseases, you’re an irresponsible asshole if you choose not to. It’s no different than parents who refuse medical treatment for a sick child.

Sure, religious exemptions exist. Whatever. Beyond that, if your kid is healthy and able to be vaccinated there’s no excuse not to do it.

31 Gus  Jan 31, 2015 9:15:35pm

Savage: Disneyland measles part of Obama’s ‘medical genocide’
‘The killer flu, TB - all the result of this anti-American government’

For real man! Craziness.

32 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:17:38pm

How long until Michelle Obama takes up the case for vaccinating your children? How do you start a petition?

33 Teukka  Jan 31, 2015 9:17:53pm

re: #31 Gus

Savage: Disneyland measles part of Obama’s ‘medical genocide’
‘The killer flu, TB - all the result of this anti-American government’

For real man! Craziness.

You gotta be shitting me? O.O
For realz?
*grabs 16t weight, headdesks with it repeatedly*

34 teleskiguy  Jan 31, 2015 9:18:37pm

I’ve seen the anti-vax horseshit bubble up from time to time on that FaceSpace stuff. I know a couple of folks I went to primary school with who ended up having autistic children, and they blamed vaccines. One person in particular has been pimping anti-vax crap on her Facebook for a few years now.

35 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 9:19:30pm

re: #32 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

How long until Michelle Obama takes up the case for vaccinating your children? How do you start a petition?

Not damn soon enough.

36 teleskiguy  Jan 31, 2015 9:19:32pm

re: #31 Gus

What. The. Fuck?!?
37 Gus  Jan 31, 2015 9:19:37pm

re: #33 Teukka

You gotta be shitting me? O.O
For realz?
*grabs 16t weight, headdesks with it repeatedly*

38 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 9:21:28pm

re: #32 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

How long until Michelle Obama takes up the case for vaccinating your children? How do you start a petition?

No No NO!

It’s a worthy cause and she would be a great champion. And the right wing would immediately oppose vaccinations because OBUMMER.

Wish I was just being snarky.

39 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 9:21:48pm

re: #32 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

How long until Michelle Obama takes up the case for vaccinating your children? How do you start a petition?

She could do it, and I would applaud her if she did.
I just wonder how many dumb-asses would reject the message just because she was the messenger.

40 retired cynic  Jan 31, 2015 9:22:07pm

re: #37 Gus


41 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 9:22:52pm

My next 501 - Vaccinate Missouri

42 Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 31, 2015 9:23:00pm

Amazing post. Without a doubt one of the best pages I’ve ever seen on this site.


43 Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 31, 2015 9:24:46pm

re: #37 Gus

“And if you look out the rear window, you’ll see a spectacular view of the cliff we just went over…”

44 Teukka  Jan 31, 2015 9:27:09pm

re: #37 Gus




How long before they begin spontaneously soiling themselves and drooling in the corner, rocking back and forth? O.O

45 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 9:28:27pm

My mother in law reads WND.
Saw it when I helped her update her phone.
She’s still buying gold in because she’s convinced the world economy is about to collapse. End of Days or something.
Apparently starving people will still accept gold.

46 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:30:38pm

Like it or, here I go… I’m at the Create a Petition page now, so I need a title and a draft.

47 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:32:51pm

“We petition the Obama administration to appoint the First Lady to to lead the effort to increase vaccination rates for children to 100%.

I feel like it needs something after the 100%

48 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 9:33:36pm

re: #44 Teukka




How long before they begin spontaneously soiling themselves and drooling in the corner, rocking back and forth? O.O

What makes you think they haven’t already? Ever heard of Upchuck?

49 Kragar  Jan 31, 2015 9:34:19pm

re: #45 OhNoZombies!

My mother in law reads WND.
Saw it when I helped her update her phone.
She’s still buying gold in because she’s convinced the world economy is about to collapse. End of Days or something.
Apparently starving people will still accept gold.

Didn’t you know? Gold coins can keep you warm in the winter, can be eaten, and can be used as a weapon against the roving hordes.

50 dog philosopher  Jan 31, 2015 9:34:21pm

when the bush walker rides in on a pile of green

the pachyderm bids fair to split in twain

51 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:34:25pm

Come on, need a little help. 100% of what?

52 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:34:38pm

re: #47 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I’m just curious why you think that having Michelle work on that would result in increased vaccination rates, having watched the wingnut response to anything she does here?

If anything, cynical though I may be, I would think it could result in a decrease.

53 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:35:18pm

The wingnuts are vaccinating their kids. The rates are very high in red states.

54 retired cynic  Jan 31, 2015 9:35:22pm

Ask Biden to head it?

55 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:36:23pm

re: #54 retired cynic

I like Biden, he can kick ass when you’re not expecting it. I still associate the antivaxxers with Hollywood, so I want to fight Hollywood with Hollywood.

56 LadyBehir  Jan 31, 2015 9:36:31pm

Unfortunately, Michelle is not the right person for this. Now that we have a Surgeon General, maybe that could be his campaign? It is his job, after all.

57 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:36:53pm

And Joe Biden ain’t Hollywood!

58 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:37:49pm

re: #56 LadyBehir

Unfortunately, Michelle is not the right person for this. Now that we have a Surgeon General, maybe that could be his campaign? It is his job, after all.

The last Surgeon General whose name I can even remember is Jocelyn Elder, and I’m not 100% sure of her name. Before that, C Everett Koop

59 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:38:24pm

re: #58 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

The last Surgeon General whose name I can even remember is Jocelyn Elder, and I’m not 100% sure of her name. Before that, C Everett Koop

Just a reminder, we joke that Obama should endorse breathing so the wingnuts stop doing it.

I’m not sure it would be any different with vaccines.

60 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:38:39pm

The leader is the public face of the effort. The science is already done. THe healthcare professionals are already on board.

61 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:39:01pm

Thanks for the help guys//

62 retired cynic  Jan 31, 2015 9:39:49pm

Biden: No, but I think he gives off a vibe that says he cares about people. He and Jill together?

63 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 9:41:13pm

I think the current environment in DC is so toxic that the administration needs to lead efforts to maximize vaccination while maintaining a low profile.

If the administration does get directly involved, the appropriate person should be the Surgeon General. After all, that’s part of the job.

And 100% vaccination is not a realistic goal, simply because there is a population that can’t have vaccines for medical reasons as noted in the post above.

64 dog philosopher  Jan 31, 2015 9:41:41pm

re: #49 Kragar

Didn’t you know? Gold coins can keep you warm in the winter, can be eaten, and can be used as a weapon against the roving hordes.

my cousin has a gun collection and is waiting for the starving hordes

i stop myself from telling him that the future is more likely to be we all get gradually more and more screwed like boiled frogs

65 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:42:51pm

What I think actually needs to happen: we need to reduce the exemptions for personal beliefs, if not eliminate them altogether. There are a lot of people out there who unfortunately have taken this as gospel and aren’t going to change their minds for any amount of “reasonable” external stimulation.

If 15 years of scientific studies hasn’t convinced people, there’s not much that’s going to.

66 dog philosopher  Jan 31, 2015 9:43:30pm

re: #53 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

The wingnuts are vaccinating their kids. The rates are very high in red states.

gradually the left will learn the best way to get a progressive agenda carried out is to have prominent ‘elite leftist’ figures advocate loudly for just the opposite

67 teleskiguy  Jan 31, 2015 9:43:48pm

Prof. Jeff Jarvis (not the real Jeff Jarvis) likes to be his thinkfluencing self with UpChuck. Tonight he had a couple of zingers.

68 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 9:44:07pm

re: #61 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Thanks for the help guys//

Please understand that we share your passion about getting vaccination rates as high as possible. That is our common goal.

We just have different ideas of the best way to accomplish that goal.

69 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:44:39pm

re: #66 dog philosopher

gradually the left will learn the best way to get a progressive agenda carried out is to have prominent ‘elite leftist’ figures advocate loudly for just the opposite

Obama: “vaccinate your children!”
Moonbats: ignore him as being bought off by big pharma
Wingnuts: immediately stop vaccinating their children because Obama said it was a good idea


70 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 9:45:17pm

Dr. Jill Biden…
Perhaps she and Michelle could team up.

71 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 31, 2015 9:46:51pm

re: #67 teleskiguy

Not sure which of these is more drunk…

72 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:47:36pm

Oh man, I just saw a ref get a hockey stick stuck in his helmet. Most excellent (and funny).

73 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:47:44pm

re: #68 A Cranky One

Please understand that we share your passion about getting vaccination rates as high as possible. That is our common goal.

We just have different ideas of the best way to accomplish that goal.

Looks to me like your idea of accomplishing that goal is bitching to each other how stupid the antivaxxers are.

74 Belafon  Jan 31, 2015 9:47:50pm

re: #45 OhNoZombies!

Apparently starving people will still accept gold.

They will as you pay ransom for your children, or as they pull it out of your pants before they discard your body.

75 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 31, 2015 9:48:31pm

re: #67 teleskiguy

OTOH, it would amuse me to no end to see someone he thought was high power conservative suggest something like “On Certainty” by Wittgenstein to make me giggle at the trouble that most easy of his books would cause Mr 150 IQ.

76 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 9:49:24pm

It’s a strange world we live in: Polarized between Authoritarians who refuse to accept authority and Anti-Authoritarians who will blindly follow any anti-vax or anti-science guru off a cliff.

77 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 9:49:26pm

re: #58 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

We finally have a Surgeon General

78 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:49:44pm
Much more productive than any other comment I could make right now.
79 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 9:50:00pm

re: #72 klystron

Yah but was a foul called?

80 darthstar  Jan 31, 2015 9:50:39pm

This is a test of how fucking awesome I am. If you can read this, I’m using my mobile phone as a hotspot with a 4G signal in the fucking mountains.

Yeah, this has been an epic test in the how fucking awesome is darth world.

Time to go to bed as I have a full day of skiing ahead of me, but had to share….it’s been a long, dry winter, and I needed to celebrate something.

81 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:50:54pm

re: #79 A Cranky One

Yah but was a foul called?

Surprisingly not. You would have thought that would qualify as high sticking, but…

It was a good game for Calgary. They pulled out a win despite being down 2-0 going into the third. And two nice fights to boot.

82 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 9:51:43pm

re: #78 klystron

[Embedded content]

OMG! Those are our two cats. Exactly! Can’t see Pumpkin jumping through a hoop, though….

83 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:52:22pm

re: #82 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

OMG! Those are our two cats. Exactly! Can’t see Pumpkin jumping through a hoop, though….

Good thing you said that because otherwise I would wonder if you ran a show on the boardwalk at Key West…

84 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:52:57pm

re: #81 klystron

Surprisingly not. You would have thought that would qualify as high sticking, but…

It was a good game for Calgary. They pulled out a win despite being down 2-0 going into the third. And two nice fights to boot.

I’m going to take five from my petition to say that fighting has killed hockey. Any other sport, you fight, you leave. By tolerating fighting, the NHL has emasculated their referees and linesmen. it is the most poorly officiated of the four major sports.
Back to work

85 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:53:35pm

re: #84 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Ok. That’s nice.

Have a kitten.

Cross-eyed kitty.
86 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 9:56:43pm

re: #84 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I’m going to take five from my petition to say that fighting has killed hockey. Any other sport, you fight, you leave. By tolerating fighting, the NHL has emasculated their referees and linesmen. it is the most poorly officiated of the four major sports.
Back to work

Not as long as basketball refs keep letting players carry the ball around for 10 minutes at a time. Next thing they’ll get bowling bags to haul them around in.

87 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 9:56:51pm

re: #49 Kragar

re: #74 Belafon

I told her she could put the gold coins in socks to make head-busters, that way she could trade them for rice and corn.
I think she got mad at me, because she changed the subject.

88 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 9:57:29pm

re: #86 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Not as long as basketball refs keep letting players carry the ball around for 10 minutes at a time. Next thing they’ll get bowling bags to haul them around in.

People watch basketball?

////// (Don’t hurt me, I have to pretend because my in-laws live in NC.)

89 Teukka  Jan 31, 2015 9:57:50pm

re: #87 OhNoZombies!

I told her she could put the gold coins in socks to make head-busters, that way she could trade them for rice and corn.
I think she got mad at me, because she changed the subject.

Well, does have a good mass….

90 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 9:59:52pm

Just for the halibut, could you please share this link:

we petition the obama administration to:
appoint the First Lady to lead the effort to increase vaccination rates for children to 100%.

In light of the recent Measles outbreak, it has become clear that an increasing number of children are not vaccinated against serious preventable diseases. These outbreaks pose a significant hazard to children too young to be immunized as well as those with compromised immune systems who cannot be vaccinated against these diseases. Healthcare professionals have not been successful in penetrating the suspicion and cynicism among those who refuse to have their children vaccinated. The First Lady would be an invaluable public leader of the effort to vaccinate all children.

91 teleskiguy  Jan 31, 2015 10:00:30pm

re: #86 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Not as long as basketball refs keep letting players carry the ball around for 10 minutes at a time. Next thing they’ll get bowling bags to haul them around in.

This elicited a genuine guffaw.


92 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 10:00:53pm

re: #86 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Not as long as basketball refs keep letting players carry the ball around for 10 minutes at a time. Next thing they’ll get bowling bags to haul them around in.

The officiating in basketball got worse when they stopped calling fouls. When was the last time anybody fouled out of an NBA game?

93 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 10:01:51pm

re: #88 klystron

People watch basketball?

////// (Don’t hurt me, I have to pretend because my in-laws live in NC.)

I don’t any more. When they used to force us to play basketball in school, they’d tell us to try and keep the other guys from scoring—you know, get in front of them and wave our arms if nothing else. All they do now is run back and forth from one basket to the other: “Ka-chunk”, Ka-chunk” till the last team to score wins the game. Who wants to watch that?

But my main point was: Just because you’ve got such giant mutant hands that you can carry the ball with your hand on top instead of the bottom, that doesn’t somehow make it not traveling!

94 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 10:03:40pm

re: #73 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Looks to me like your idea of accomplishing that goal is bitching to each other how stupid the antivaxxers are.

I’m sorry, but please show me anything I wrote to suggest that? What do you know about what I may or may not be doing to accomplish the goal?

I do understand that you feel your idea has merit because you want to influence the left-wing anti-vaxxers (please correct me if I’m wrong). But my personal feeling is that having Michelle Obama champion the cause will result in a right-wing backlash that will hurt the ultimate purpose.

I love arguing a point, it’s the best way to find out what I don’t know. But there’s no need to be rude.

95 Amory Blaine  Jan 31, 2015 10:04:25pm

You can tell how dangerous our media has gotten with the hysteria over Ebola, being not “too” contagious. Contrast this with the lackadaisical reporting on this spreading, highly infectious disease with mealy mouth “both sides” type of debate we have been suffering with for many years. PSA commercials should be mandated on all broadcasts, the anti vaxxers need to be exposed as charlatans. Not given a national podium to spew obnoxious lies then demure to “an opinion”.

This fuck and her opinion is blasted daily into american households. She has abetted deaths of children. Tell me, how much respect do our “job creators” have for us?

96 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 31, 2015 10:04:28pm

re: #84 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I’m going to take five from my petition to say that fighting has killed hockey. Any other sport, you fight, you leave. By tolerating fighting, the NHL has emasculated their referees and linesmen. it is the most poorly officiated of the four major sports.
Back to work

“I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out.”

97 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 10:04:36pm

LeBron came home, so…so shut up, that’s why!

98 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 10:06:48pm

re: #96 Higgs Boson’s Mate

“I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out.”

It’s so true. :)

Except for the part where they’re actually on the rarer side these days, because contrary to what some might think, the NHL has substantially cracked down on fighting in the league. You mostly see it in games between rivals - tonight’s was between the two Alberta teams, and the last time they played one player was taken out by a pretty nasty hit that earned the hitter a multi-game suspension. Feelings were running high.

99 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 10:07:04pm

re: #90 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Just for the halibut, could you please share this link:

we petition the obama administration to:
appoint the First Lady to lead the effort to increase vaccination rates for children to 100%.

In light of the recent Measles outbreak, it has become clear that an increasing number of children are not vaccinated against serious preventable diseases. These outbreaks pose a significant hazard to children too young to be immunized as well as those with compromised immune systems who cannot be vaccinated against these diseases. Healthcare professionals have not been successful in penetrating the suspicion and cynicism among those who refuse to have their children vaccinated. The First Lady would be an invaluable public leader of the effort to vaccinate all children.

A year or two ago, I might have agreed with the skeptics of your petition, but now, with the anti-vaxxers beginning to see the light of real public scrutiny, and people who haven’t been paying attention getting angry about it, either this would do some good, or (cynically) if the wingnuts start becoming public disease promoters out of sheer opposition to Obama, that might hurt them.

100 retired cynic  Jan 31, 2015 10:07:47pm

Pro basketball strikes me as just run back and forth and score, but I love college basketball. It’s a pleasure to watch a well-coached team work together as a unit.

101 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 10:08:26pm

re: #94 A Cranky One

The you was meant as a plural or general address. I just clicked your comment to keep it topical, but it probably was unnecessary. I guess people would have known what I was talking about anyway.

102 teleskiguy  Jan 31, 2015 10:09:17pm

re: #95 Amory Blaine

This fuck and her opinion is blasted daily into american households. She has abetted deaths of children. Tell me, how much respect do our “job creators” have for us?

A post at LGF from about a year and a half ago.

LGF has been sounding the alarm on this for a while now. It took a goddamned measles outbreak to get the TV news to talk about it.

103 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 10:10:50pm

re: #95 Amory Blaine

You can tell how dangerous our media has gotten with the hysteria over Ebola, being not “too” contagious. Contrast this with the lackadaisical reporting on this spreading, highly infectious disease with mealy mouth “both sides” type of debate we have been suffering with for many years. PSA commercials should be mandated on all broadcasts, the anti vaxxers need to be exposed as charlatans. Not given a national podium to spew obnoxious lies then demure to “an opinion”.

[Embedded image] This fuck and her opinion is blasted daily into american households. She has abetted deaths of children. Tell me, how much respect do our “job creators” have for us?

Please tell me her cousin Melissa isn’t an anti-vaxxer, too. I’m afraid to look it up….

104 Gus  Jan 31, 2015 10:12:01pm
105 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 31, 2015 10:13:33pm

re: #86 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Not as long as basketball refs keep letting players carry the ball around for 10 minutes at a time. Next thing they’ll get bowling bags to haul them around in.

Well. Basketball is the only sport I know of that you only need to watch the last two minutes of to have seen the whole game…

106 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 10:13:36pm

re: #99 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

A year or two ago, I might have agreed with the skeptics of your petition, but now, with the anti-vaxxers beginning to see the light of real public scrutiny, and people who haven’t been paying attention getting angry about it, either this would do some good, or (cynically) if the wingnuts start becoming public disease promoters out of sheer opposition to Obama, that might hurt them.

It’s nice to think that “This time it’ll be different”, but antivaxxers are not new, the public scrutiny isn’t new, and outbreaks aren’t new (even in these days of available vaccines). As far as the right wingers are concerned, they’re getting their kids vaccinated now, and I don’t think their going to stop.

107 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 10:13:45pm

re: #101 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

The you was meant as a plural or general address. I just clicked your comment to keep it topical, but it probably was unnecessary. I guess people would have known what I was talking about anyway.

I don’t get the impression that anyone was discouraging you. I think it’s worth a shot, and would be the first to sign a petition like that.
The point is really, that people can’t see the forest for the trees when it comes to the Obamas.

108 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 10:14:15pm

re: #95 Amory Blaine

She is the perfect example of “Hate the face”

109 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 10:14:44pm

re: #107 OhNoZombies!

Well, you have the link

110 Pip's Squeak  Jan 31, 2015 10:17:51pm

re: #95 Amory Blaine

Suppose I’m supposed to know, but who is this woman?

111 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 10:19:23pm

re: #110 Pip’s Squeak

Suppose I’m supposed to know, but who is this woman?

Jenny McCarthy, former Playboy Playmate of the Year, and currently the star of some reality show “Donny Loves Jenny”, and vocal antivaxxer

112 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 10:21:56pm

re: #109 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Well, you have the link

Yeah, and I signed it.

113 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jan 31, 2015 10:22:32pm

re: #112 OhNoZombies!

99,998 to go!

114 Amory Blaine  Jan 31, 2015 10:22:57pm

I’d like to add that on last night’s Maher, he had a bit with different Barbie dolls. One of the dolls was Disneyland Barbie, who had the measles. You could tell by how close it hit to Maher’s own stupid beliefs when the joke fell flat on the audience and he quickly moved on to the next. I hope his dumb ass renounces his dangerous opinion but I won’t hold my breath.

115 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 10:24:53pm

re: #53 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

The wingnuts are vaccinating their kids. The rates are very high in red states.

Not in Missouri.

116 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 10:25:46pm

re: #110 Pip’s Squeak

Suppose I’m supposed to know, but who is this woman?

You can keep track of the carnage on

117 Pip's Squeak  Jan 31, 2015 10:25:53pm

re: #111 SteveMcGaziBolaGate


118 teleskiguy  Jan 31, 2015 10:27:06pm
119 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 10:27:24pm

Maher should stick to the subject he knows about…

120 De Kolta Chair  Jan 31, 2015 10:27:45pm
David Fitzsimmons
121 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 10:30:35pm

re: #119 OhNoZombies!

Maher should stick to the subject he knows about…

And strippers.

122 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 10:32:26pm

re: #107 OhNoZombies!

I don’t get the impression that anyone was discouraging you. I think it’s worth a shot, and would be the first to sign a petition like that.
The point is really, that people can’t see the forest for the trees when it comes to the Obamas.

Yup. And we’re all lizards on this bus, so enough said.

It’s also possible that I could be cranky.


123 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 10:33:07pm

re: #122 A Cranky One

Yup. And we’re all lizards on this bus, so enough said.

It’s also possible that I could be cranky.


May I offer you a cat?

124 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 10:34:16pm

re: #119 OhNoZombies!

Maher should stick to the subject he knows about…

My friend, have you been watching the new TV show featuring one of the strongest ladies of color ever, “Empire”?

125 A Cranky One  Jan 31, 2015 10:35:02pm

re: #123 klystron

May I offer you a cat?

[Embedded content]

Thanks! But I needed four….<evil grin>

126 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 10:35:30pm

re: #125 A Cranky One

Thanks! But I needed four….<evil grin>

I am trying, but thus far mr. klys has resisted my arguments.

I will wear him down, however…

127 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 10:36:16pm

re: #115 prairiefire

Not in Missouri.

The SoCons and Religious Right (except the JWs of course) don’t seem to have a problem with vaccination. It’s the libertarian anarchist “You can’t make me!” crowd that’s the problem.

128 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 10:37:45pm

re: #124 prairiefire

My friend, have you been watching the new TV show featuring one of the strongest ladies of color ever, “Empire”?

Not yet, but I’ve been hearing very good things about it.
It’s on the HULU, and I promised my hair dresser I would give it a go.

129 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 10:38:03pm
130 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 10:38:32pm

re: #127 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I wonder about the Pentacostals.

131 teleskiguy  Jan 31, 2015 10:38:55pm

re: #123 klystron

May I offer you a cat?

You and your cats. I offer Saucerboy, the most colorful drunken snowlerblader who ever sought sponsorship from any and all, uh, skiing, I guess.

The one. The only. Saucerboy.

132 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 10:40:14pm

re: #131 teleskiguy

Cats are the most awesomest awesome ever and I am prepared to defend that statement.*

* with the exception of whoever had diarrhea on the kitchen floor this morning. They are not awesomely awesome.

133 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 10:40:43pm

re: #128 OhNoZombies!

Not yet, but I’ve been hearing very good things about it.
It’s on the HULU, and I promised my hair dresser I would give it a go.

#iamhereforcookie. Oh my gerd, it is so good.

134 Amory Blaine  Jan 31, 2015 10:41:19pm

George eats my paperwork and then pushes it on the floor, when he can.

135 De Kolta Chair  Jan 31, 2015 10:41:48pm
136 docproto48  Jan 31, 2015 10:43:22pm

I am of the belief that not vaccinating a child when there is no valid medical rational for not doing so should be considered felony child abuse.

How about a crime against humanity??

137 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 10:43:40pm

Jehovah’s Witnesses vaccinate…well at least the ones I know. They refuse blood transfusions, and that’s cause, as it was explained to me, one is not supposed to ingest blood.
Totally valid if your circulatory system and digestive systems are sewn together.

138 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 10:43:42pm

re: #134 Amory Blaine

Embedded Image

George eats my paperwork and then pushes it on the floor, when he can.

Ha, Alan Parsons Project! That takes me back.

139 Amory Blaine  Jan 31, 2015 10:45:28pm

re: #138 prairiefire

Heh, yeah I had 3 album on my music stand that night.

Turn of a Friendly Card
Ammonia Avenue
Animals (Pink Floyd)

140 goddamnedfrank  Jan 31, 2015 10:46:08pm
141 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 10:46:54pm

re: #136 docproto48

I am of the belief that not vaccinating a child when there is no valid medical rational for not doing so should be considered felony child abuse.

How about a crime against humanity??

I’d be on board with that.

Pretty sure it would boost vaccination rates more too.

142 prairiefire  Jan 31, 2015 10:47:00pm

Night, lizards. Hope there is a Super Bowl commercials thread tomorrow.

143 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 10:47:43pm

re: #142 prairiefire

Night, lizards. Hope there is a Super Bowl commercials thread tomorrow.

Only part of the game worth watching…

(I won’t be here, I will be retrieving the husband from the airport, HOORAY.)

144 Lidane  Jan 31, 2015 10:53:03pm

re: #141 klystron

There are parents in the Third World who are desperate for vaccines to save their kids and we have a bunch of comfortable middle class woo-woo believing dunbasses who refuse those same vaccines because a Playboy bunny told them to. It’s enraging.

145 De Kolta Chair  Jan 31, 2015 10:54:56pm

re: #140 goddamnedfrank

That is some sick shite

146 goddamnedfrank  Jan 31, 2015 11:07:03pm

re: #145 De Kolta Chair

That is some sick shite

Embedded Image

I don’t think he’s ignorant of it either. There was a rumor that he was a neo-nazi in middle and high school, which I find more plausible as time goes on. He’s just refusing to publicly acknowledge the blatant anti-Semitism of people like @PutinsFinest, @KaliYugaSurfer and @occdissent, all of whom he follows. In private I’m pretty sure he’s very sympathetic to their views. It’s no coincidence that he’s a huge advocate of eugenic “race and IQ” Bell Curve horseshit, and has been talking about “anti racism = anti-white.” He’s a gigantic racist, and the nominal degree to which he pretends to care about Jews is entirely dependent on which right wing audience he’s talking to at the moment. Like a lot of American religious conservatives he knows it’s all a disingenuous political marketing strategy.

147 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 11:12:32pm

Still 2 hours before I phone England.

There are two giant bins of books to decide what I should do with. Among other things.


148 OhNoZombies!  Jan 31, 2015 11:15:01pm

Good night folks.
I have a new book, a fantasy, full of monsters, and political machinations that are waaay less scary than the real thing.
Tea, I also have tea.

149 BeachDem  Jan 31, 2015 11:15:31pm

What is with the anti-vaxxers fascination with chiropractic? Every interview I’ve seen with one of the “my kids only eat healthy food and that’s why they don’t need vaccines” also goes on about supplementing their diet with chiropractic.

Bunch of asshole loons. One of my close friends in school had polio and it destroyed the muscles in his upper arm—and he was one of the lucky ones. I had heard recently that, now in his mid-60’s, he’s suffering some residual effects from it—not sure what exactly.

150 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 11:27:48pm

re: #149 BeachDem

What is with the anti-vaxxers fascination with chiropractic? Every interview I’ve seen with one of the “my kids only eat healthy food and that’s why they don’t need vaccines” also goes on about supplementing their diet with chiropractic.

Bunch of asshole loons. One of my close friends in school had polio and it destroyed the muscles in his upper arm—and he was one of the lucky ones. I had heard recently that, now in his mid-60’s, he’s suffering some residual effects from it—not sure what exactly.

Well, you know, vaccines didn’t reduce any diseases! It was modern sanitation and hygiene!

No, honestly—they say this all the time. You know how people were wallowing in filth until the mid-50s when everything got cleaned up—by coincidence at the exact time the vaccine was developed.

But then when you talk about measles, the big cleanup didn’t occur until the mid-60s—again, coinciding purely by chance with the deployment of the vaccine. It’s magic!

151 goddamnedfrank  Jan 31, 2015 11:28:04pm

re: #149 BeachDem

What is with the anti-vaxxers fascination with chiropractic? Every interview I’ve seen with one of the “my kids only eat healthy food and that’s why they don’t need vaccines” also goes on about supplementing their diet with chiropractic.

Bunch of asshole loons. One of my close friends in school had polio and it destroyed the muscles in his upper arm—and he was one of the lucky ones. I had heard recently that, now in his mid-60’s, he’s suffering some residual effects from it—not sure what exactly.

Crank Magnetism.

The inside of their brains is like one of those cash grab booths, except instead of money it’s filled with various denominations of crazy.

152 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 31, 2015 11:29:08pm

re: #149 BeachDem

What is with the anti-vaxxers fascination with chiropractic? Every interview I’ve seen with one of the “my kids only eat healthy food and that’s why they don’t need vaccines” also goes on about supplementing their diet with chiropractic.

Chiropractic is for when the healing crystals aren’t enough.

153 Amory Blaine  Jan 31, 2015 11:36:47pm

When I first met my wife she took me to a pretty big party. She introduced me to this one dude (so long ago I forget) and tells me that he’s a chiropractor. As he goes to shake my hand I stick out my index finger and said “pull my finger”. He wasn’t too happy with me, but somehow it amused everyone around us.

154 Kragar  Jan 31, 2015 11:44:31pm

155 BeachDem  Jan 31, 2015 11:47:27pm

Thanks for the laughs guys (Amory Blaine, that is hilarious). I still don’t get what the fuck they think chiropractic has to do with infectious diseases.

156 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 11:48:44pm

/pokes the late night Lizards

I’ve still got an hour+ to go. Don’t abandon me yet.

157 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 11:50:26pm

What are your favorite go-to dishes for evening meals? Preferably healthy, but I am willing to listen to anything.

I made my list and it had five items of easy to prep and yet tasty items. I need more.

158 Lidane  Jan 31, 2015 11:51:03pm

re: #152 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Chiropractic is for when the healing crystals aren’t enough.

So true.

I never noticed, but you’re right. It’s amazing how the folks I know that swear by chiropractors also tend to swear by the Master Cleanse and other woo-woo shit.

159 #FergusonFireside  Jan 31, 2015 11:51:45pm

Excellent post Uraniabce, welcome to LGF.

Hey Lizards. Back from a very very very very very very busy shift. Dying!!

160 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 11:52:08pm

re: #159 #FergusonFireside

Excellent post Uraniabce, welcome to LGF.

Hey Lizards. Back from a very very very very very very busy shift. Dying!!

I hope it paid well!

161 BeachDem  Jan 31, 2015 11:52:09pm

re: #156 klystron

/pokes the late night Lizards

I’ve still got an hour+ to go. Don’t abandon me yet.

Well, it’s almost 3 here on the right coast, and even though I know you all hate football and especially the Patriots, what can I say—I’m a Masshole from way back and am having s SB party, so I have to get up and finish cooking and (ugh) cleaning, so I think I’d better say goodnight.

162 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 11:52:24pm

re: #161 BeachDem

Well, it’s almost 3 here on the right coast, and even though I know you all hate football and especially the Patriots, what can I say—I’m a Masshole from way back and am having s SB party, so I have to get up and finish cooking and (ugh) cleaning, so I think I’d better say goodnight.


163 #FergusonFireside  Jan 31, 2015 11:53:30pm

re: #160 klystron

I hope it paid well!

Really well. My bank account has never been so happy.

But I’m terd. (tired, in the Southern way)

164 BeachDem  Jan 31, 2015 11:53:35pm

re: #162 klystron


Get off my lawn!

165 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 31, 2015 11:53:41pm

re: #155 BeachDem

Thanks for the laughs guys (Amory Blaine, that is hilarious). I still don’t get what the fuck they think chiropractic has to do with infectious diseases.

That’s not even scratching the surface of the wootopia some lunatics live in. Somebody before mentioned the all-disease-is-acid woo. Then there’s Tullio Simoncini, the Italian oncologist who says cancer is a fungus infection—because fungus is white, and tumors are white. He has a huge following.

It gets crazier from there….

166 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 11:53:52pm

re: #164 BeachDem

Get off my lawn!

/parks the camper

167 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 11:55:06pm

re: #163 #FergusonFireside

Really well. My bank account has never been so happy.

But I’m terd. (tired, in the Southern way)

I took myself out to the favorite Cali-Mex place on …crap, I think it was Thursday, after he finally got to the hotel, for chips and salsa and a margarita.

That and Ikea mark my leaving the house since he left. Which is kind of sad. Sigh.

168 BeachDem  Jan 31, 2015 11:55:17pm

re: #166 klystron

/parks the camper

Now you’re just being a brat./

169 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 31, 2015 11:55:44pm

re: #168 BeachDem

Now you’re just being a brat./

My husband and I get along so well because we are both capable of being all of 5 years old.

170 #FergusonFireside  Jan 31, 2015 11:58:37pm

One thing that is pretty funny at the Neighborhood Grill, is the music they play is a feed of my fucking music. The kids laugh that I know it all.

This was playing when I left, and damn it is stuck happily in me head.

171 BeachDem  Feb 1, 2015 12:01:06am

re: #169 klystron

My husband and I get along so well because we are both capable of being all of 5 years old.

Ah yes, I remember it well.

You might hate football and the Patriots, but you’ll be intrigued with my menu:
Clam dip with Cape Cod Chips
Brie in filo cups with cranberries
Yankee potroast
Seafood pasta salad (lobster, langostinos and shrimp—couldn’t afford all lobster)
Boston Creme Pie (I fucked up the top layer, but hope the glaze will cover most of it)
Cape Codder punch
Sam Adams lager

And with that, it’s now officially 3 am and I need to go to sleep.

172 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:01:45am

re: #171 BeachDem

You can have a +1 for the menu even though I am not a seafood fan.

I’m still rooting for a meteor to hit the stadium.

173 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 1, 2015 12:02:11am

re: #158 Lidane

So true.

I never noticed, but you’re right. It’s amazing how the folks I know that swear by chiropractors also tend to swear by the Master Cleanse and other woo-woo shit.

Eh the joint manipulation does help with my back pain but I’ve always ignored the rest of their shtick.

174 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:04:19am

re: #171 BeachDem

Ah yes, I remember it well.

You might hate football and the Patriots, but you’ll be intrigued with my menu:
Clam dip with Cape Cod Chips
Brie in filo cups with cranberries
Yankee potroast
Seafood pasta salad (lobster, langostinos and shrimp—couldn’t afford all lobster)
Boston Creme Pie (I fucked up the top layer, but hope the glaze will cover most of it)
Cape Codder punch
Sam Adams lager

And with that, it’s now officially 3 am and I need to go to sleep.

Clam dip. It’s been forever. Need to make.

175 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:05:21am

Dinner tonight was classy bachelorette chow: cheese, pepperoni, and crackers. Plus some tasty dill pickles.

Lunch was much the same with a different cheese and no pickles.

Going to the grocery store dropped drastically on the priority list this week around Wednesday, what can I say.

176 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:05:52am
177 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 12:06:06am

re: #157 klystron

One of my favorite go-to meals is something we used to cook wayyy back in my bachelor days. We called it “Here Fucker Casserole”.

3 boxes of mac and cheese.
1 can of cream of mushroom
Can of peas
2 cans of tuna (if budget allows)
Chips (preferably potato)

Cook the mac and cheese up then mix with all other ingredients (add a dash of ketchup for extra zing)

Put in baking dish, top with crumbled chip and bake at 350 for 20-30 min.

Feeds 4 (or 2 drunks) for cheap.

178 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:07:21am

re: #177 Amory Blaine

One of my favorite go-to meals is something we used to cook wayyy back in my bachelor days. We called it “Here Fucker Casserole”.

3 boxes of mac and cheese.
1 can of cream of mushroom
Can of peas
2 cans of tuna (if budget allows)
Chips (preferably potato)

Cook the mac and cheese up then mix with all other ingredients (add a dash of ketchup for extra zing)

Put in baking dish, top with crumbled chip and bake at 350 for 20-30 min.

Feeds 4 (or 2 drunks) for cheap.

Ahhh, I used to do a box of macaroni and cheese with hot dogs boiled in the noodle water and peas steamed above it.

Mmmm. I should do that again.

179 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:09:25am

re: #177 Amory Blaine

One of my favorite go-to meals is something we used to cook wayyy back in my bachelor days. We called it “Here Fucker Casserole”.

3 boxes of mac and cheese.
1 can of cream of mushroom
Can of peas
2 cans of tuna (if budget allows)
Chips (preferably potato)

Cook the mac and cheese up then mix with all other ingredients (add a dash of ketchup for extra zing)

Put in baking dish, top with crumbled chip and bake at 350 for 20-30 min.

Feeds 4 (or 2 drunks) for cheap.

In college we upped mac & cheese (the box kind) with tuna and hot sauce.

Yep, it does the job.

180 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 1, 2015 12:10:26am

Similar was spam casserole: egg noodles, can of spam diced, can of corn, can of mushroom soup, a enough rehydrated powdered milk to mix with the soup, mix & bake for 30 minutes @350.

181 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:11:55am

Catching up on the twitter. Sorry if posted prior.

182 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:15:04am

re: #180 William Barnett-Lewis

Similar was spam casserole: egg noodles, can of spam diced, can of corn, can of mushroom soup, a enough rehydrated powdered milk to mix with the soup, mix & bake for 30 minutes @350.

mr. klys likes spam. I will keep that one in mind.

183 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:17:45am
184 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:18:36am
185 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:24:15am

Ya’ll saw this?

186 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:27:33am

Katy Perry is an ultimate dissapoint for the Super Bowl.

Auto Tune & outfits. bleah.

187 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 1, 2015 12:27:57am

re: #184 #FergusonFireside

Cute. I’ve found that looking at which books are well worn or have lots of annotations or highlights will tell you a lot as well.

188 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 12:28:15am

Blech. I’m going to have to go work out in the field in about an hour.

189 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 1, 2015 12:29:31am

re: #185 #FergusonFireside

Ya’ll saw this?

[Embedded content]

It’s Texas - who else would the barbarians honor? Sam Houston weeps in the beyond…

190 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:30:56am

re: #189 William Barnett-Lewis

It’s Texas - who else would the barbarians honor? Sam Houston weeps in the beyond…

It’s great to be King/Governor. You get to do whatever the fuck you want.

191 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:31:41am

One of the things that did get moved from the bookshelf to the new shelf/cabinet is the memorial to my friend from high school. The scarf she was crocheting me (Gryffindor), the bear she gave me for Christmas, the card from her viewing, some of the notes she wrote me, photos she printed for my locker…

I remind myself that gone is not forgotten, and as long as I am here she is too.

192 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:45:19am

TY Klys. Somehow I was downstairs posting.

The super bowl commercials all in one, and who knows what else really important shit.

193 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:47:06am

re: #192 #FergusonFireside

I am occasionally useful.

The commercials are all here, but I will wait for the Internet verdict to tell me which ones to watch.

I missed the infamous boob because I was doing calculus homework. CALCULUS HOMEWORK. And I looked down at the wrong time.

You can all feel old, I was a freshman in college.

194 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:49:49am

One useful takeaway from this trip (besides the part where he is no longer allowed to travel between continents without me) is that his boss may compel the getting of an actual cell phone for him.

As opposed to one of the $30 ones from Walmart that he can run through the wash.

I’d say maybe I’ll get off my parents’ phone bill before I turn 30 but …no, still probably not.

195 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:50:03am

re: #193 klystron

I am occasionally useful.

The commercials are all here, but I will wait for the Internet verdict to tell me which ones to watch.

I missed the infamous boob because I was doing calculus homework. CALCULUS HOMEWORK. And I looked down at the wrong time.

You can all feel old, I was a freshman in college.

The most powerful, and one I’m going to have loaded on my phone tomorrow to show the young ones, is the NFL Domestic Violence 911/Pizza call. Extremely powerful. Seriously, I want to know the name of the ad agency, they should win a Cleo.

196 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:54:09am

Maybe you haven’t seen it. Maybe you have. Watch again.

197 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:56:48am

It was disgusting today. In that I shouldn’t feel too warm in a t-shirt. IN JANUARY.

It’s still today because I haven’t gone to bed.

198 Charles Johnson  Feb 1, 2015 12:56:59am
199 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 12:58:20am

Hockey Fans Pour Beer On Native Kids, Tell Them To ‘Go Back To The Rez’

Fans in Rapid City, S.D. poured beer on a group of Native American children and shouted racial slurs at them during a hockey game, television station KOTA reported on Monday.

The 57 children who attended the Rush hockey game on Saturday were students at the American Horse School and were invited to the game as part of a program with the hockey team, KOTA reported.

Saturday’s incident got so out of control that chaperones reportedly removed the students from the arena. And, according to the station, the incident was eventually reported to management.

200 Charles Johnson  Feb 1, 2015 12:58:27am


201 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 12:58:52am

re: #198 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Just like Andrew B. did. Oh, Breitbart didn’t even have a will. These freaks.

202 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 12:59:37am

re: #199 Amory Blaine

Damn straight that should be reported to management. And it should not be tolerated, period.

Hockey fans are human and sadly, as humans, are just as prone to racism as the rest of us.

204 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 1:01:24am

I already posted that this was true for SF, but same goes for Santa Cruz, and here’s the numbers to really make you wince:

205 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 1:05:41am

I’ve decompressed, finally.

Good night now.

206 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 1:06:09am

re: #205 #FergusonFireside

I’ve decompressed, finally.

Good night now.


I have IMed with the husband but still owe him a phone call.

207 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 1:21:01am

He is up and working on getting to the airport to come home to me.

…I am up and this living room is still not clean. Or the kitchen.


208 Shiplord Kirel  Feb 1, 2015 1:44:10am

re: #199 Amory Blaine

Hockey Fans Pour Beer On Native Kids, Tell Them To ‘Go Back To The Rez’

re: #203 #FergusonFireside

The attacks came from a VIP suite that had been rented by a local company, a beer distributor according to some of the commenters. The venue manager said the local hockey team and the suite tenant company were working to invite the kids back for another game. We need to find out who this company is and hold their feet to the fire on this. In particular they need to take whatever action they can against the savages they allowed to sit in their box. If they are employees, fire them. If they are vendors, shut them out. If they are customers, tell them to go elsewhere and publicize your reasons if they get testy. If they are politicians or their families and hench-people, expose them in the media.

209 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 1:54:50am

re: #199 Amory Blaine

The station with the story looks like a hack organization. The wording for the related stories are blatant in their downplaying of the events.

According to Justin Poor Bear, a father who chaperoned 57 American Horse School students from Allen to the game, several men in a suite just above the students poured beer down on the Native American children and hurled racial slurs.

In a Facebook post, Poor Bear said “They were getting drunk and around the third quarter they were talking crap to our kids and throwing down beer on some of them, including our staff and students … telling our students to go back to the rez.”

Poor Bear acknowledged that he then got a little heated after the beer and slurs were slung at the students. Poor Bear said he did swear at the men … who (according to Poor Bear) “invited” him up to the VIP section to “fight about it.”

Yeah fuck you Jack Siebold. Multiple witnesses corroborated the crimes. Then the hack job tries to make it look like one of the victims was partially to blame.

210 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 1, 2015 1:55:28am

re: #208 Shiplord Kirel

Reading through the initial article from the local TV station, not only is the beer distributor identified, but they say it was a client of theirs.

One of the comments on *that* article talks about how well behaved the kids were.

I hate people sometimes.

211 Timothy Watson  Feb 1, 2015 2:06:11am

re: #208 Shiplord Kirel

The attacks came from a VIP suite that had been rented by a local company, a beer distributor according to some of the commenters. The venue manager said the local hockey team and the suite tenant company were working to invite the kids back for another game. We need to find out who this company is and hold their feet to the fire on this. In particular they need to take whatever action they can against the savages they allowed to sit in their box. If they are employees, fire them. If they are vendors, shut them out. If they are customers, tell them to go elsewhere and publicize your reasons if they get testy. If they are politicians or their families and hench-people, expose them in the media.

Screw that, the people should be charged criminally, preferably with a hate crime if such a thing exists in South Dakota.

212 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 2:30:36am

A sliver of good news from Wississippi.

Feingold may be eying return to Senate

- A democratic analyst for NBC 15 says he has heard that Russ Feingold may be thinking about another U.S. Senate run.

Roger Putnam told us tonight that he talked to two sources about Feingold’s future.

There’s word Feingold could leave his current job at the U.S. State Department.

It would free him up to potentially challenge Republican Senator Ron Johnson in 2016.

I would love to see Feingold debate RoJo. RoJo now has a record to be attacked. And like a good little RWNJ fucktard, he has done exactly jack shit for the people of this state.

213 Swift2991  Feb 1, 2015 2:51:30am

Excellent article. The anti-vaxxer argument that goes, “It doesn’t work, you can be vaccinated and still get it!” You say, yeah, it’s not 100%. To them, that means it’s worthless. You say that’s why everybody’s got to get the shots. Herd immunity. Which they say doesn’t exist. And yet, the vaccine is vile enough that “it kills thousands a year.” No, it doesn’t.

The thing I realized was, if the vaccine protected you 100%, then you wouldn’t need everyone to be vaccinated. You could say, as they do, “Screw you, Charley,” after you warned them. After one of their kids got sick, maybe they would come to their senses, but maybe not. But everybody you loved, or everybody rational, would be guaranteed to be healthy. No vaccine is that way, though measles vaccine is the best of them all. Walk through a crowd where 5 are infected and 90% are immune, your odds of being in contact with a carrier are small even if your immune system is compromised. If there are 50 infected and you’re not inoculated, the herd might not shield you.

214 Timothy Watson  Feb 1, 2015 3:02:26am


I’m working on repairing a relative’s computer and had to reformat and install Windows 7, using a disc including all updates up to November 2012.

Due to my crappy satellite internet, which has a cap on downloads except during 2:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m., I got up at 2:00 a.m. to start the download process for Microsoft Update and AVG Free. 1.3 GB in Microsoft updates plus AVG, and a couple hours later, all those updates are finished downloading, now it’s taking over an hour just to install them.

Not to mention, once I reboot the computer, there’s going to be even more updates to download since prerequisites, like Service Packs, were just downloaded.

I have a feeling it’s going to be another night before I get this thing fully functional.

The bad thing? I had to do this back in December to fix another computer from another relative, my brother.

215 Varek Raith  Feb 1, 2015 3:07:00am

re: #214 Timothy Watson


I’m working on repairing a relative’s computer and had to reformat and install Windows 7, using a disc including all updates up to November 2012.

Due to my crappy satellite internet, which has a cap on downloads except during 2:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m., I got up at 2:00 a.m. to start the download process for Microsoft Update and AVG Free. 1.3 GB in Microsoft updates plus AVG, and a couple hours later, all those updates are finished downloading, now it’s taking over an hour just to install them.

Not to mention, once I reboot the computer, there’s going to be even more updates to download since prerequisites, like Service Packs, were just downloaded.

I have a feeling it’s going to be another night before I get this thing fully functional.

The bad thing? I had to do this back in December to fix another computer from another relative, my brother.


217 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 1, 2015 3:16:54am

re: #214 Timothy Watson


I’m working on repairing a relative’s computer and had to reformat and install Windows 7, using a disc including all updates up to November 2012.

Due to my crappy satellite internet, which has a cap on downloads except during 2:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m., I got up at 2:00 a.m. to start the download process for Microsoft Update and AVG Free. 1.3 GB in Microsoft updates plus AVG, and a couple hours later, all those updates are finished downloading, now it’s taking over an hour just to install them.

Not to mention, once I reboot the computer, there’s going to be even more updates to download since prerequisites, like Service Packs, were just downloaded.

I have a feeling it’s going to be another night before I get this thing fully functional.

The bad thing? I had to do this back in December to fix another computer from another relative, my brother.

If you have the space, image the hard drive once you’ve finished. Then the next time (you know there will be a next time) you can restore from the image file. I used Ghost back in the and ,probably something even better now.

218 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 3:28:32am

re: #200 Charles Johnson

But if Clinton wins, she will throw him in jail too. //

219 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 3:30:45am

re: #216 Varek Raith

3-year-old boy shoots father, pregnant mother in New Mexico

Sorry, but in this case I’m “blaming the victim”. If they can be called victims in the first place, because it could be also fair to say that the only victim is the boy.

220 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 3:38:42am
221 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 3:42:13am

222 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 3:46:06am

re: #220 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Iä! Iä!

Image: ciac-300x300.png

So that’s what the Cthulhu cult is calling themselves these days. Sneaky little buggers……they’re posing as marine biologists.

I see their next international symposium attempt at raising dread Cthulhu from his slumber will take place in Hakodate, Japan this November.

Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!!

223 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 3:52:01am

Randi has retired:

224 Varek Raith  Feb 1, 2015 4:00:00am

225 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 4:12:02am


226 Varek Raith  Feb 1, 2015 4:22:02am

Nomnom time.

227 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 4:33:29am

re: #226 Varek Raith

Nomnom time.

228 SteelPH  Feb 1, 2015 4:37:25am

re: #227 Dr Lizardo

[Embedded content]

Pac-Man’s gone rogue!

229 Jayleia  Feb 1, 2015 4:37:45am
230 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 4:53:37am

Once almost eradicated, whooping cough surges back

Pertussis, known for an explosive cough so violent it can break a person’s rib or cause the person to vomit or pass out, had appeared to be on the way out in this country in 1976, the disease’s low ebb. There were just 1,010 cases — far below the 100,000 typical in the 1940s. The disease was vanishing under the assault of childhood vaccinations.

Not anymore. The year Camille got pertussis, Wisconsin alone recorded 6,462 cases. The national total was 48,277.

Experts and research point to a complex confluence of factors that may have caused the surge in cases, including: a safer but weakened vaccine; more surveillance, especially in adults; genetic changes to the bacterium; and a proliferation of wary parents and anti-vaccine websites.

231 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 5:19:16am

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. I am so glad and saddened that you wrote this article, because on the one hand, it’s so timely and needed, and on the other, it’s so timely and needed.

Anti-vaxxers are the scourge of the planet. They ignore how vaccines work, how immunity works, and how vaccines are far safer than the diseases they protect against - not only for those who get the vaccine, but those who can’t.

My mom is among those who can’t get vaccines, whether for the flu or other vaccines on the adult schedule because she’s immune compromised. She’s hardly alone as I know several other people who were or are in cancer treatment or remission and have to be careful as to the vaccines they can or can’t take. I worry for them that a disease that should be wiped from the earth like measles could end up harming any of them.

It’s an entirely preventable disease, and yet these idiots downplay the huge costs of outbreaks and the medical harms that result from cases.

145,000 people die of measles worldwide every year. 145,000. Before the major vaccine efforts, that number was 500,000 or more. This disease kills. It maims. It causes lasting harms.

Chicken pox is another disease with a deadly and disfiguring outcome. Before the vaccine became widespread in the US, 100 people died annually and 3-4 million came down with it. 11,000 cases were so severe as to require hospitalization.

There’s concern locally about a potential measles outbreak when a college student came through Penn Station and took Amtrak up to Albany and Buffalo. Turns out the student contracted it while in Germany. But an outbreak can be limited or prevented entirely if everyone was vaccinated.

Now think of the health care costs. And the costs of vaccination is so far less than that that everyone benefits from the vaccine directly and indirectly.

As it stands, many states have allowed religious or philosophical exemptions for allowing parents to keep their kids from getting vaccinations. In some states, that means that the herd immunity is threatened on some diseases because those diseases are so communicable (measles!). The only real solution to this isn’t closing borders as Chuckles Johnson, xenophobes, and anti-vaxxers might claim, but to eliminate the exemptions for all but the medical need (if you’re allergic to eggs or immune-compromised).

If West Virginia and Mississippi can have 99% vaccination rates for kids, so too can the rest of the nation. This is one area of public health policy where these two states that often rank at the bottom on most other health policy indicators have actually gotten it right.

This isn’t about individual choice. It’s about public health, and there’s no legitimate reason to not get vaccinated.

The anti-vaxxers like to claim BS about how vaccines are over-taxing immune systems of kids, causing all kinds of ailments. That completely ignores that an immune system encounters far more diverse triggers in a single breath of air or touch of a surface than a single vaccine jab.

It’s far safer and cheaper to get the vaccine than to risk getting measles, mumps, polio, diptheria, chicken pox, hepatitis, tetanus, HPV, shingles, and any other disease for which a vaccine is available.

After all, what’s the hospitalization costs run these days? Lost wages for being out of work to care for the kids (especially when the parents work at jobs that lack sick leave)? All those costs add up. Quickly.

That’s the long-winded rant.

The short version: Fuck the anti-vaxxers with a pitchfork sideways. They’re fucking with everyone’s health. And deserve to rot in a very hot part of hell.

232 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 5:20:06am

In the same vein:

233 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 1, 2015 5:22:18am

Hello from Shenzhen! I just spent a very pleasant two days in Hong Kong. Fortunately, UpChuck seems to be slow in the nwes department, so has not fallen too far behind.

EXCLUSIVE: Why don’t real news stories about the Clintons begin with “why?”

Also, more on topic, really top drawer post here, Uraniabce! Keep it up!

234 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 5:35:45am
235 Teukka  Feb 1, 2015 5:36:59am

re: #232 lawhawk

In the same vein:

[Embedded content]

I’m reading the comments to that article…


236 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 5:46:49am

Locally, the FDNY is still fighting a massive fire at a Brooklyn paper warehouse on the waterfront. It’s been going since early Saturday morning. 7 alarms; firefighters are working 3 hour shifts because of the extreme cold. They’ve got fireboats providing additional water for the blaze, and it may be days and weeks before everything is under control.

The size of the fire is reason enough to consider arson, but the fact that the area is prime real estate and could be worth significantly more as a residential skyscraper, and investigators will look at whether it was intentionally set.

237 Snarknado!  Feb 1, 2015 5:52:23am

And now I’m signing off, probably for a couple of weeks — stay sane and see you After the Ice.

238 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 5:55:21am

Scott Walker’s proposed $300 million higher education cut comes as other states are putting money back into colleges

Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget cut of $300 million to the University of Wisconsin System comes as other states, nationally and in the Midwest, have inched up funding for higher education, restoring support lost during the economic recession. More increases are expected in coming years.

“The numbers do seem to be improving,” said Lara Couturier, director of postsecondary state policy at Jobs for the Future, a Boston research nonprofit focused on education and employment for low-income Americans. “Since the dog days of the recession, the national picture is looking a little better but it doesn’t change the fact that there has been overall a declining investment in higher education by our states.”

Wisconsin is one of a handful of states that hasn’t restored funding in this fiscal year to where it was in 2009-2010, when higher education systems nationwide — in addition to most other public agencies — saw dramatic funding cuts due to the economic recession that started in late 2007.

239 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 6:03:26am

re: #238 Amory Blaine

One of the reasons that so many people have taken on student loan debt is that states have cut back their support for the state university systems to the point where it’s no longer affordable without taking on major student loans.

And the inflation in college costs, let alone grad schools, far exceeds anything seen in other sectors. In WI, god forbid they cut back funding for the athletics to keep the academics going. Instead, they’ll make it tougher to get an education for the 99% of people who are going to college in WI by making it more expensive. Cutting support means that the tuition will necessarily rise to cover the costs.

240 Romantic Heretic  Feb 1, 2015 6:12:39am

re: #28 prairiefire

Americans have had the luxury of ignorance for too long. The price is being paid.

They mistake ‘being free’ with ‘doing what ever I want no matter what the consequences for others.’

In other words freedom is an excuse, not a guideline.

241 Targetpractice  Feb 1, 2015 6:13:59am

re: #238 Amory Blaine

Scott Walker’s proposed $300 million higher education cut comes as other states are putting money back into colleges

Of course, the same proposal strips away several laws governing UW, including laws guaranteeing tenure and ones that would allow students and faculty say in how the universities are run. The Board of Regents would have total say in how the system runs, from issuing bonds to setting pay. And who nominates the people for that Board? You guessed it: Walker himself. But why worry about who a guy who yanked a nominee when he found their name on a recall petition might nominate?

242 Romantic Heretic  Feb 1, 2015 6:14:09am

re: #45 OhNoZombies!

My mother in law reads WND.
Saw it when I helped her update her phone.
She’s still buying gold in because she’s convinced the world economy is about to collapse. End of Days or something.
Apparently starving people will still accept gold.

Not if the starving people have guns.

243 GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 1, 2015 6:14:26am

re: #214 Timothy Watson

Relatives and computers is as bad as family and religion/politics during the holidays.

244 Targetpractice  Feb 1, 2015 6:19:55am

Bah, who needs gold after the apocalypse when bottle caps will be the currency of choice?


246 Decatur Deb  Feb 1, 2015 6:29:26am

re: #244 Targetpractice

Bah, who needs gold after the apocalypse when bottle caps will be the currency of choice?


It’s hard to find someone who will break a Figgie-Fizz.

247 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 6:31:09am

re: #231 lawhawk

Chicken pox is another disease with a deadly and disfiguring outcome. Before the vaccine became widespread in the US, 100 people died annually and 3-4 million came down with it. 11,000 cases were so severe as to require hospitalization.

Chicken pox is extremely severe in adults and may require hospitalization. Then the shingles virus sneaks in. Even more horrific.

248 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 6:31:49am

re: #239 lawhawk

re: #241 Targetpractice

Another concern is it will encourage more catering to out of state students at the expense of residents. Walker is looking needlessly reckless with his proposed cuts, and with the nasty tone he exhibited on a.m. radio the other day basically telling UW staff to suck it up and teach more classes, also vindictive.

249 BigPapa  Feb 1, 2015 6:32:08am

re: #17 Teukka

I can’t upding this enough.

I’m one of those who partly rely on herd immunity because I am on medications which suppress my immune system (Methotrexate, if you want to know) to deal with an autoimmune disease (Psoriasis).
While I can take some vaccines, what’s called attenuated vaccines are out of the question for me.

And hoping I won’t violate some unwritten rule or offend peoples linguistical sensibilities (too much), this one goes out to all antivaxxers:


My wife is in the same situation: get sick, stop the Methotrexate, hopefully get well enough in time to start it again before the Psoriasis comes back.

250 Decatur Deb  Feb 1, 2015 6:34:06am

Sorting out the post-Romney TPGOP field, one Freeper has described Jeb Bush as “Satanic”.

251 Thanos  Feb 1, 2015 6:35:02am

So this post at Pharyngula gave me the best laugh I’ve had in weeks.

252 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 6:39:19am

re: #244 Targetpractice

Bah, who needs gold after the apocalypse when bottle caps will be the currency of choice?


Stylish survivors will battle, clad in pop-top chainmail.

253 darthstar  Feb 1, 2015 6:39:39am

re: #80 darthstar

This is a test of how fucking awesome I am. If you can read this, I’m using my mobile phone as a hotspot with a 4G signal in the fucking mountains.

Yeah, this has been an epic test in the how fucking awesome is darth world.

Time to go to bed as I have a full day of skiing ahead of me, but had to share….it’s been a long, dry winter, and I needed to celebrate something.

Okay, I’d had a couple of drinks last night and I’m at altitude…but I’m still pretty pleased with being able to use the internet again.

Mornin’ everyone.

254 Dave In Austin  Feb 1, 2015 6:43:30am

re: #185 #FergusonFireside

Ya’ll saw this?

[Embedded content]

There will be a day on Texas that some idiot in charge will declare “Ted Nugent Day”. The Hillbilly’s and Cedar Choppers will celebrate. On that day, the house goes on the market.

255 Amory Blaine  Feb 1, 2015 6:47:13am

re: #251 Thanos

So this post at Pharyngula gave me the best laugh I’ve had in weeks.


UnknownEric the Apostate
28 January 2015 at 1:36 pm
“Holding hands with god” sounds like it should be a euphemism for masturbating, actually.

256 Eventual Carrion  Feb 1, 2015 6:49:42am

re: #244 Targetpractice

Bah, who needs gold after the apocalypse when bottle caps will be the currency of choice?


I’m banking on water being the most sought after currency.

257 Decatur Deb  Feb 1, 2015 6:51:25am

re: #256 Eventual Carrion

I’m banking on water being the most sought after currency.

Liquidity is the key.

—Off to fire up the barbie.

258 Eventual Carrion  Feb 1, 2015 6:53:46am

re: #250 Decatur Deb

Sorting out the post-Romney TPGOP field, one Freeper has described Jeb Bush as “Satanic”.

The rift in the party is building up more friction every day/week. The quake will be enormous when it releases.

259 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 6:56:37am

Heh. It’s happened before. It will happen again. /Sincerely, the Jews.

Maybe Huckabee’s ahistorical and narrow worldview in which his particular religious theocratic views are imposed on everyone has something to do with this, but the fact is that the Bible has been translated and modified countless times in history (so much so that when you say you’re following the Bible, I can’t help but say to myself, which version would that be).

260 darthstar  Feb 1, 2015 6:56:50am
261 RealityBasedSteve  Feb 1, 2015 6:57:33am

Well gang, I’m off to go diving. It’s going to be a cool day, rainy, and the water is going to be about 45 degrees. Good friends will help with the first two items, and my drysuit and super thick fleece underwear handles the second.

Hadn’t planned on going diving, but got a call last night from one of the guys saying that they missed me out there, to get my butt down to the quarry today.

See ya when I get back.


262 ObserverArt  Feb 1, 2015 7:04:51am

Morning all.

Does anyone know if Jenny McCarthy was immunized as a child?

She was born in 1972 and the combo MMR vacine was in place in 1971 or so. So, she would have had one of the vaccines that contained thimerosal would she not?

Has anyone asked her about that, and asked how many of her childhood friends were also vaccinated? How many cases of Autism were in that group of kids, and things like that should also be asked.

I did some searching, but I haven’t seen anyone ask it or her having talked about it, etc.

By the way…welcome Uraniabce. Nice write-up.

263 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 7:11:49am

re: #259 lawhawk

What does civil marriage has to do with any religion?

264 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 7:13:45am

re: #263 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Because Bible! /Huckabee

265 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 7:15:52am

Russian schizophrenia.


266 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 7:27:00am
267 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 7:30:11am

Guy deserves to be sanctioned and his license revoked for putting the public health in danger. He’s a snake oil salesman, not a doctor.

268 PhillyPretzel  Feb 1, 2015 7:36:50am

re: #267 lawhawk

I agree completely. I personally would like to go further but will not since it is illegal.

269 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 7:39:54am

re: #267 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Guy deserves to be sanctioned and his license revoked for putting the public health in danger. He’s a snake oil salesman, not a doctor.

What a quack. I agree; his license should be revoked.

270 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 7:41:48am

re: #267 lawhawk

He needs a [censored] in his [censored].

271 Teukka  Feb 1, 2015 7:42:55am

re: #270 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

He needs a [censored] in his [censored].


272 Higgs Boson's Mate  Feb 1, 2015 7:43:07am

re: #266 lawhawk

Not every three-year-old can cock a pistol. It’s either that or the mother was carrying the pistol with the hammer cocked and a round in the chamber. Sad that carrying a pistol isn’t enough for some people, they now have to carry it cocked and ready to fire.
The article says that the parents may be charged with negligence. If your firearm discharges because it was improperly secured then you should lose your right to own firearms, period.

273 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 7:44:33am

re: #259 lawhawk

So, Huckabee’s still a child. He needs everything spelled out to him by an authority figure.

274 Eventual Carrion  Feb 1, 2015 7:48:28am

re: #270 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

He needs a [censored] in his [censored].

Mad libs:

Bottle of water       hair
Tire iron                 ear
Festering boil        rectum
Tick                         car

275 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 7:52:17am

Some fuckbag Tweeting at me that measles outbreak caused by “illegals”

No dumbass, illegals can’t afford $200 Disneyland tickets.

276 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 7:53:40am

re: #275 The Vicious Babushka

As someone pointed out yesterday, if that were the case, why aren’t we hearing about a massive measles outbreak in Mexico or Central and South America?

277 Eventual Carrion  Feb 1, 2015 7:54:14am

re: #275 The Vicious Babushka

Some fuckbag Tweeting at me that measles outbreak caused by “illegals”

No dumbass, illegals can’t afford $200 Disneyland tickets.

You just walked 300 miles through the desert to reach America, what are you going to do now?

I’m going to Disneyland!

278 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 7:55:12am

re: #273 Belafon

So, Huckabee’s still a child. He needs everything spelled out to him by an authority figure.

He’s a clerical fascist.

279 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 7:55:55am

re: #275 The Vicious Babushka

Some fuckbag Tweeting at me that measles outbreak caused by “illegals”

No dumbass, illegals can’t afford $200 Disneyland tickets.


280 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 7:56:35am
281 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 8:01:48am

re: #280 The Vicious Babushka

OK, this one required a reply from me:

282 Dark_Falcon  Feb 1, 2015 8:03:17am

re: #280 The Vicious Babushka

283 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 8:06:22am

re: #282 Dark_Falcon

[Embedded content]

No they want immediate deportations because you know there’s never been US citizens wrongfully deported due to people assuming that someone’s an illegal just because they’re the wrong race. But seriously, if that were the case, these people should favor better health care policies but nope.

284 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 8:10:19am

Yeah because Obama is giving every illegal a free Disneyland ticket, which cost $200 for real Muricans:

Too sickening to embed

285 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 8:12:42am

re: #283 HappyWarrior

I’m a part of CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) in my city. One of the things we’ve been training for is the need to do an emergency distribution of medicine in the case of something like a biological attack or, more likely, idiots. One of the things some of the group are having to learn is that you don’t stop to critique every person who comes by. “You have 23 members in your family? Here you go.” “You’r plates say New Jersey. You haven’t been in Texas very long, have you? Here you go.”

286 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:12:44am

Excellent Post!!!

287 Dark_Falcon  Feb 1, 2015 8:12:59am

re: #283 HappyWarrior

No they want immediate deportations because you know there’s never been US citizens wrongfully deported due to people assuming that someone’s an illegal just because they’re the wrong race. But seriously, if that were the case, these people should favor better health care policies but nope.

I know, and that’s why I asked the question. I’m not expecting a rational answer, but I wanted to show the irrationality of “El Solo Lobo“‘s position by pointing out what the correct reaction would be if he was correct. As it happens he’s full of shit.

288 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:14:14am

For Chicago Lizards.
USS Illinois Commissioning Committee Presentation, with Commanding Officer Jesse Porter

Free Presentation from Pritzker Military Library.

Posted with DF in mind.

289 Dark_Falcon  Feb 1, 2015 8:15:34am

re: #288 FemNaziBitch

For Chicago Lizards.
USS Illinois Commissioning Committee Presentation, with Commanding Officer Jesse Porter

Free Presentation from Pritzker Military Library.

Posted with DF in mind.

Hell, yeah! Thank you, GGT.

290 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:18:25am is having a “first in the series” Sale —$4.95 each.

291 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:18:41am

re: #289 Dark_Falcon

Hell, yeah! Thank you, GGT.

Figured you’d absorb all that by osmosis!

292 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:19:32am

re: #284 The Vicious Babushka

Yeah because Obama is giving every illegal a free Disneyland ticket, which cost $200 for real Muricans:

[Embedded content]

What a fucking moron.

You wouldn’t be in danger if you gotten your FREAKING immunizations!!!

Mask of the Red Death mentality.

293 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 8:22:24am

re: #287 Dark_Falcon

I know, and that’s why I asked the question. I’m not expecting a rational answer, but I wanted to show the irrationality of “El Solo Lobo“‘s position by pointing out what the correct reaction would be if he was correct. As it happens he’s full of shit.

Right, anyhow people like that. They just want to scapegoat. It’s unfortunately typical.

294 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 8:23:46am

re: #284 The Vicious Babushka

Yeah because Obama is giving every illegal a free Disneyland ticket, which cost $200 for real Muricans:

Too sickening to embed

Next Obama will be giving out the illegals Super Bowl tickets. Seriously these people are just sad.

295 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 8:24:59am

Via Daily Kos, the letter Roald Dahl wrote to parents about losing his daughter to measles is worth reading:

296 Dark_Falcon  Feb 1, 2015 8:25:25am

re: #292 FemNaziBitch

What a fucking moron.

You wouldn’t be in danger if you gotten your FREAKING immunizations!!!

Mask of the Red Death mentality.

Actual risk is not the point of this meme: The point is to demonize illegal immigrants as disease carriers, marginalize Republicans such as Marco Rubio and especially John McCain who have pushed for immigration reform by calling them unpatriotic RINOS, and to demonize Barack Obama as a Transnational Progressive black man who hates America and is wounding her deliberately by imposing Open Borders.

Of that list of DERP, the only true things in it are that Rubio and McCain support immigration reform and that Barack Obama is black. Everything else is hateful horsehit.

297 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 8:27:26am

The anti-vax movement is something that has really grown in recent years. I don’t really remember much hostility to vaccinations when I was a kid in the early 90’s.

298 b_sharp  Feb 1, 2015 8:29:33am

re: #297 HappyWarrior

The anti-vax movement is something that has really grown in recent years. I don’t really remember much hostility to vaccinations when I was a kid in the early 90’s.

Certainly none in the ’60s when I was a kid.

299 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 8:30:58am

re: #297 HappyWarrior

The anti-vax movement is something that has really grown in recent years. I don’t really remember much hostility to vaccinations when I was a kid in the early 90’s.

Hell, when I was a kid in the 1970s, if you weren’t vaccinated, you’d be considered some kind of weirdo.

300 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 8:31:02am

re: #298 b_sharp

Certainly none in the ’60s when I was a kid.

I imagine the parents of your generation were really relieved with the Polio vaccination. The anti-vaccination movement like many movements in this country (well the West as a whole let’s say) are based in people having a short term memory about the past.

301 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 8:31:18am

re: #299 Dr Lizardo

Hell, when I was a kid in the 1970s, if you weren’t vaccinated, you’d be considered some kind of weirdo.

Funny how things change.

302 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 8:32:01am
303 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 8:33:37am

re: #297 HappyWarrior

The anti-vax movement is something that has really grown in recent years. I don’t really remember much hostility to vaccinations when I was a kid in the early 90’s.

We’ve reached the point where those who knew how bad the disease were are now grandparent or great-grandparents. Most parents today were vaccinated and never experience it directly. Combine that with the fact that most of them are ignorant of science and history, and you’ve got the comment section at lawhawk’s link.

304 PhillyPretzel  Feb 1, 2015 8:33:56am

re: #302 The Vicious Babushka

Your logic is sound, theirs is not.

305 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 8:34:05am

re: #302 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Ho…lee….shit!! I never realized Disneyland was that expensive. Last time I was there would’ve been in 1976 or thereabouts with my parents and an uncle and aunt from Sweden.

306 b_sharp  Feb 1, 2015 8:35:45am

re: #300 HappyWarrior

I imagine the parents of your generation were really relieved with the Polio vaccination. The anti-vaccination movement like many movements in this country (well the West as a whole let’s say) are based in people having a short term memory about the past.

Ignorance of history really is a problem, not just in the vax arena. I’ve noticed a lot of RWNJ anger against environmental groups who were instrumental in cleaning up our waterways and city air.

It’s almost as if since they didn’t experience it, it didn’t happen.

307 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 8:35:55am

re: #303 Belafon

We’ve reached the point where those who knew how bad the disease were are now grandparent or great-grandparents. Most parents today were vaccinated and never experience it directly. Combine that with the fact that most of them are ignorant of science and history, and you’ve got the comment section at lawhawk’s link.

Exactly, that’s my point about short term memory. I see it a lot in other policies and issues too. Whereas the older generation who knew how bad the condition was that led to the innovation in the first place has died out, the younger generations who have never experienced it directly tend to ignore it. To me, it’s basically the same product of those that think cutting so called entitlements is a good policy.

308 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 8:36:46am

re: #306 b_sharp

Ignorance of history really is a problem, not just in the vax arena. I’ve noticed a lot of RWNJ anger against environmental groups who were instrumental in cleaning up our waterways and city air.

It’s almost as if since they didn’t experience it, it didn’t happen.

Yep, great point about the environment. That’s exactly one of the issues I was thinking about. We take it for granted that our water and food are pretty much safe to eat in the West but it wasn’t always that way.

309 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 8:37:08am

re: #302 The Vicious Babushka

310 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:37:19am

We have the same issues with the raw milk people and the anti-fluoridation people.

A few moments reading old death certificates should cure it.

311 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:38:08am

re: #308 HappyWarrior

Yep, great point about the environment. That’s exactly one of the issues I was thinking about. We take it for granted that our water and food are pretty much safe to eat in the West but it wasn’t always that way.


Having potable water is a rather recent phenom. Liquids distilled or fermented used to be the only reliably safe thing to drink.

312 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 8:38:32am

re: #307 HappyWarrior

Exactly, that’s my point about short term memory. I see it a lot in other policies and issues too. Whereas the older generation who knew how bad the condition was that led to the innovation in the first place has died out, the younger generations who have never experienced it directly tend to ignore it. To me, it’s basically the same product of those that think cutting so called entitlements is a good policy.

I had an aunt who had polio - she was left with leg braces for the rest of her life. The cruel irony? She contracted polio less than one year before the vaccine came out.

I’ve seen the effects of polio with my own eyes, and I can well appreciate what a scourge it was. Unfortunately, thanks to the anti-vaxxers, who knows? Maybe the millennial generation will get to see it for themselves.


313 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:38:54am

re: #312 Dr Lizardo

I had an aunt who had polio - she was left with leg braces for the rest of her life. The cruel irony? She contracted polio less than one year before the vaccine came out.

I’ve seen the effects of polio with my own eyes, and I can well appreciate what a scourge it was. Unfortunately, thanks to the anti-vaxxers, who knows? Maybe the millennial generation will get to see it for themselves.



314 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 8:39:38am

re: #309 Belafon

I spent all this time worrying about sneaked versus snuck, and I blow the apostrophe.

315 makeitstop  Feb 1, 2015 8:41:32am

re: #298 b_sharp

Certainly none in the ’60s when I was a kid.

The 60s were still close enough to the advent of the polio vaccine, and immunization was viewed as a sign of progress and a matter of simple common sense.

Now we’ve got former MTV hosts and quack doctors being afforded the same gravitasse on the matter as people who have made immunology their life’s work.

316 b_sharp  Feb 1, 2015 8:42:40am

re: #314 Belafon

I spent all this time worrying about sneaked versus snuck, and I blow the apostrophe.

I’m sure it appreciates being blown, it must be jealous of all the commas who get blown on a regular basis.

317 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:43:07am

re: #295 Belafon

Via Daily Kos, the letter Roald Dahl wrote to parents about losing his daughter to measles is worth reading:


318 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:43:43am

re: #296 Dark_Falcon

Actual risk is not the point of this meme: The point is to demonize illegal immigrants as disease carriers, marginalize Republicans such as Marco Rubio and especially John McCain who have pushed for immigration reform by calling them unpatriotic RINOS, and to demonize Barack Obama as a Transnational Progressive black man who hates America and is wounding her deliberately by imposing Open Borders.

Of that list of DERP, the only true things in it are that Rubio and McCain support immigration reform and that Barack Obama is black. Everything else is hateful horsehit.

They are isolationists, thinking they can keep themselves “pure” —as if there is such a thing.

319 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:46:43am

re: #307 HappyWarrior

Exactly, that’s my point about short term memory. I see it a lot in other policies and issues too. Whereas the older generation who knew how bad the condition was that led to the innovation in the first place has died out, the younger generations who have never experienced it directly tend to ignore it. To me, it’s basically the same product of those that think cutting so called entitlements is a good policy.

Same with birth control issues.

A very informed friend of mine learned from me just last week about Eisenstadt v. Baird.

We are losing ground in scientific advancements and human rights because of a lack of knowledge of history.

the old adage: Those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it —is happening before our eyes.

320 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:48:39am
321 SteelPH  Feb 1, 2015 8:53:32am

re: #320 FemNaziBitch

All while you continuously berate them for who they are. CLEARLY YOU ARE THE BEST FRIEND THEY COULD EVER HAVE.

322 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:54:34am
323 SteelPH  Feb 1, 2015 8:55:03am

Huckabee can go fuck a bee.

324 BeachDem  Feb 1, 2015 8:55:05am

re: #267 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Guy deserves to be sanctioned and his license revoked for putting the public health in danger. He’s a snake oil salesman, not a doctor.

And more anti-vax/pro-chiropractic bullshit. What is up with that?

Wolfson, originally from Chicago, moved to Arizona where he met his wife, a chiropractor, who “opened my eyes.”

325 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:55:09am
326 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 8:57:06am

How Would You Have Died in 1811?

Interactive game of death going back to 1647

327 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 9:00:45am

re: #315 makeitstop

The 60s were still close enough to the advent of the polio vaccine, and immunization was viewed as a sign of progress and a matter of simple common sense.

Now we’ve got former MTV hosts and quack doctors being afforded the same gravitasse on the matter as people who have made immunology their life’s work.

Hey now, everyone knows that a former Playboy Playmate is just the very person you’d want to ask on questions of epidemiology.


(And if there is a former Playboy Playmate out there who really went on to become an epidemiologist, I meant no offense)

328 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 9:03:00am

re: #324 BeachDem

And more anti-vax/pro-chiropractic bullshit. What is up with that?

Wolfson, originally from Chicago, moved to Arizona where he met his wife, a chiropractor, who “opened my eyes.”

There seems to be an odd relationship between the two. My late father would go to a chiropractor every so often for his back, and he’d always say, “I wish the doc would just crack my back and shut the hell up with the Mr. Nature bullshit.” When I asked him what he meant, he said that the chiropractor was always going on about how bad vaccines were, etc., etc.

329 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:03:21am

New England Journal of Medicine
The Burden of Disease and the Changing Task of Medicine

2012 article —how we used to die.

330 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 9:03:45am

re: #323 SteelPH

Huckabee can go fuck a bee.

No. Bees are good.

331 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:05:36am

re: #329 FemNaziBitch

New England Journal of Medicine
The Burden of Disease and the Changing Task of Medicine

2012 article —how we used to die.

The first interactive graph is interesting.

Sadly, most people won’t make the connection between “gastrotestinal infections” and milk poisoning, and other now preventable illnesses.

332 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:06:45am
333 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 9:09:08am

Santorum: So what’s next, a man-on-dog or man-on-bee sex?

Huckabee: Wait, wait, wait, not so fast…

334 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:09:12am
335 Jayleia  Feb 1, 2015 9:09:47am

re: #319 FemNaziBitch

Ivanova: It seems noone reads Santayana anymore. (Babylon 5, Infection)

336 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:12:04am

Well after several weeks of trying to figure-out how to make enough room in the storage section of my iPhone 4S to accommodate the most recent update —I’ve decided to just get a new phone.


337 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:12:49am
338 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 9:13:46am

re: #320 FemNaziBitch

[Embedded content]

If you really considered them friends Mike, you wouldn’t liken them to alcoholics you fucking asshole.

339 PhillyPretzel  Feb 1, 2015 9:14:12am

re: #337 FemNaziBitch

The more you read it the funnier is gets. lol

340 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:14:45am

re: #339 PhillyPretzel

The more you read it the funnier is gets. lol

one good tern …

341 Great White Snark  Feb 1, 2015 9:14:57am

re: #331 FemNaziBitch

One origin of spices-Reduce infection & hide the rotten flavor in the old meat.
I don’t have strong feelings about raw milk as a bad idea. Just IMO-Like canning, it requires knowledge, skills, excellent habits, cleanliness and hygiene well handled. Those that want to get educated and make cheese or consume raw from time to time outta have a source.

I look at it as an advanced skill deal. These days we have easy refrigeration and can product test in a lab. To me like driving, rock climbing, maybe taking friends out in the speedboat we accept some reasonable risks. Not drunk, not reckless.

edit-Forgot to mention how refrigeration reduces the risk to acceptable imo. .

342 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 9:16:03am

I just love how Huckabee acts like he’s this moral arbitrator. Hey Mike, how’s your son that tortured the dog doing? Really this guy has a lot of nerve to talk about other people’s morals when one of his sons did something that an aspiring serial killer would have.

343 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 1, 2015 9:16:51am

re: #339 PhillyPretzel

The more you read it the funnier is gets. lol

The joke was a bit cuckoo.


344 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:17:15am

WE have nice clean snow EVERYWHERE —even stuck to the North-facing windonws.

Can’t see outside in that direction.

345 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:17:37am

re: #342 HappyWarrior

I just love how Huckabee acts like he’s this moral arbitrator. Hey Mike, how’s your son that tortured the dog doing? Really this guy has a lot of nerve to talk about other people’s morals when one of his sons did something that an aspiring serial killer would have.

What is it with the GOP Whacko’s and dogs?

346 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 1, 2015 9:17:43am

re: #172 klystron

You can have a +1 for the menu even though I am not a seafood fan.

I’m still rooting for a meteor to hit the stadium.

If that happens the governor and state will somehow blame immigrants.

347 PhillyPretzel  Feb 1, 2015 9:18:13am

re: #343 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

::: placing FTL call to the GNS Honor Harrington :::

348 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 9:18:45am

re: #345 FemNaziBitch

What is it with the GOP Whacko’s and dogs?

No idea. But you’re right it’s not just Huckabee. It’s also former Nixon WH associate and Sarah Palin handler Fred Malek.

349 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:19:15am

re: #341 Rightwingconspirator

One origin of spices-Reduce infection & hide the rotten flavor in the old meat.
I don’t have strong feelings about raw milk as a bad idea. Just IMO-Like canning, it requires knowledge, skills, excellent habits, cleanliness and hygiene well handled. Those that want to get educated and make cheese or consume raw from time to time outta have a source.

I look at it as an advanced skill deal. These days we have easy refrigeration and can product test in a lab. To me like driving, rock climbing, maybe taking friends out in the speedboat we accept some reasonable risks. Not drunk, not reckless.

I’ve heard all kinds of stuff, especially about irradiation of food ingredients.

Yeah, well, I’m not worried about getting a life-threatening disease from those products.

I’ll stick with Pasteurization, thank you.

350 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:19:43am

re: #348 HappyWarrior

No idea. But you’re right it’s not just Huckabee. It’s also former Nixon WH associate and Sarah Palin handler Fred Malek.


351 HappyWarrior  Feb 1, 2015 9:20:04am

re: #350 FemNaziBitch


Man how could I forget that. Brainfarting on Super Bowl Sunday I guess.

352 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:20:59am
353 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 9:22:57am

re: #349 FemNaziBitch

I’ve heard all kinds of stuff, especially about irradiation of food ingredients.

Yeah, well, I’m not worried about getting a life-threatening disease from those products.

I’ll stick with Pasteurization, thank you.

There’s an acquaintance of mine here who refuses to drink UHT milk. Mostly because it comes in a cardboard box and doesn’t need to be refrigerated. And it lasts for three months without refrigeration.

I drink it all the time. No problems. I’ve tried telling her, but she’s all like “Nope”.

354 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 9:23:34am

Well, I’m going to get suited-up and take the Fugitive outside into the snow with a long, long (horse) lead. Let her frolick to her heart’s content.

and take pictures.


355 bratwurst  Feb 1, 2015 9:26:10am

Haw haw! Israel’s ambassador makes a funny on Twitter referencing the diplomatic fiasco he has engineered.

As I documented on my page last week, Ron Derner is a hardcore GOP partisan with ties to Frank Luntz and Newt Gingrich going back to the 90s…and Sheldon Adelson, who publishes a free right wing daily in Israel in addition to his well-known attempts to buy US elections. It seems highly unlikely there is anyone more demonstrably partisan in the entire diplomatic corps worldwide.

Imagine for one moment the MASSIVE shit storm if Obama appointed a US ambassador to Israel with 20 years of links to left wing politics in that country.

356 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 9:27:07am

re: #326 FemNaziBitch

How Would You Have Died in 1811?

Interactive game of death going back to 1647

I’m surprised “War” didn’t make the list of 1940’s deaths.

357 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 1, 2015 9:29:09am

re: #259 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Heh. It’s happened before. It will happen again. /Sincerely, the Jews.

Maybe Huckabee’s ahistorical and narrow worldview in which his particular religious theocratic views are imposed on everyone has something to do with this, but the fact is that the Bible has been translated and modified countless times in history (so much so that when you say you’re following the Bible, I can’t help but say to myself, which version would that be).

Whichever version it takes for them to teach their followers that it basically interprets as “Obey my dictates”. Of course.

358 Great White Snark  Feb 1, 2015 9:30:19am

re: #349 FemNaziBitch

I must say I trust those that make roquefort cheese (France, from raw sheep milk only by law) far more than a hobbyist neighbor! And I don’t think less of anyone for cautious personal choices. :-)

359 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 9:34:07am

Nothing like making a spelling mistake on twitter. damn it to hell, it’s painful.

And no, don’t go looking friends.

360 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Feb 1, 2015 9:35:31am

Well, Uranabce (I’d love to know how to pronounce that), you wrote a great piece, but as you can see, people love to find the best insults for the antivaxxers, but when the time comes to do something, well,

361 Skip Intro  Feb 1, 2015 9:42:29am

re: #302 The Vicious Babushka

Well, they snuck into the country, so ipso facto, they snuck into Disneyland.

362 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 9:42:41am

They are promoting armed uprising against “Obama’s Army of Aliens & Canadians”

363 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 9:42:58am

re: #276 Belafon

As I keep pointing out, Latin America has comparable or better immunization rates than the US.

364 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 1, 2015 9:45:03am

A belated good morning to the Lizard Folk. Overcast and a little above freezing here in Philly. Chance of snow starting about 7pm as the current storm d’jure moves east.

Tea and toasted bagel with smoked salmon cream cheese being consumed while a cat (Chat Noir) snoozes next to me. (I did a shopping run yesterday afternoon.)

Some new experiments in Feline Overlord entertainment underway. A couple of “crinkle balls” are around the apartment. Tuxedo Cat has played with them a bit, and even picked one up to go drop it on a paper bag for extra crinkly sounds! (Her picking up toys to move them around is a new one.) Chat Noir watched this, and then went and played with a plastic ring off a milk jug. (Some times you just have to go with the classics.)

Experiment #2 is that a small (and cheap) R/C helicopter is now in the apartment. The cats are of mixed feelings towards it. Don’t really like the noise - - but. it. flies. So they follow it around the room and then go sniff at it once I crash it. (Generally quite rapidly after launching it.) More flight time later today - it might become a weekly entertainment much like sessions of “red dot must die”.

No real plans for the Superb Owl yet. Might just be staying in, watching the commercials, and reading stuff (or typing comments) while the game is on.

365 Mattand  Feb 1, 2015 9:46:48am
366 Mattand  Feb 1, 2015 9:47:37am

re: #364 Feline Fearless Leader

At this point, I’m pretty much all Puppy Bowl anymore, since it’ll probably be another decade before the Eagles make it back in.

367 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 1, 2015 9:49:55am

re: #255 Amory Blaine


that’s why god gave people two hands…

368 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 1, 2015 9:53:44am

re: #267 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Guy deserves to be sanctioned and his license revoked for putting the public health in danger. He’s a snake oil salesman, not a doctor.

He’s supporting actions that will create more new patients for him.

369 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 1, 2015 9:55:00am

re: #368 Backwoods_Sleuth

He’s supporting actions that will create more new patients for him.

That’s a bit different though than the dentist that gives out extra candy at Halloween.

370 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 1, 2015 9:55:30am

re: #275 The Vicious Babushka

Some fuckbag Tweeting at me that measles outbreak caused by “illegals”

No dumbass, illegals can’t afford $200 Disneyland tickets.

The illegals get those free as part of the Welcome to Obamaland gift bags.

371 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 1, 2015 9:59:16am

Rudy Schwartz Project: Kill For God

372 Belafon  Feb 1, 2015 10:01:30am

re: #363 lawhawk

Maybe the Latino anti-vaxxers are sneaking over so they won’t have to get vaccinated.

373 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:02:06am

re: #353 Dr Lizardo

There’s an acquaintance of mine here who refuses to drink UHT milk. Mostly because it comes in a cardboard box and doesn’t need to be refrigerated. And it lasts for three months without refrigeration.

I drink it all the time. No problems. I’ve tried telling her, but she’s all like “Nope”.

too funny!

374 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:02:36am

re: #356 The Vicious Babushka

I’m surprised “War” didn’t make the list of 1940’s deaths.

They probably consider “civilian” death separately.

Like we do.

375 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 10:04:29am

re: #356 The Vicious Babushka

Or that the outcome depended upon religious affiliation (in which case, for many of the years indicated, pogrom might be the cause of death).

376 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 10:05:20am

re: #373 FemNaziBitch

too funny!

She’s American, like me, but I think a display something like this probably freaked her out for some reason.

Milk in a box!

She calls it “Frankenmilk”.

377 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:05:26am

We playtime in the snow was short and sweet because the human couldn’t go the distance.

The Fugitive is now looking out the window, longingly.

Pictures coming.

378 lawhawk  Feb 1, 2015 10:05:39am
379 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:05:54am

re: #376 Dr Lizardo

She’s American, like me, but I think a display something like this probably freaked her out for some reason.

Image: Milk in a box!She calls it “Frankenmilk”.

does she understand the concept of “vacuum” packing?

380 Great White Snark  Feb 1, 2015 10:08:48am

re: #376 Dr Lizardo

I can’t imagine liking room temperature milk. I’d put it in the fridge just for taste.

381 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 10:12:02am

re: #380 Rightwingconspirator

I can’t imagine liking room temperature milk. I’d put it in the fridge just for taste.

I refrigerate it. It’ll last for six months as long as it’s not opened, but I’ll buy a carton of it at a time, and when I run low on one box of milk, I just pop another one into the fridge. The rest I keep in the cabinet.

382 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 10:12:42am

re: #379 FemNaziBitch

Not so well. She just thinks it’s “freaky”.

383 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:13:54am
The Fugitive 2015
384 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:14:35am

re: #382 Dr Lizardo

Not so well. She just thinks it’s “freaky”.

Ask her what she thinks canned ham is?

385 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:15:02am

re: #380 Rightwingconspirator

I can’t imagine liking room temperature milk. I’d put it in the fridge just for taste.

well, yeah!!!

after you open it, you have to.

386 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 10:16:10am

re: #384 FemNaziBitch

Ask her what she thinks canned ham is?


She’s a vegetarian and a bit of a health nut. I’ve never seen anyone use so much antibacterial hand gel in all my life.

387 Great White Snark  Feb 1, 2015 10:16:35am

re: #385 FemNaziBitch

well, yeah!!!

after you open it, you have to.

Right but if you like it warm, you’d just do that and enjoy I presume. Like good cheddar, let it come up to 72 before you eat it. More flavor.

388 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:17:52am

re: #386 Dr Lizardo


She’s a vegetarian and a bit of a health nut. I’ve never seen anyone use so much antibacterial hand gel in all my life.

I’d say that’s OCD.

389 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 10:21:43am

re: #388 FemNaziBitch

I’d say that’s OCD.

Could be. She’s quite germophobic.

390 Single-handed sailor  Feb 1, 2015 10:27:20am

re: #260 darthstar

Somebody pays too much for weed.

391 TedStriker  Feb 1, 2015 10:28:19am

re: #376 Dr Lizardo

She’s American, like me, but I think a display something like this probably freaked her out for some reason.

Image: Milk in a box!She calls it “Frankenmilk”.

TetraPak is the shit.

392 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 1, 2015 10:29:47am

re: #358 Rightwingconspirator

I must say I trust those that make roquefort cheese (France, from raw sheep milk only by law) far more than a hobbyist neighbor! And I don’t think less of anyone for cautious personal choices. :-)

Thing about making cheese (even soft cheeses) is that the initial part of the process involves heating the raw milk, and that temperature is high enough to pasteurize.
The whole point of raw milk for cheese making is not the pasteurization, it’s because you can’t make cheese from homogenized milk.

393 Great White Snark  Feb 1, 2015 10:34:37am

re: #392 Backwoods_Sleuth

Right. My perspective is foodie not libertarian. D_L and i took wine classes which included how to pair wines. that meant learning about cheeses, and our cheese class presenter was a local artisan. Showed us how to whip up ricotta on the spot. She spoke to the difficulties of cheese making from store bought milk. Our drinking milk is always regular store bought.

394 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:36:08am

re: #393 Rightwingconspirator

Right. My perspective is foodie not libertarian. D_L and i took wine classes which included how to pair wines. that meant learning about cheeses, and our cheese class presenter was a local artisan. Showed us how to whip up ricotta on the spot. She spoke to the difficulties of cheese making from store bought milk. Our drinking milk is always regular store bought.

Greenfield Village is a regular field trip for Detroit area schools—at least in my day. We learned to churn. Must have lots of FAT. The stuff that rises to the top. Not much of that in 2%.

395 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:36:39am
396 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:41:04am
397 FemNaziBitch  Feb 1, 2015 10:43:39am


398 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 10:46:22am

I’m making a whole rotisserie jerk chicken, not just wings

399 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 10:47:07am

re: #391 TedStriker

TetraPak is the shit.

Most of the UHT milk here in the Czech Republic is TetraPak packaged.

400 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 1, 2015 10:50:32am

Hmm. TCM has “The Great Race” coming on at 2pm. Jack Lemmony goodness as Professor Fate takes the screen.

401 Romantic Heretic  Feb 1, 2015 10:52:48am

re: #319 FemNaziBitch

the old adage: Those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it —is happening before our eyes.

I like Heinlein’s take on that phenomena.

“A culture which ignores history has no past, and no future.”

Also this cartoon

402 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 1, 2015 10:52:52am

re: #398 The Vicious Babushka


403 Great White Snark  Feb 1, 2015 10:53:28am

Trouble with SuperWhatever Sunday is there is so little on television worth watching.

404 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 1, 2015 10:53:39am

re: #398 The Vicious Babushka

405 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 10:54:37am

re: #402 Backwoods_Sleuth


PETA must think that chickens have like 4 wings apiece, or something.
300 milliion chickens=600 million wings.

406 Lidane  Feb 1, 2015 10:55:30am

re: #366 Mattand

At this point, I’m pretty much all Puppy Bowl anymore, since it’ll probably be another decade before the Eagles make it back in.

I’m all about the Kitten Bowl and the Puppy Bowl today.

The actual Super Bowl is secondary for me. I’ll still watch for the commercials, but I honestly don’t care who wins.

407 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 1, 2015 10:57:42am

re: #403 Rightwingconspirator

Trouble with SuperWhatever Sunday is there is so little on television worth watching.

For me it will be finding a movie or two, hockey game, or simply turning off the TV until 6 and listening to music.

408 PhillyPretzel  Feb 1, 2015 10:58:22am

re: #403 Rightwingconspirator

psst. try PBS.

409 Great White Snark  Feb 1, 2015 10:59:00am

re: #398 The Vicious Babushka

of animals under PETA’s care have been killed in one year.

Contains Very Disturbing Images, particularly for animal lovers.

410 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 10:59:06am
411 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 11:00:33am
412 Lidane  Feb 1, 2015 11:00:50am

re: #267 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Guy deserves to be sanctioned and his license revoked for putting the public health in danger. He’s a snake oil salesman, not a doctor.

Meanwhile, other doctors are taking a stand and refusing to see unvaccinated patients:

413 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 1, 2015 11:03:06am

re: #410 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Didn’t some pastor nut in Florida do a Koran burning event just a few years ago?

414 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 11:05:05am
415 Romantic Heretic  Feb 1, 2015 11:06:01am

re: #352 FemNaziBitch

[Embedded content]

Wingnut heads will be exploding in 3…2..1.


416 bratwurst  Feb 1, 2015 11:06:10am

re: #413 Feline Fearless Leader

Didn’t some pastor nut in Florida do a Koran burning event just a few years ago?

Yes, but Bryan Fisher and other Christians are allowed to distance themselves from extremists while every Muslim is supposed to be held responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre…or something.

417 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 11:07:28am
418 TedStriker  Feb 1, 2015 11:09:35am

re: #405 The Vicious Babushka

PETA must think that chickens have like 4 wings apiece, or something.
300 milliion chickens=600 million wings.

Four edible wing portions per bird (two “drummies”, two “flats”).

419 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 1, 2015 11:10:23am

My personal, anecdotal take on anti-vaxers. I remember attending a baby swimming course with some other parents. Part of the course involved holding the baby’s head underwater to get it used to the idea.

One mother just could not bring herself to do it, she felt that she was somehow hurting or upsetting her baby. I think that mentality is rooted in a lot of anti-vaxers and they welcome any spurious medial “research” that confirms their inability to subject their children to temporary inconvenience, even if the point of it it all is to help them down the line.

420 TedStriker  Feb 1, 2015 11:13:07am

re: #413 Feline Fearless Leader

Didn’t some pastor nut in Florida do a Koran burning event just a few years ago?

“Pastor” Terry Jones…who now runs a French fry stand at a mall food court:

Vice: Infamous Qur’an-Burning Pastor Terry Jones Is Now Cooking French Fries in Florida

421 Lidane  Feb 1, 2015 11:14:02am

And the clueless comment of the day (for now):

Wonder why America never elected a Jewish President, they control most of the USA wealth (banks, media .etc) e.g. Koch Brothers, Sheldon, Murdoch to name a few.


422 TedStriker  Feb 1, 2015 11:15:45am

re: #406 Lidane

I’m all about the Kitten Bowl and the Puppy Bowl today.

The actual Super Bowl is secondary for me. I’ll still watch for the commercials, but I honestly don’t care who wins.

There’s also the Zombie Bowl

423 Justanotherhuman  Feb 1, 2015 11:15:48am

This is a wonderful, informative post from someone who knows what he (or she) is talking about.

There are many people whose immune systems are compromised by their own health problems, such as my ex-landlord, as a result of his own heart surgeries. He would never even come inside our apt if anyone was sick and he’s a sociable guy who was over here a lot.

I’m lucky to live in NC where full vaccination records are required for children entering any level of public school. My kids, my grandkids and my great-grandkids have always received the recommended vaccinations for the age they were.

Best of luck to you, Uraniabce, and let’s hope the world comes to its senses before anyone else dies as a result of anti-vax ignorance being pushed, or allowed to be pushed, by those who should know better.

424 dog philosopher  Feb 1, 2015 11:17:18am

so i hear for todays gladitorial games the appropriate animals to sacrifice are four winged chickens and spotless baby pizzas

425 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 1, 2015 11:17:21am

I think the last time I was excited about the Super Bowl outcome was 1968, Colts vs jets, my two favorite teams, a win-win situation. SInce then I have not cared or even been aware who is in the SB.

426 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 11:17:53am

re: #422 TedStriker

There’s also the Zombie Bowl

Sweet!!! Never get tired of it.

427 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 1, 2015 11:19:09am

re: #421 Lidane

[Embedded content]

And the clueless comment of the day (for now):


How does “clueless commenter” know that there haven’t been any Jewish presidents yet?
They can be sneaky sekrit that way…


428 Varek Raith  Feb 1, 2015 11:19:15am


429 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 11:19:35am

I work today at 4. We’ll either be dead or it will be a crazy shitshow, because they scheduled it like we’ll be dead.

430 Justanotherhuman  Feb 1, 2015 11:20:14am

re: #422 TedStriker

I’m just tired of all the damned hype. It’s been SB, the NFL and the Patriots all day, even from so-called “political” pundits who can go soak their heads.

431 Lidane  Feb 1, 2015 11:22:24am

re: #427 Backwoods_Sleuth

How does “clueless commenter” know that there haven’t been any Jewish presidents yet?
They can be sneaky sekrit that way…


What I thought was a clueless moron turns out to be a virulent anti-Semite. They’re posting links that I refuse to share to some site called Subverted Nation which is all about Teh Ebil Jooz and their “infestation” of America.

432 ObserverArt  Feb 1, 2015 11:24:10am

I lost track with the thread…got stuck in a database query looking for some info.

I just read one comment with a tweet regarding where the measles outbreak came from posted by VB. I guess it is being said that it comes from *GASP* ‘The IllEagles’ let in by Obama.

The tweeter than tweeted…

El Solo Lobo @Wombat66614
That is factually untrue. The source for most these diseases are the illegals, period. Just look it up

Oh, just look it up. Where?

Can I guess that individual got the info from a whack web source…like NEWSMAX, or Brietbart, or even Chucky?

How do you ever educate these dim bulbs? They keep wallowing in the stupid shit and seem to refuse to want to believe a legit source.

Damn…America, you have a really large group of ignorant citizens, and they are determined to stay that way?

WTF? How will it ever get turned around?

433 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 1, 2015 11:24:16am

re: #431 Lidane

What I thought was a clueless moron turns out to be a virulent anti-Semite. They’re posting links that I refuse to share to some site called Subverted Nation which is all about Teh Ebil Jooz and their “infestation” of America.

Thank god they have. Otherwise the nation would be run by ignorant Presbyterian crackers.


434 Justanotherhuman  Feb 1, 2015 11:25:58am

I personally owe this man a lot. Most women do.

“Father of birth control pill” dies

SAN FRANCISCO - Carl Djerassi, the chemist widely considered the father of the birth control pill, has died.

“Djerrasi died of complications of cancer Friday in his San Francisco home, Stanford University spokesman Dan Stober said. He was 91.


“Djerassi, a professor emeritus of chemistry at Stanford, was most famous for leading a research team in Mexico City that in 1951 developed norethindrone, a synthetic molecule that became a key component of the first birth control pill.”


“He also is the only person, to my knowledge, to receive from President Nixon the National Medal of Science and to be named on Nixon’s blacklist in the same year,” Zare added.Z” More

435 Charles Johnson  Feb 1, 2015 11:29:36am
436 SteelPH  Feb 1, 2015 11:30:32am

re: #435 Charles Johnson

I think the needles would be better for your eyes.

437 goddamnedfrank  Feb 1, 2015 11:31:51am

She seems nice:

438 dholmes32  Feb 1, 2015 11:31:54am

Thanks for this article. I can’t upvote it enough. My elderly mother has always been a bit hard of hearing because of a bout of measles when she was a little girl. She made for damn sure that we got every single vaccine that was out there when I was growing up. I remember everyone in the neighborhood trooping down to the high school to get the rubella vaccine when it first came out. Even us little kids had heard the conversations between our moms about how rubella would cause a miscarriage or stillbirth.

Back in 1987, when I was in law school, I wasn’t permitted to go back to class after winter break until I got a measles booster because someone had turned up with measles. I had no problem getting a booster. I have no problem with vaccines today. Anti-vaxxers get me steamed and legitimately so, I believe.

439 Dr Lizardo  Feb 1, 2015 11:32:20am

re: #435 Charles Johnson

The needles will be infinitely less painful.

440 Justanotherhuman  Feb 1, 2015 11:32:31am

He knows the Rs would never agree to a permanent tax. So, here we go on the budget Rs will probably refuse to pass without some major changes to it, also, including this. And don’t forget, Paul Ryan, the budget slasher, is head of the House Ways and Means Committee.

President Obama’s budget plan includes 1-time 14% tax on US companies’ overseas profits to help fund $478 billion public works program - @AP

441 Justanotherhuman  Feb 1, 2015 11:35:23am

Chicago blizzard…and more coming to New England (haven’t you had enough?).

442 ObserverArt  Feb 1, 2015 11:37:30am

re: #362 The Vicious Babushka

They are promoting armed uprising against “Obama’s Army of Aliens & Canadians”

[Embedded content]

Wait until they find out Ted Cruz and his crazy father are GOP plants embedded by Obama and Holder.


443 Shiplord Kirel  Feb 1, 2015 11:39:08am

re: #410 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Symbol of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, ca. 1873. This was the gang run by notorious censorship crusader and general bluenose Anthony Comstock. It was not a Muslim organization.
Comstock was eventually appointed a special postal inspector, with powers of arrest that he used enthusiastically against anyone he thought was sending indecent material through the mail. He was widely ridiculed by the literate element of the populace and press, but he was, and in many ways, still is, vastly influential.
I remember a cartoon from the period that shows a furious Comstock dragging a bedraggled woman into court by her hair, while he shouts at the judge, “Your honor, this woman gave birth to a naked baby!”

444 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 11:41:41am

re: #437 goddamnedfrank

She seems nice:

[Embedded content]

You know that Islamic Center of America mosque in Dearborn? There are five (5) count ‘em churches on the same block.

445 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 1, 2015 11:43:34am

re: #443 Shiplord Kirel

I remember a cartoon from the period that shows a furious Comstock dragging a bedraggled woman into court by her hair, while he shouts at the judge, “Your honor, this woman gave birth to a naked baby!”

446 Shiplord Kirel  Feb 1, 2015 11:45:27am

I am declaring my home, the Kirel Supreme Global Headquarters and Conspiracy Compound, a no-go zone for anti-vaxxers, haters, bigots, and assholes in general.
Unlike the no go zones in Dearborn or Birmingham, this one is 100% real.

447 CleverToad  Feb 1, 2015 11:46:38am

re: #401 Romantic Heretic

Saved a copy of that cartoon. Spot on.

448 ObserverArt  Feb 1, 2015 11:46:49am

re: #428 Varek Raith



449 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 11:49:48am

the fuck?

450 CuriousLurker  Feb 1, 2015 11:50:11am

re: #437 goddamnedfrank

She seems nice:

[Embedded content]

Yeah, she’s a real class act:

Twitter can be a real sewer. How in the hell does a cretin like that get 1200+ followers? What sort of person would enjoy seeing that crap in their timeline every day? There are some people I simply can’t understand—don’t want to.

451 ObserverArt  Feb 1, 2015 11:51:20am

re: #437 goddamnedfrank

She seems nice:

[Embedded content]

Her tweet bio…

Trinity Jackson
Gun-loving conservative milk chocolate female, sensually spreading seductive ebony & ivory Christian love. Easily amused by liberal delusions.

We are not amused by your conservative stupidity. How about we avoid you no matter what city, because idiots like you are now a dime a dozen!

452 PhillyPretzel  Feb 1, 2015 11:53:03am

re: #449 #FergusonFireside

I think that they should look into getting a copy of Cook’s Illustrated.

453 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 1, 2015 11:55:05am

re: #449 #FergusonFireside

the fuck?

[Embedded content]

Whatever the fuck that thing is, you’re supposed to DEFROST the damn thing before you cook it.

454 #FergusonFireside  Feb 1, 2015 11:56:07am

re: #453 The Vicious Babushka

Whatever the fuck that thing is, you’re supposed to DEFROST the damn thing before you cook it.

Cooking for Bae is a winner of fail.

455 CuriousLurker  Feb 1, 2015 11:56:36am

re: #451 ObserverArt

Her tweet bio…

We are not amused by your conservative stupidity. How about we avoid you no matter what city, because idiots like you are now a dime a dozen!

And calling what she does “spreading … Christian love.” Jesus wept.

456 Great White Snark  Feb 1, 2015 11:57:05am

Uraniabce is not logged in, but gotta say I look forward to conversing with the person here.

457 Dave In Austin  Feb 1, 2015 12:09:46pm


458 Dave In Austin  Feb 1, 2015 12:11:26pm

re: #449 #FergusonFireside

That is exactly what I said when I scrolled into that pic. What the hell is that?

459 BeachDem  Feb 1, 2015 12:14:54pm

re: #458 Dave In Austin

That is exactly what I said when I scrolled into that pic. What the hell is that?

And I thought my Boston creme pie looked bad! (Top layer split—glaze pretty much covered the mess. No time to make another.)

460 CleverToad  Feb 1, 2015 12:32:27pm

re: #457 Dave In Austin

About a year behind you. Had a friend two years older whose legs were useless due to polio as a infant — I prefer my vaccination scars, thank you. Had measles, german measles, mumps and chicken pox, and yeah, I’ve had shingles. Go for the shot, believe me!

Both of my parents were in TB research in 50’s and 60’s. Anti-vaxxers and antibiotic resistance are high on the list of problems that infuriate and scare the heck out of me.

461 MMSnodgrass  Feb 1, 2015 12:46:08pm

Thank you so much for your post. I too have Crohn’s disease. I’m fortunate that I can keep it under control with large amounts of sulfa, but the thoughtlessness of these parents is beyond understanding. What ever happened to the idea of the common good? That we’re all in this together? At least there is finally a growing backlash against this idiocy. No, not all opinions are equal. Some opinions are demonstrably wrong and they should not be given any kind of airing or a sense of equivalency.

462 Uraniabce  Feb 1, 2015 1:44:07pm

re: #11 Nostradumbass

Dude, I feel you pain. Oh boy.

463 Pythagoras  Feb 1, 2015 9:11:00pm

The anti-vaxers should look up the word “sociopath” in the dictionary and then think about why they qualify.

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