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Ace-o-aces  Jul 31, 2016 • 9:55:07pm
dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Jul 31, 2016 • 9:56:11pm

cnn headline

Did Trump go too far?

geez how many times has that question been asked in the past year?

dont get my hopes up

Ace-o-aces  Jul 31, 2016 • 9:57:49pm
freetoken  Jul 31, 2016 • 10:09:39pm
Dave In Austin  Jul 31, 2016 • 10:24:39pm
FormerDirtDart  Jul 31, 2016 • 10:27:12pm

Maybe some rich benefactor will bankroll the Khans so they can sue these pigs

Lidane  Jul 31, 2016 • 10:33:28pm
Dave In Austin  Jul 31, 2016 • 10:49:44pm

But he’s just like the common man……..

William Lewis  Jul 31, 2016 • 10:50:01pm

So today I got to watch “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” for the first time. We had held off waiting for an opportunity when me, my ex and our son could all watch it together which given his institutional placement was difficult.

Not bad, better than the prequels, though less than the original 3 movies.

Really though, I was much more enthusiastic about last weeks viewing of “Star Trek Beyond” which is easily the best Star Trek movie since “First Contact”. The character interaction was great, even the cliche tropes (Space Vampires!) were handled reasonably well but in Star Wars, it was simply a rehash of A New Hope without the benefit of being a reboot. Some well done sequences and reasonable motivations (I liked Finn’s turn from a running coward to wanting to save Rey) but it still just wasn’t anything new.

Neither was Star Trek Beyond and yet… Kirk was a _Captain_ unlike the first two movies. McCoy showed an understanding of human and alien psychology. Scotty & Jaylah working to make her “house” fly again. Just enough was so much more right.

I hate to suggest it but I really am beginning to wonder if JJ isn’t as over rated as Tarantino. The first new Trek he only produced is the first that feels _right_. And the first Star Wars he directed feels only a slight step up from George “The Hack” Lukas.

I don’t know. I really don’t. But in the end?

Star Trek Beyond: 8.5 of 10
Star Wars: The Force Awakened: 6 of 10

Pawn of the Oppressor  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:02:15pm

re: #8 Dave In Austin

But he’s just like the common man……..

[Embedded content]

I’m saddened reading the article by the five Trump book authors, in which it’s related that Trump originally had ideas of moving west to become a movie producer. How much better off we’d all be if he did that. He should have become a Hollywood bigmouth, maybe making ridiculously bad movies, but at least he wouldn’t be leading this undignified train wreck and taking us all with him.

I also have to say… He gets knocked for his decor, but if I had the money I would probably make a gaudy, opulent room somewhere in my Rich Guy Home, just for fun. The difference is, I would pay for nice hand-worked stuff.

And I would need a tiny giraffe.

Opulence. I has it.

Pawn of the Oppressor  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:04:26pm

At this point, a vote against Trump isn’t just a vote against Trump by himself. It’s a vote against all the filthy, fascist, racist, vulgar, obnoxious shit-monkeys he’s brought with him. Lewandowski, Stone, Pence, all the pundits and “journalists” and twitter slime that have felt enabled and vindicated by this asshole, all need to be flushed.

freetoken  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:14:32pm

re: #9 William Lewis

For us original watchers of TOS when it first aired, I wonder if the new CBS Star Trek series might be more appealing than the JJ Abrams’ movies?

William Lewis  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:20:12pm

re: #11 Pawn of the Oppressor

This is part of why I like talking about Star Trek Beyond these days.

It has something very critically important about Roddenberry’s vision right.




It has all these things that made Star Trek unique, especially in the 60’s but even now as well, about how the world can be better if we work our fucking asses off. It’s knowing, when we face it, the one thing we can do: in this case, vote.

#10: Why am I reminded of AH being a failure as an artist? Had Trump gone to Hollywood, we would have simply ended up with an even less talented Michael Bey (and given Hollywood’s history, that wouldn’t have mattered) who would have made the same number of movies. We would be in a place where we were facing Spinrad’s “The Iron Dream” instead of Dick’s “The Man in the High Castle”

We have a critical weapon that can still work wonders - our vote.

Use it.

William Lewis  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:22:35pm

re: #12 freetoken

For us original watchers of TOS when it first aired, I wonder if the new CBS Star Trek series might be more appealing than the JJ Abrams’ movies?

I hope so, but so far the tiny bit shown tells us nothing but the name of the ship and a bit of eye candy. One of the things Beyond did right was honoring the series “Enterprise” and not letting it fall as forgotten canon. I hope “Discovery” can do at least as well.

Dr Lizardo  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:23:18pm

re: #9 William Lewis

I have yet to see Star Trek Beyond. However, SW:TFA was OK. Not great. It felt to me as if the original SW (Episode 4 - A New Hope) was basically remade. I understand that it’s simply the first installment in a new trilogy so where it’ll go from here remains to be seen.

This week, I’m going to see Suicide Squad and that looks pretty good. Reviews from professional film critics are being embargoed until tomorrow (August 2nd) but some early fan reviews have been glowing (but then again, I’d expect that).

William Lewis  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:30:45pm

re: #15 Dr Lizardo

I have yet to see Star Trek Beyond. However, SW:TFA was OK. Not great. It felt to me as if the original SW (Episode 4 - A New Hope) was basically remade. I understand that it’s simply the first installment in a new trilogy so where it’ll go from here remains to be seen.

This week, I’m going to see Suicide Squad and that looks pretty good. Reviews from professional film critics are being embargoed until tomorrow (August 2nd) but some early fan reviews have been glowing (but then again, I’d expect that).

I intend to see Suicide Squad if for no other reason than Margot Robbie as Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn :) Swing that baseball bat :LOL:

That said, the _only_ DC movie I’m excited about on even close to the same level as “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” is Wonder Woman. That WWI origin story breaks tropes like shattering spaghetti over the knee before putting it in the boiling water. Nothing even close to the rest. The current dull Superman and horrid Batman are irrelevant to this story where SHE drives the tale.

Kragar  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:31:52pm
Dr Lizardo  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:33:43pm

re: #16 William Lewis

I’m definitely looking forward to Wonder Woman. Looks like DC may have finally gotten things right.

Kragar  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:39:02pm

Well, the finally made the movie I’ve been waiting to see, the Desmond Doss bio-pic

Hacksaw Ridge (2016 - Movie) Official Trailer – “Believe”

Dr Lizardo  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:42:57pm

re: #19 Kragar

Well, the finally made the movie I’ve been waiting to see, the Desmond Doss bio-pic

[Embedded content]

Wingnuts will be deeply conflicted. A conscientious objector who won the Medal of Honor? And a Seventh-Day Adventist to boot? And directed by Mel Gibson?

Looks like a good film, though; definitely one to check out this autumn.

Kragar  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:45:38pm

re: #20 Dr Lizardo

Doss’s Medal of Honor citation:

He was a company aid man when the 1st Battalion assaulted a jagged escarpment 400 feet high. As our troops gained the summit, a heavy concentration of artillery, mortar and machinegun fire crashed into them, inflicting approximately 75 casualties and driving the others back. Pfc. Doss refused to seek cover and remained in the fire-swept area with the many stricken, carrying all 75 casualties one-by-one to the edge of the escarpment and there lowering them on a rope-supported litter down the face of a cliff to friendly hands. On May 2, he exposed himself to heavy rifle and mortar fire in rescuing a wounded man 200 yards forward of the lines on the same escarpment; and 2 days later he treated 4 men who had been cut down while assaulting a strongly defended cave, advancing through a shower of grenades to within eight yards of enemy forces in a cave’s mouth, where he dressed his comrades’ wounds before making 4 separate trips under fire to evacuate them to safety. On May 5, he unhesitatingly braved enemy shelling and small arms fire to assist an artillery officer. He applied bandages, moved his patient to a spot that offered protection from small arms fire and, while artillery and mortar shells fell close by, painstakingly administered plasma. Later that day, when an American was severely wounded by fire from a cave, Pfc. Doss crawled to him where he had fallen 25 feet from the enemy position, rendered aid, and carried him 100 yards to safety while continually exposed to enemy fire. On May 21, in a night attack on high ground near Shuri, he remained in exposed territory while the rest of his company took cover, fearlessly risking the chance that he would be mistaken for an infiltrating Japanese and giving aid to the injured until he was himself seriously wounded in the legs by the explosion of a grenade. Rather than call another aid man from cover, he cared for his own injuries and waited 5 hours before litter bearers reached him and started carrying him to cover. The trio was caught in an enemy tank attack and Pfc. Doss, seeing a more critically wounded man nearby, crawled off the litter; and directed the bearers to give their first attention to the other man. Awaiting the litter bearers’ return, he was again struck, by a sniper bullet while being carried off the field by a comrade, this time suffering a compound fracture of 1 arm. With magnificent fortitude he bound a rifle stock to his shattered arm as a splint and then crawled 300 yards over rough terrain to the aid station. Through his outstanding bravery and unflinching determination in the face of desperately dangerous conditions Pfc. Doss saved the lives of many soldiers. His name became a symbol throughout the 77th Infantry Division for outstanding gallantry far above and beyond the call of duty.

Dr Lizardo  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:49:46pm

re: #21 Kragar

I remember hearing about that a long time ago; it was on that old Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! television show, the one with Jack Palance, back in the 1980’s.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:53:11pm

re: #1 Ace-o-aces

Folks, I know nothing about Ukrainians or Ukraine. Nothing about it! Putin’s Mole Manafort run the show. Believe me!

…and that’s is why I vote for Trump. He speaks for me because neither of us know what we are talking about!!!

Nyet  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:57:19pm

It’s breakfast time and I love the smell of brogressive psychopathy for breakfast.

This thread has it all. Hillary means the destruction of the world. Therefore vote for Trump. And the GMOs are evil.
And Hillary is pro-Israel so vote for Trump.


Dave In Austin  Jul 31, 2016 • 11:57:30pm

Oh hell, It’s late enough…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:03:04am

re: #24 Nyet

It’s breakfast time and I love the smell of brogressive psychopathy for breakfast.

This thread has it all. Hillary means the destruction of the world. Therefore vote for Trump. And the GMOs are evil.
And Hillary is pro-Israel so vote for Trump.


I saw this in an old college buddy friend: he always believed that society and the economy were on the verge of collapsing, so a vote for Trump will just speed up the process and let us hit bottom so we can start over.

But that has been replaced by him convincing himself that DT does have coherent, viable policies.

I do not engage Trump supporters anymore. If their minds are capable of bending themselves around such an abomination, I will not try to argue with them.

William Lewis  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:03:05am

Good night all. See you in the morning.

Nyet  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:04:32am

re: #25 Dave In Austin

Daily Fail in its usual style.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:04:44am

re: #21 Kragar

Is that when they started “feminizing” the MoH, according to Bryan Fischer?

Ia! Ia! Trump Ftaghn! (née Sophist)  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:05:08am

This is where I hiked last week. Present but not pictured: every mosquito in the state.

Kragar  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:05:12am
Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:06:46am

Time to head home. Gonna go catch the train outta here. Later.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:09:17am

re: #31 Kragar

[Embedded content]

He’s going to threaten to arrest Khizr Khan as soon as he’s sworn in—now that he’s been exposed as a Muslim Brotherhood plant. Let’s see how that goes over.

freetoken  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:25:59am

re: #15 Dr Lizardo

TFA made it on this list:

10 Movie Sequels That Just Copied The Original

Single-handed sailor  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:37:51am

re: #30 Ia! Ia! Trump Ftaghn! (née Sophist)

[Embedded content]

This is where I hiked last week. Present but not pictured: every mosquito in the state.

I’m pretty sure the Silver Lake area on California highway 88 has that distinction. When you have to poop in the woods you have under 30 seconds to cover your freshly exposed skin with DEET before you get swarmed by mosquitoes.

Single-handed sailor  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:40:16am

re: #36 Single-handed sailor

As a Manitoba born man I know mosquitoes. This is the only place in California that can come even close to that.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:40:36am

re: #36 Single-handed sailor

I’m pretty sure the Silver Lake area on California highway 88 has that distinction. When you have to poop in the woods you have under 30 seconds to cover your freshly exposed skin with DEET before you get swarmed by mosquitoes.

I learned about the midgie flies while camping in Scotland: Never leave your tent door open…to get in or out, zip, dive through the opening and immediately re-zip the flap. That way you only get dozens instead of hundreds…

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 1:33:25am

Something that Obama will be leaving to his successor:

In April of this year, the Defense Department inspector general’s office substantiated a whistleblower reprisal claim by retired Lt. Col. Teresa James, a decorated Iraq war veteran.

That, in itself, was a milestone: It was the first time the IG had ever done so in a sexual assault case.

But ten years after James was first assaulted and four years after she reported the crime, the alleged perpetrator has never been charged and the Army has yet to issue any punishments to the general officer who, according to the IG, derailed her career for her dogged pursuit of a criminal investigation. Nor has it done anything to remedy the years of reprisals the IG found she suffered starting in 2012.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 4:27:23am

re: #39 Timothy Watson

Something that Obama will be leaving to his successor:


I recall years ago under Clinton when the then-Secretary of Defense promised a “zero tolerance” policy for sexual harassment in the military.

I knew what was coming: they would “send a message” in the form of a show trial.

Somebody not too high up in the hierarchy (cannot look like this is established among commanding officers) but not too low down either.

So they accused the Master Sergeant of the Army (the highest-ranking non-commissioned officer) of sexual harassment. In the end, he was cleared of charges of sexual harassment but convicted on charges of perjury (IOW, he lied about what he ostensibly had not done), was expelled from the army but allowed to keep his pension and benefits.

That sure sent a message.

sagehen  Aug 1, 2016 • 4:30:32am

Just spit-balling here, but… when Capt Khan died, what size unit was he out patrolling with? How many of them are still alive, and what’s the odds on any of them coming forward to speak about him or about the day?

ObserverArt  Aug 1, 2016 • 4:51:45am


Since I signed up to go to the Clinton-Kaine Bus Tour event here yesterday I figured I would be getting some emails. This morning found my first one from the campaign.

I have to give them props…I like their approach. The email had a simple “Hi” as the title and the message was small but to the point and realistic:

I’m so grateful that you’re on this team,

This election is going to be tough, and having folks like you on board will make us stronger as we head towards November.

Here’s why: We know Donald Trump will use every opportunity he gets to say the most outrageous, attention-seeking thing he can. And every time he does, it will dominate the attention of the media — and his message will get broadcast nationwide.

So, we’re going to win in November by talking with voters one-on-one, having an honest conversation about the issues, and discussing real solutions. That’s how we won the primary, and that how we’re going to stop Donald Trump.

We’re fighting for the future of our country — we have to fight for love and kindness, and the belief that we’re stronger together than we are when we peddle fear and hate.

If you’re ready to win together, chip in now and we’ll send you a sticker to say thanks:

And since Hillary was in Columbus yesterday, does it not figure the Trump Thin Skins Are Us Campaign™ would follow with a response?

Trump will be holding a townhall meeting at the Columbus Convention Center today at 3:00 pm.

Ugh. I am busy today, but if I have the time, I might just sneak down to the center and see how the crowd is and how many are attending.

Then again I may just skip it due to a high chance of mind pollution and Trump dementia.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 1, 2016 • 4:51:58am

re: #19 Kragar

Normally not into war movies, but that actually looks interesting.

Dave In Austin  Aug 1, 2016 • 4:52:52am

re: #41 sagehen

They weren’t on patrol, rather they were guarding. A checkpoint when a vehicle came in with a suicide bomber inside.

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 4:53:20am

re: #40 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I recall years ago under Clinton when the then-Secretary of Defense promised a “zero tolerance” policy for sexual harassment in the military.

I knew what was coming: they would “send a message” in the form of a show trial Somebody not too high up in the hierarchy (cannot look like this is established among commanding officers) but not too low down either.

So they accused the Master Sergeant of the Army (the highest-ranking non-commissioned officer) of sexual harassment. In the end, he was cleared of charges of sexual harassment but convicted on charges of perjury (IOW, he lied about what he ostensibly had not done), was expelled from the army but allowed to keep his pension and benefits.

That sure sent a message.

And you also get into issues of command influence of whether the Commander in Chief can make comments about the problem without influencing courts martial, etc. I think it’s going to take Congress to fix the issue.

Kirsten Gillibrand’s bill to leave the decision on whether to prosecute to military prosecutors, and not the accused’s commanding officer, got filibustered. Hopefully she brings it back up in the next Congress.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 4:55:23am

re: #45 Timothy Watson

And you also get into issues of command influence of whether the Commander in Chief can make comments about the problem without influencing courts martial, etc. I think it’s going to take Congress to fix the issue.

Kirsten Gillibrand’s bill to leave the decision on whether to prosecute to military prosecutors, and not the accused’s commanding officer, got filibustered. Hopefully she brings it back up in the next Congress.

It was clear that the whole thing was planned in advance. The only reason the armed forces even acted was because enrollments were down considerably among women and they had to do something to help ease the shortfall.

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 4:58:47am
Holocaust research project looks at what Americans knew about the Nazis and how they responded

On May 21, 1933, a story appeared on Page 20 of the Richmond Times-Dispatch warning readers not to fall for “propaganda” coming out of the Nazi-led German government.

The story by Virginius Dabney quoted at great length from letters and previously published news reports describing how Adolf Hitler had restored order through discipline, how “political murders … have ceased entirely because Fascism has been triumphant,” and how war is “absolutely the last thing Hitler wants.”

Within six years, Hitler’s armies had reoccupied the German Rhineland, annexed Austria and invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland. By the time World War II ended in 1945, the Nazis had killed about 6 million Jews.

The story by Dabney, who later would become editor of The Times-Dispatch, and countless other stories in newspapers across the country informed millions of readers in the 1930s and 1940s about what was happening in Germany after the Nazis rose to power.

Those reports reflect how Americans viewed Hitler’s regime. But historians wonder just how full a picture Americans had of the Nazis’ reign and the Holocaust.

In an effort to learn just what Americans knew and how they responded to the Nazis’ treatment of Jews, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington has created a project called “History Unfolded: U.S. Newspapers and the Holocaust.”

The project is part of an initiative that focuses on Americans and the Holocaust that will lead to an exhibition scheduled to open in April 2018.

Museum officials say that over the years, scholars have studied how the nation’s biggest newspapers covered the Holocaust, but no major study has been done of local news coverage.

The idea behind History Unfolded is to get students, teachers and citizen historians to research how the Holocaust was portrayed in their local newspapers.


sagehen  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:03:51am

re: #47 Timothy Watson


The idea behind History Unfolded is to get students, teachers and citizen historians to research how the Holocaust was portrayed in their local newspapers.

And with any luck… maybe help students, teachers and citizen historians learn a thing or two about pattern recognition?

ObserverArt  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:04:20am

re: #26 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I saw this in an old college buddy friend: he always believed that society and the economy were on the verge of collapsing, so a vote for Trump will just speed up the process and let us hit bottom so we can start over.

But that has been replaced by him convincing himself that DT does have coherent, viable policies.

I do not engage Trump supporters anymore. If their minds are capable of bending themselves around such an abomination, I will not try to argue with them.

I saw some comments just like that the other day. The guy was hoping Trump was elected so it gets so bad it ruins the Republicans for a generation. I guess some of these Bernie Bros types care not at all about their parents and older generations and the damage that will occur with things like the ACA, Social Security, etc.

What a kind and considerate country we live in.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:06:34am

re: #49 ObserverArt

I saw some comments just like that the other day. The guy was hoping Trump was elected so it gets so bad it ruins the Republicans for a generation. I guess some of these Bernie Bros types care not at all about their parents and older generations and the damage that will occur with things like the ACA, Social Security, etc.

What a kind and considerate country we live in.

Politics, business and social interaction are all about pursuing one’s own personal interests over others. Cannot expect people to behave in any other way than what they have learned.

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:10:49am

Guess which photo causes conservatives to lose their minds?


ObserverArt  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:11:24am

re: #50 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Politics, business and social interaction are all about pursuing one’s own personal interests over others. Cannot expect people to behave in any other way than what they have learned.

Agreed. But it sure does seem to ding the definition of “social” but then I may be thinking in terms of group, community, public, collective that all mean more then one.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:16:00am

re: #52 ObserverArt

Agreed. But it sure does seem to ding the definition of “social” but then I may be thinking in terms of group, community, public, collective that all mean more then one.

There are way too many people who affiliate with a group only to promote their personal interests.

Emptor scriptor Remorse  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:16:06am

re: #51 Dr. Matt

I don’t think I would be posting that, it is insulting to the First Lady.

Charles Johnson  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:31:12am
Charles Johnson  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:32:13am
Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:36:06am

re: #55 Charles Johnson

re: #56 Charles Johnson

Someone is in his campaign or in the GOP leadership should be advising Trump to stop before the hole gets too deep. I’m just amazed that no one the GOP has directly denounced Trump and his statements. Their party is off the rails….completely.

Blind Frog Belly White  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:36:43am

I gotta say, I’m conflicted over the whole ‘nude pics of Melania’ thing. It is just downright weird to contemplate there being naked pictures of the First Lady, but more than that, I can only imagine if there were, for example, a clothed-but-sexy ‘boudoir’ shot of Michelle that got leaked somehow. The Right would be talking endlessly about how she’d degraded the dignity of the WH, even in a private photo not meant for the public.

But this gets to everything I don’t understand about this year. Not only is Trump a vulgarian, he’s also transparently a con man who will say anything to seal the deal, but then has a long history of not delivering on promises, and screwing partners, investors, creditors, contractors, employees, etc - and then BRAGGING about how he took away millions, from projects that left everyone else broke or in debt.

And yet, he’s the one that a significant percentage of Americans want. hell, not just want, the think we NEED him!

So, again trying to measure this year by any standard metric is a waste of time.

Emptor scriptor Remorse  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:40:29am

As much as things change, as much as they stay the same:

Mario Cuomo’s 1984 Convention Speech

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:41:49am

re: #55 Charles Johnson

<blockquote>Mr. Khan, who does not know me, viciously attacked me from the stage of the DNC and is now all over T.V. doing the same - Nice!

This story is not about Mr. Khan, who is all over the place doing interviews, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the U.S. Get smart!

They have found his Kryptonite. He cannot just let this go and move onto the next topic until he has had his final words on it…

…and now even his own party is turning on him in disgust. Jeb Bush, Kasich and McConnell have all come out on the topic.

ObserverArt  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:41:59am

re: #57 Dr. Matt

Someone is in his campaign or in the GOP leadership should be advising Trump to stop before the hole gets too deep. I’m just amazed that no one the GOP has directly denounced Trump and his statements. Their party is off the rails….completely.

No one can stop the Trump.

This is the “only I can do it” guy remember. And he lives up to it.

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:42:46am

re: #58 Blind Frog Belly White

I gotta say, I’m conflicted over the whole ‘nude pics of Melania’ thing. It is just downright weird to contemplate there being naked pictures of the First Lady, but more than that, I can only imagine if there were, for example, a clothed-but-sexy ‘boudoir’ shot of Michelle that got leaked somehow. The Right would be talking endlessly about how she’d degraded the dignity of the WH, even in a private photo not meant for the public.

Conservatives lost their minds because the FLOTUS bared her arms. The hypocrisy is numbing.

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:46:21am

re: #58 Blind Frog Belly White

I gotta say, I’m conflicted over the whole ‘nude pics of Melania’ thing. It is just downright weird to contemplate there being naked pictures of the First Lady, but more than that, I can only imagine if, there were, for example, a clothed-but-sexy ‘boudoir’ shot of Michelle that got leaked somehow. The Right would be talking endlessly about how she’d degraded the dignity of the WH, even in a private photo not meant for the public.

But this gets to everything I don’t understand about this year. Not only is Trump a vulgarian, he’s also transparently a con man who will say anything to seal the deal, but then has a long history of not delivering on promises, and screwing partners, investors, creditors, contractors, employees, etc - and then BRAGGING about how he took away millions, from projects that left everyone else broke or in debt.

And yet, he’s the one that a significant percentage of Americans want. hell, not just want, the think we NEED him!

So, again trying to measure this year by any standard metric is a waste of time.

Is there a single RWNJ out there who isn’t a vulgarian? The pseudo-intellectual conservative crowd has always been the establishment who the base never really liked, and most of the establishment is openly hostile to or opposing Trump.

The RWNJs have been attacking Michelle Obama for the same reason they’ve been attacking Barack Obama: they’re black and Democrats. And they will use any bullshit meme or reason to do that, it doesn’t matter if they’ve changed their minds 10 minutes before or will change their minds 10 minutes later. This is a party that feeds on cognitive dissonance and hate.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:55:27am

re: #63 Timothy Watson

Is there a single RWNJ out there who isn’t a vulgarian? The pseudo-intellectual conservative crowd has always been the establishment who the base never really liked, and most of the establishment is openly hostile or opposing Trump.

Yes there are fundamentalist Christians who see this man as America’s Savior and God’s Chosen One

sagehen  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:58:50am

re: #58 Blind Frog Belly White

I gotta say, I’m conflicted over the whole ‘nude pics of Melania’ thing. It is just downright weird to contemplate there being naked pictures of the First Lady, but more than that, I can only imagine if there were, for example, a clothed-but-sexy ‘boudoir’ shot of Michelle that got leaked somehow. The Right would be talking endlessly about how she’d degraded the dignity of the WH, even in a private photo not meant for the public.

I can only imagine how the Right would react if Obama’s children were from three different mothers. If one of those children’s “touching personal story” about what a great dad he is was… when someone close to her died, he called to ask if she’s okay.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 5:59:23am

re: #57 Dr. Matt

Someone is in his campaign or in the GOP leadership should be advising Trump to stop before the hole gets too deep. I’m just amazed that no one the GOP has directly denounced Trump and his statements. Their party is off the rails….completely.

graham has been the most direct (Still all relative)
mccain weaseled a bit

its not going well for the boys

Varek Raith  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:02:27am


dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:03:01am

re: #60 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

<blockquote>They have found his Kryptonite. He cannot just let this go and move onto the next topic until he has had his final words on it…

If Trump had said nothing, the speech would probably not be a front page story. certainly not for days on end.

fighting with individuals - esp citizens, is a losing strategy

one on one moderated level playing field - he knows he’s toast

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:04:37am

An interesting (blog) juxtaposition:

ISIS Joins Donald Trump in Dishonoring Humayun Khan’s Sacrifice


(DBeast noted in Memeorandum)

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:05:09am

re: #64 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Yes there are fundamentalist Christians who see this man as America’s Savior and God’s Chosen One

When you live in a world of delusion…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:05:37am

re: #68 dangerman

If Trump had said nothing, the speech would probably not be a front page story. certainly not for days on end.

fighting with individuals - esp citizens, is a losing strategy

one on one moderated level playing field - he knows he’s toast

and going after the mother…fer chrissakes.

this is where he is starting to fail.

this worked fine on the GOP base, but not for the general voting public.

They are generally conservative, but not soulless.

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:05:38am
Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:07:07am

re: #69 Decatur Deb

An interesting (blog) juxtaposition:

ISIS Joins Donald Trump in Dishonoring Humayun Khan’s Sacrifice


(DBeast noted in Memeorandum)

Where are the Moderate Muslims to oppose Radical Islamic Terrorism?!??!?!??!?!?!

Moderate Muslim sacrifices himself on behalf of American war effort.

Muslim Brotherhood plant!!!111

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:07:19am

I am starting to see a lot of similarities between the current GOP leadership and the Confederate Generals leading Pickett’s Charge.

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:08:18am

re: #5 Dave In Austin

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:08:59am

re: #71 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

and going after the mother…fer chrissakes.

And the mother owes nothing to anyone. Certainly not Trump.

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:09:09am

re: #68 dangerman

I said this over the weekend. The man knows how to dig.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:10:07am

re: #71 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

and going after the mother…fer chrissakes.

this is where he is starting to fail.

this worked fine on the GOP base, but not for the general voting public.

They are generally conservative, but not soulless.

that was dumber on top of already dumb. he started on her after their tv interview in which they said they kind of wrote the speech together. how much warning do you need? she was distraught at the convention. and she’s literate. she just told you (and the world) no way she wouldnt respond and eviscerate him.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:11:17am

re: #55 Charles Johnson

Mr. Khan, who does not know me, viciously attacked me from the stage of the DNC and is now all over T.V. doing the same - Nice!
— Donald J. Trump

Pretty rich from the guy who allowed the Benghazi mother to attack Hillary at the RNC.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:11:41am

re: #72 Dr. Matt

still supporting the candidate though?

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:12:25am

If Trump doesn’t back off the Khans McCain might only campaign with him in Arizona.

ObserverArt  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:12:35am

Nice assist from our wingnut media types to give an assist to ISIS. ISIS doesn’t even need bombs, guns or anything they turn into a terrorist attack for this one.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:12:54am

re: #72 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

Would really like to regain some respect for John McCain. Someday.

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:15:14am

re: #80 dangerman

still supporting the candidate though?

Most certainly. McCain could save his legacy by openly supporting HRC while completely denouncing Trump. But, we know this won’t happen.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:15:49am

re: #75 darthstar

Paul Ryan - “Here’s my op-ed in @WashingtonPost: Hillary Clinton is unfit to handle classified information. wapo.st

here’s my unpublished opinion, Paul: your oh so carefully crafted statements demonstrate a job before party before country before principles coward

you’re not in great shape. unfit indeed

Blind Frog Belly White  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:16:43am

OT - Here I am at the Family Home, having just arrived from a couple days in Pittsburgh, at a family reunion. Our trip to Pittsburgh was … eventful.

We had connecting flights through DFW, with an hour and a half layover. When we got to the airport, the first leg was listed as leaving 40 minutes late, so I started sweating the connecting time - would we have time to get from Terminal A to Terminal C, find our gate, etc. before the doors closed?

And the flight took even longer to get off the ground than expected. We got into DFW, I turned on my phone, and Orbitz told me the flight to Pittsburgh - originally 6:30 - was delayed till 7:00. That went on for hours - every half hour, they’d bump the time another half hour. And no plane at the gate. Finally at 10:30, we boarded. 20 minutes after we’d boarded, the pilot announces that the Flight Attendants had been waiting so long that they’d exceeded their maximum hours, and we’d need new ones. Off the plane again - and when we came out, at 11:15, there were a couple stacks of COTS! Not a good sign! Luckily we reboarded and were off to Pittsburgh almost 6 hours late. Get to Pittsburgh, no way to pick up our rental car - everyone was closed. Took a taxi.

Sunday, we went to pick up a rental car to drive to Dad’s house. I’d specified something Camry-sized. The guy says, “Oh, we don’t have any Standard-sized cars, so we’ll give you a free upgrade. We’ve got (looks out window) a Kia Sorrento, or a Dodge Charger”

“I’ll take the Charger!”

And here it is. I guess the Travel Gods finally decided to smile on me.

Yep. It’s got a Hemi.
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:17:45am

re: #83 Decatur Deb

Would really like to regain some respect for John McCain. Someday.

One of the key moments in the Decline and Fall of the GOP was when McCain tried to defend Obama in front of a Tea Party rally as a man of honor, one whose politics they simply disagree with.

He was booed off the stage.

And left the stage free for a candidate like Trump to step up and take their applause…

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:17:58am

re: #83 Decatur Deb

Would really like to regain some respect for John McCain. Someday.

ship has sailed
not returning

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:18:18am

re: #81 darthstar

If Trump doesn’t back off the Khans McCain might only campaign with him in Arizona.

That would be a pretty drastic step.


jeffreyw  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:19:23am


Good morning!

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:21:13am

re: #90 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

steel cut oats, vanilla soy milk, chia seeds, banana


darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:21:50am

A buddy of mine saw Trump at a grocery store. I didn’t know he did his own shopping.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:24:03am

Greets and saluts from the humid and overcast NYC metro area. Some parts of the area got more than 6 inches of rain causing significant flooding over the weekend, but luckily the bulk of NYC missed the heaviest of the rain. We might have more flood watches/warnings today as the rain continues to stick around, which is a good metaphor for the Trump campaign.

It’s like a storm front that simply wont go away. It’ll dump it’s spewage and not care what damage is done.

Who knew that the Khan DNC statement would still be getting under Trump’s skin 5 days later. Heck, I suspect it’ll be talked about all the way into November. That’s how badly Trump’s handling it.

It shows his complete and utter lack of empathy. That’s a basic skill taken for granted with Presidents, given that they are called upon to be Comforter in Chief following national disasters, crises, mass shootings, or when law enforcement or service members are killed in the line of duty.

After the past week, it’s impossible for anyone to see Trump as someone who’d comfort anyone about anything. He simply doesn’t have this basic feeling and character within him.

But Trump goes beyond not having empathy. He’s actively attacking Mr. Khan and his wife, because Trump’s character and judgment were questioned?

What do you think happens if you’re president? You get questioned all the time. By everyone. Even from within your own party. Just ask President Obama. Or GWB. Or GHWB. Or Bill Clinton. They’ve all been there. They know criticism comes with the territory, and all have much thicker skin and resolve than you do.

That a speech at the DNC is enough to send you cartwheeling into attacks on Gold Star families shows your ultimate lack of character and judgment, but you simply don’t stop there.

Nope. With Trump, every attack is a doubling down.

This isn’t just like some architectural critic complaining about the derivative and gaudy tendencies of your glass curtain wall skyscrapers in NYC. The critics ultimately know that your buildings will be overshadowed by far better ones. No, you’re trying to become President of the US, and that’s a job requiring a very particular set of skills.

And you lack all of them.

When a Tweet is enough to send you careening off into a twitter rampage of revenge, it shows just how incapable you are of restraint. It’s entirely likely you’d be the first president to launch a war because someone criticized you on Twitter.

None of this is fantasy either. We’re all watching you and your responses to external stimulation, and the results aren’t just ugly. They’re downright horrifying.

Scout  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:24:05am

re: #92 darthstar

I must say that if I saw that in my supermarket I would run and never — ever — return.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:24:29am

re: #87 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

One of the key moments in the Decline and Fall of the GOP was when McCain tried to defend Obama in front of a Tea Party rally as a man of honor, one whose politics they simply disagree with.

He was booed off the stage.

And left the stage free for a candidate like Trump to step up and take their applause…

That was the GOP base, briefly showing itself. Now it’s running the GOP.

Eventual Carrion  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:25:14am

re: #92 darthstar

A buddy of mine saw Trump at a grocery store. I didn’t know he did his own shopping.

[Embedded content]

Looks like a ladies man to me, or the guy in the windowless van.

FormerDirtDart  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:25:42am

“We’ve had 7,000 soldiers who have died, $6 trillion wasted overseas that if Donald Trump was president, we would never have had, and Captain Khan would be alive today,” Lewandowski, who is now a paid CNN contributor, said.

And…wait for it…

“If Donald Trump was the president, Captain Khan would be alive today, because he would’ve never engaged in a war that didn’t directly benefit this country,” Lewandowski said. “Captain Khan would be alive today, as would 7,000 other U.S. soldiers.”

I swear, CNN should have their license pulled if they don’t fire this shill

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:25:46am

re: #95 Sir John Barron

That was the GOP base, briefly showing itself. Now it’s running the GOP.

Exactly. The party was afraid to call these people out or at least distance themselves, and they came to take over the nominating process.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:27:06am

re: #97 FormerDirtDart

“If Donald Trump was the president, Captain Khan would be alive today, because he would’ve never engaged in a war that didn’t directly benefit this country,” Lewandowski said. “Captain Khan would be alive today, as would 7,000 other U.S. soldiers.”ill

And is totally irrelevant to the fact that DT really owes these people some sort of apology.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:27:41am

re: #93 lawhawk

fittingly, the campaign in one line:

” A person void of empathy for the people he wishes to lead cannot be trusted with that leadership.”

- Khizr Khan

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:29:00am

re: #99 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

“If Donald Trump was the president, Captain Khan would be alive today, because he would’ve never engaged in a war that didn’t directly benefit this country,” Lewandowski said. “Captain Khan would be alive today, as would 7,000 other U.S. soldiers.”ill

But your candidate is promising to destroy ISIS. With what troops are we supposed to accomplish that? Will there be no American deaths in such an effort?

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:30:01am

re: #98 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Exactly. The party was afraid to call these people out or at least distance themselves, and they came to take over the nominating process.

and now they cant because they’d (gasp) lose

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:30:09am
lizardofid  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:30:38am

re: #83 Decatur Deb

Would really like to regain some respect for John McCain. Someday.

Same here, but given the ages of Captain McCain and myself, I fear we’re running out of time.

: (

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:33:21am

Holy shit, Maryland…what the fuck?

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:33:24am

re: #101 Sir John Barron

It’s all vaporware. There’s no plan to do anything. He just says trust me.

He’s Joe Izuzu, and his supporters don’t care about the details.

The rest of the GOP establishment might care, but wont say anything bad about Trump, because their own political futures rely on Trump’s voters (the core GOP voter).

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:34:34am

re: #101 Sir John Barron

But your candidate is promising to destroy ISIS. With what troops are we supposed to accomplish that? Will there be no American deaths in such an effort?

the whole thing is an all other things being equal except one -asinine comment

i keep wanting to use the word “moronic”. i’m avoiding it

i will not apologize to asses, either singly or in nonets

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:35:03am

Meghan found a nice word about her daddy and retweeted it.

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:35:25am

re: #97 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

And…wait for it…

I swear, CNN should have their license pulled if they don’t fire this shill

And Trump still whines that “media is conspiring against him”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:36:00am

re: #102 dangerman

and now they cant because they’d (gasp) lose

they were afraid of alienating their base. now their base has alienated them

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:36:33am

re: #97 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

And…wait for it…

I swear, CNN should have their license pulled if they don’t fire this shill

Wow…he sounds objective.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:36:44am

re: #105 darthstar

Yeah, the flooding down in Maryland was pretty insane. We had some flooding up here, but nothing as extreme.

A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:36:45am

re: #97 FormerDirtDart

So what he’s saying is that it’s George W Bush and Dick Cheney’s fault then. Seeing as how this young man was killed while they held office. Good to know.

These fucking people. And Roger Stone? OMG. Saying Muslims join the US military to kill their fellow soldiers? I would love to put this fucking douchebag into a room full of those who served and let him run his yap for awhile. See what condition he leaves in. This shit should not be allowed to stand. It just can’t.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:36:46am

re: #104 lizardofid

Same here, but given the ages of Captain McCain and myself, I fear we’re running out of time.

: (

i was glib upthread
i respect his military service
i respect some of his political service
politics changed him
i dont see him changing back

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:36:55am

Baby Whiplash has teh sads because DePaul won’t give him a “Free Speech” safe space==>

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:38:20am
dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:38:52am

re: #105 darthstar

what is that guy at the end trying to do?
water alone is relentless. corralling a car against the tide?
coat stuck in the door?

Eventual Carrion  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:42:00am

re: #117 dangerman

what is that guy at the end trying to do?
water alone is relentless. corralling a car against the tide?
coat stuck in the door?

That’s what I thought. Is that guy stuck to the car or something? Let it go.

lizardofid  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:42:49am

re: #114 dangerman

i was glib upthread
i respect his military service
i respect some of his political service
politics changed him
i dont see him changing back

Your point is well taken. Hence the the lost respect, which I would hope to regain, is indeed for Capt. McCain. Sen. McCain, not so much.

; )

Scout  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:43:47am

Off topic, but everyone’s heart here skipped a beat earlier this evening:

Erroneous alert of massive Tokyo quake causes brief panic


Skip Intro  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:46:35am

re: #64 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Yes there are fundamentalist Christians who see this man as America’s Savior and God’s Chosen One

I understand that today the NY Post has published some of Mrs. Trump’s lesbian photos.

The silence of the guardians of morality will be golden.

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:46:43am

re: #117 dangerman

what is that guy at the end trying to do?
water alone is relentless. corralling a car against the tide?
coat stuck in the door?

Hopefully he’s just trying to retrieve his phone and then giving up because he’s about to get crushed between two cars. (I did watch it again to make sure there were no people inside he was trying to reach…don’t appear to be. That would be tragic.)

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:48:07am

re: #121 Skip Intro

Yes, the Post indeed published those salacious photos. One has to wonder whether Trump himself released them so as to divert attention away from his batcrap insane handling of Mr. Khan and Gold Star Parents.

Addressing one crisis he’s incapable of fixing by creating another equally perplexing one. This is his entire MO. The more you point out his inadequacies to be President, the more he proves you right.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:48:55am

Meanwhile, Florida Man is already in need of starting an entirely new category:

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:49:02am

re: #115 The Vicious Babushka

So, I’ve been banned from DePaul. Because they’re cowards. dailywire.com
— Ben Shapiro

Consider it a suggestion to find gainful employment.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:49:06am

i dont take credit for this:

trump is the monster that Mitch McConnell is holding the supreme court pick for

FormerDirtDart  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:50:23am
danarchy  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:52:01am

re: #118 Eventual Carrion

That’s what I thought. Is that guy stuck to the car or something? Let it go.

The only thing I could think of would be maybe someone was in the car? Kid in the back seat or something? Didn’t see anyone in the front.

Nyet  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:52:03am

re: #83 Decatur Deb

Would really like to regain some respect for John McCain. Someday.

Tbh it’s hard for me to find anything in his bio to respect him for. Subjective, of course.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:52:27am

re: #127 FormerDirtDart

When I said in an interview that Putin is “not going into Ukraine, you can mark it down,” I am saying if I am President. Already in Crimea!
— Donald J. Trump

This doesn’t even make sense.

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:52:44am

Giants beat the Nationals yesterday. And check out this sequence:
Starting pitcher throws four hitless innings (but walks 5 so is not doing great)
Giants have another pitcher pinch hit for him in the 5th - and he gets a lead off double.
That pitcher is pinch-run for by yet another pitcher(the previous day’s starter), who winds up scoring.
There’s a reason I like the National league. Our pitchers can pitch, but they can also hit…and run.

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:53:57am

Okay…time to walk the dog and get ready for work. Later everyone. I like this ad-free look, Charles. Why didn’t you tell me to subscribe years ago?

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:54:54am

re: #123 lawhawk

Yes, the Post indeed published those salacious photos. One has to wonder whether Trump himself released them so as to divert attention away from his batcrap insane handling of Mr. Khan and Gold Star Parents.

Addressing one crisis he’s incapable of fixing by creating another equally perplexing one. This is his entire MO. The more you point out his inadequacies to be President, the more he proves you right.

Calling in fire on his own position? That only makes sense if he stops making stupid statements about the Khans. They haven’t stopped.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:57:00am

re: #129 Nyet

Tbh it’s hard for me to find anything in his bio to respect him for. Subjective, of course.

In all credible reports he handled himself very well as a POW. No small thing, even if a long time ago.

FormerDirtDart  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:57:45am

OK, I’ve been up 25(+) hours, after only sleeping around four hrs Sunday morning.
Time top wedge my way onto the couch with the rest of the pack

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:58:30am

re: #133 Decatur Deb

John Oliver touched on this in show over the weekend. Trump’s statements are like nails. Step on one, and it hurts like hell. Step on a bed of nails and it’s mildly discomforting. Sure, a few might stick up and give you tetanus, but you get overwhelmed by the sheer madness of it all.

Okay, I paraphrased that a bit.

Just watch the whole bit:

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Democratic National Convention (HBO)

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 6:59:59am

re: #135 FormerDirtDart

OK, I’ve been up 25(+) hours, after only sleeping around four hrs Sunday morning.
Time top wedge my way onto the couch with the rest of the pack

Tuck yourself in with your Donald doll. Sweet dreams.

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:00:08am

re: #105 darthstar

Holy shit, Maryland…what the fuck?

[Embedded content]

This wouldn’t have happened if Trump were president.

Joe Bacon  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:01:14am

re: #6 FormerDirtDart

Maybe some rich benefactor will bankroll the Khans so they can sue these pigs

[Embedded content]

Go to hell, Roger Stone! Go To Hell!

Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:03:27am

So, here’s some photos I took while I was out and about in Rýmařov.


Joe Bacon  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:08:34am

re: #57 Dr. Matt

Someone is in his campaign or in the GOP leadership should be advising Trump to stop before the hole gets too deep. I’m just amazed that no one the GOP has directly denounced Trump and his statements. Their party is off the rails….completely.

The sad truth is that the overwhelming number of Republicans actually believe what Trump Says.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:11:26am

re: #141 Joe Bacon

The sad truth is that the overwhelming number of Republicans actually believe what Trump Says.

And the ultimate consideration for any action for them is what it takes to remain in power.

Barefoot Grin  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:14:51am

re: #130 Sir John Barron

This doesn’t even make sense.

Already! Mark it! I didn’t say ‘no’ yesterday when I meant ‘yes’ today!

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:15:38am

Maybe going online and checking the news isn’t such a good thing every morning. I can feel the screws tighten. I really cannot remember any candidate for any office getting a free ride on so many issues. Trump is not presidential or any elected position material. Now personally, he’s a snake. With apologies to snakes. He could murder someone on 5th Avenue and walk. Thank the press for that. And thank the GOP for showing you time after time that they love party over nation. Paycheck over principles. And their seat over conscience. They have hit rock bottom. Only physical murder is left. And something tells me that would come with an explanation that would then be let to drift off, just like all the other horrible, stupid, mean, vile shit. The GOP is dead. A ghost ship. With one of the worst possible examples of humanity at the helm. And only silence from the GOP. It’s natural progression of a party that seeks only power and would do anything to maintain it. Is this how fascism rises? Sure looks like it to me. You built that. You built it and refuse to take responsibility for it. Trump needs to be totally and utterly defeated along with every other GOP candidate that stood with him or stood in silence.

CleverToad  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:18:52am

Very long article. I read the whole thing. Rather wishing I hadn’t because now I am thoroughly depressed.


tl:dr —> Facts are irrelevant — an appeal to reason is ineffective against a sales pitch aimed at a subconscious level. Arguing against Trump reinforces his narrative even in the people who strongly disagree with him. We’re up against the insidious power of a repeated lie, and a master carnival barker taking advantage of 30+ years of propaganda.

It’s gonna be a long slog till November, and it doesn’t end there.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:19:13am

re: #144 nines09

I think there are still a few clear-head thinkers in the GOP who know that a Trump presidency would damage them for generations, and will quietly vote against him when the time comes, despite any lip service they are paying now.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:21:48am

re: #146 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I think there are still a few clear-head thinkers in the GOP who know that a Trump presidency would damage them for generations, and will quietly vote against him when the time comes, despite any lip service they are paying now.

I hope so. What I have seen is a lot of attempts at false equivalency. People who admit Trump is bad but attempt to say Clinton is equally bad.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:23:26am

re: #145 CleverToad

a master carnival barker

He might be in a small tent with a captive audience where he’s the only one allowed to speak, but he’s a failure on the national stage when someone can challenge him.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:23:38am

re: #146 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I think there are still a few clear-head thinkers in the GOP who know that a Trump presidency would damage them for generations, and will quietly vote against him when the time comes, despite any lip service they are paying now.

You would hope. But the lip service shows me who they truly are. I’m waiting for the lawn signs to come out. I know far too many people who hate Hillary, and they can’t even explain why. That is what Trump has. Unlimited lies. The GOP are experts at throwing up so much shit, you can’t shoot down all of it. Then they repeat it on all their shows and links and talking heads, and the idiots sit there and say, “Yeah. I heard that too.”

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:27:37am

re: #149 nines09

You would hope. But the lip service shows me who they truly are. I’m waiting for the lawn signs to come out. I know far too many people who hate Hillary, and they can’t even explain why. That is what Trump has. Unlimited lies. The GOP are experts at throwing up so much shit, you can’t shoot down all of it. Then they repeat it on all their shows and links and talking heads, and the idiots sit there and say, “Yeah. I heard that too.”

It was said that if Thomas Jefferson became president that men’s daughters would be raped in the streets. Jefferson was elected anyway.

Joe Bacon  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:29:02am

re: #92 darthstar

A buddy of mine saw Trump at a grocery store. I didn’t know he did his own shopping.

[Embedded content]

Are you sure that’s not Wayne Cochran?

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:29:37am

re: #2 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

cnn headline

Did Trump go too far?

geez how many times has that question been asked in the past year?

dont get my hopes up

Peak Trump is a lie.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:29:50am

re: #150 Belafon

It was said that if Thomas Jefferson became president that men’s daughters would be raped in the streets. Jefferson was elected anyway.

I think he was more discrete in his raping.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:30:38am

re: #150 Belafon

It was said that if Thomas Jefferson became president that men’s daughters would be raped in the streets. Jefferson was elected anyway.

That came before what Trump has. A media giving him a free pass. 24/7 coverage. A corrupt political party behind him. And fear. The news and GOP has done a marvelous job at selling fear. Non stop. Fox News non stop Doomsday reporting. Entire nation blanketed with AM hate radio. You know the names.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:31:06am

re: #149 nines09

You would hope. But the lip service shows me who they truly are. I’m waiting for the lawn signs to come out. I know far too many people who hate Hillary, and they can’t even explain why. That is what Trump has. Unlimited lies. The GOP are experts at throwing up so much shit, you can’t shoot down all of it. Then they repeat it on all their shows and links and talking heads, and the idiots sit there and say, “Yeah. I heard that too.”

Went to Mt.Vernon this weekend, saw a child wearing a Hillary for Prison t-shirt. Had to restrain myself from making an unkind remark to the child’s ignorant parents.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:32:21am

re: #139 Joe Bacon

Go to hell, Roger Stone! Go To Hell!

Roger Stone believes LBJ had JFK killed. Wrote a book about it.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:32:45am

re: #155 Sir John Barron

Proudly teaching ignorance.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:33:00am

re: #147 HappyWarrior

I hope so. What I have seen is a lot of attempts at false equivalency. People who admit Trump is bad but attempt to say Clinton is equally bad.

That is what they have to say. They will continue to diss Clinton out of loyalty to the GOP, but in the end, they will either vote HRC or simply decline to vote for DT.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:33:06am

This isn’t just about Supreme Court nominations. Or even judicial nominations as a group. Trump’s signaling the entire destruction of the notion of judicial independence in favor of a fealty to his chosen view (which is essentially the Heritage position). This has disastrous consequences, even if you actually support the Heritage position, because it eliminates one of the key separations of power that was baked into the Constitution.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:33:59am

re: #155 Sir John Barron

Went to Mt.Vernon this weekend, saw a child wearing a Hillary for Prison t-shirt. Had to restrain myself from making an unkind remark to the child’s ignorant parents.

I imagine these shirts will become more popular as their candidate has nothing of virtue to offer of himself.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:34:12am

re: #159 lawhawk

Fealty is Trumps middle name.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:34:34am

re: #160 Sir John Barron

I imagine these shirts will become more popular as their candidate has nothing of virtue to offer of himself.

that is all they have

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:34:45am
Big Beautiful Door  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:34:46am

re: #57 Dr. Matt

Someone is in his campaign or in the GOP leadership should be advising Trump to stop before the hole gets too deep. I’m just amazed that no one the GOP has directly denounced Trump and his statements. Their party is off the rails….completely.

To be fair, McCain and Graham have.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:34:48am

re: #160 Sir John Barron

I imagine these shirts will become more popular as their candidate has nothing of virtue to offer of himself.

You just hit the nail on the head.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:35:16am

re: #155 Sir John Barron

Went to Mt.Vernon this weekend, saw a child wearing a Hillary for Prison t-shirt. Had to restrain myself from making an unkind remark to the child’s ignorant parents.

Oh Bless their Hearts.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:37:49am

re: #156 Sir John Barron

Roger Stone believes LBJ had JFK killed. Wrote a book about it.

A shitload of the 60’s version of BernieBros thought the same. They produced an off-Broadway play about it.


nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:38:27am
Jay C  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:38:48am

re: #160 Sir John Barron

I imagine these shirts will become more popular as their candidate has nothing of virtue to offer of himself.

Making a bet I really really don’t want to have to win, I’ll wager that Trump (should he eventually make it to one or more of the Presidential debates) will actually make “Lock Her Up” a “debating” point - right to Hillary’s face. And probably get riotous applause for it from the online Right…

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:39:15am

re: #163 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Mixing meta mass market metaphores.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:40:28am

re: #170 Decatur Deb

Blendtec: Will it blend?! Yes, It CAN! /

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:41:30am

re: #169 Jay C

If Trump debated Hillary face to face, he would lose what little manhood he has left along with his ride. He would be torn to shreds. The other GOP candidates never had to verbally talk shit. Hillary can. Trump will do everything he can to dodge it.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:41:31am

re: #169 Jay C

Making a bet I really really don’t want to have to win, I’ll wager that Trump (should he eventually make it to one or more of the Presidential debates) will actually make “Lock Her Up” a “debating” point - right to Hillary’s face. And probably get riotous applause for it from the online Right…

Still makes me angry. If you feel strongly that Hillary belongs in prison for some reason, wear the damn t-shirt yourself. Don’t put it on the kid. Coward.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:42:15am

re: #172 nines09

If Trump debated Hillary face to face, he would lose what little manhood he has left along with his ride. He would be torn to shreds. The other GOP candidates never had to verbally talk shit. Hillary can. Trump will do everything he can to dodge it.

That’s why he wants Jill Stein and Gary Johnson in the debates in the hope that they will gang up on Hillary.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:42:22am

re: #171 lawhawk

Blendtec: Will it blend?! Yes, It CAN! /

Had to look that up. $1200 to make a freaking slurppy.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:42:37am

re: #173 Sir John Barron

You can imagine that little girl will hear a lot of “You can’t. You’re a girl” in the coming years.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:42:49am

this is nutz

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:44:18am

re: #176 nines09

You can imagine that little girl will hear a lot of “You can’t. You’re a girl” in the coming years.

It was a boy. But yes, way to raise your kid, numbskull.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:44:37am

re: #177 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

this is nutz

Lexington is the sanest place we ever lived in Kentucky.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:44:38am

re: #177 Backwoods_Sleuth

Three Ammosexuals and a Baby.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:44:39am

re: #178 Sir John Barron

It was a boy. But yes, way to raise your kid, numbskull.

Rearing another generation of Rush Dimbo listeners.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:45:40am

re: #178 Sir John Barron

For some reason I envisioned a girl. So they are ignorant, but not totally ignorant.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:45:42am

re: #168 nines09

Islamic State calls slain Muslim American soldier an ‘apostate’

Isn’t the whole War on Islam all about apostates’ rights?


Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:47:29am

re: #177 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

this is nutz

Uh, what? In most places it’s automatic felony to have both illegal drugs and a firearm.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:48:10am

McConnell acknowledged that many people in the room may not be happy with Republican nominee Donald Trump or Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, but the biggest thing they must determine is what direction do they want to see the country go.

“I think you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton if you believe this is as good as America can be,” McConnell said. “But, if you think that America can do better by taking a different path, Trump is the only alternative.”

McConnell admitted that he did not watch any of the recently completed Democratic National Convention saying that he knew what the Democrats arguments would be and “he has heard them all before.”


nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:48:28am

re: #184 Timothy Watson

If they walked……Bet they were….not black.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:48:48am

re: #184 Timothy Watson

Uh, what? In most places it’s automatic felony to have both illegal drugs and a firearm.

welcome to Kentucky.


lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:48:55am
nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:49:22am

re: #185 Backwoods_Sleuth

“I’ll take “Cowardice” for the win, Alex.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:49:32am

re: #184 Timothy Watson

Uh, what? In most places it’s automatic felony to have both illegal drugs and a firearm.

and a child in one’s care

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:51:03am

re: #185 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


Then you deserve to go down with him, Mitch as does anyone in your party who contines to support him.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:52:20am

Meanwhile, if you can stomach real vileness, try to read this anti-minority voting f0ckery in GA.

But the deputy had not come to arrest Mr. Flournoy. Rather, he had come to challenge Mr. Flournoy’s right to vote.

The majority-white Hancock County Board of Elections and Registration was systematically questioning the registrations of more than 180 black Sparta citizens — a fifth of the city’s registered voters — by dispatching deputies with summonses commanding them to appear in person to prove their residence or lose their voting rights. “When I read that letter, I was kind of nervous,” Mr. Flournoy said in an interview. “I didn’t know what to do.”

Hi, we see that you have registered to vote. We are declaring your voter registration void unless you accompany this fine law enforcement officer to our offices to be interrogated.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:52:32am

re: #146 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I think there are still a few clear-head thinkers in the GOP who know that a Trump presidency would damage them for generations, and will quietly vote against him when the time comes, despite any lip service they are paying now.

McConnell acknowledged that many people in the room may not be happy with Republican nominee Donald Trump or Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, but the biggest thing they must determine is what direction do they want to see the country go.

“I think you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton if you believe this is as good as America can be,” McConnell said. “But, if you think that America can do better by taking a different path, Trump is the only alternative.”

McConnell admitted that he did not watch any of the recently completed Democratic National Convention saying that he knew what the Democrats arguments would be and “he has heard them all before.”

I think we have our answer.

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:54:14am

So this pants-on-head crazy person shows up in my mentions==>

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:54:20am

re: #193 nines09

“I think you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton if you believe this is as good as America can be,” McConnell said. “But, if you think that America can do better by taking a different path, Trump is the only alternative.”


Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:55:05am

video at the link.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:55:15am

re: #194 The Vicious Babushka

@viciousbabushka @YouTube Duke was in the KKK 40 yrs ago but isn’t it true the KKK is now supporting Clinton? m.washingtontimes.com
— Bunny Hopper

Hateful and delusional is no way to go through life.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:55:46am

re: #196 Backwoods_Sleuth

video at the link.

Kaine was a homerun pick.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:55:53am

re: #188 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Noted in the tweeted article: Donna Rice Hughes—Gary Hart’s squeeze.


nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:57:34am

re: #195 Sir John Barron


Well it’s as good as it can be with assholes like McConnell and Rand in power. And that other path goes off the road into a bridge abutment at 120 mph.

Jay C  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:57:42am

re: #172 nines09

If Trump debated Hillary face to face, he would lose what little manhood he has left along with his ride. He would be torn to shreds. The other GOP candidates never had to verbally talk shit. Hillary can. Trump will do everything he can to dodge it.

Oh, I quite agree: but I’m guessing, as per my #169, that even though that “riotous applause on the online Right” would pale against the “retching sounds of disgust” from the rest of the country, it won’t make the least bit of difference to the GOP “base” - and the media will most likely simply tsk-tsk at the “rough language”, and go on to “score” the debate along more important lines: like whether or not Hillary Clinton’s outfit made her look fat, or was too “shrill”….

Donald Trump may be a noxious, festering boil on the American body politic (in desperate need of being lanced) - but that boil is only a symptom of a deeper disease: in some countries (in Europe, say), it’s usually defined as “neo-fascist ultranationalism” (here it can be shorthanded as “the Republican Party”) - and it’s a particularly tenacious pathology with no easy cure…

A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:58:08am

re: #175 Decatur Deb

My simple ass husband bought the 400 dollar version. To make “weight loss smoothies”, that he found the recipes for on the internet from some stupid orthorexic girl in yoga pants. By day three his blood sugar shot up to 500 and he damned near ended up in the hospital. He has Type II Diabetes and I told him it was a bad idea. But noooo. He’s never used it since.

I’ll sell it for 300. Still have the box and all the packaging. He’s lucky I didn’t beat him with the freaking thing.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 7:59:16am

re: #201 Jay C

The Europeans are quite familiar with what Trump is. Our press just cannot seem to get their pointy little heads around it.

BeachDem  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:02:58am

re: #87 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

One of the key moments in the Decline and Fall of the GOP was when McCain tried to defend Obama in front of a Tea Party rally as a man of honor, one whose politics they simply disagree with.

He was booed off the stage.

And left the stage free for a candidate like Trump to step up and take their applause…

I still think McCain gets too much credit for that exchange. The woman says he’s an Arab and McCain says no, he’s a decent family man (paraphrased) as if the two were mutually exclusive.

Better than Palin’s shrieking crap, but hardly a profile in courage imo.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:03:50am

re: #204 BeachDem

I still think McCain gets too much credit for that exchange. The woman says he’s an Arab and McCain says no, he’s a decent family man (paraphrased) as if the two were mutually exclusive.

Better than Palin’s shrieking crap, but hardly a profile in courage imo.

That woman was one in a crowd at McCain’s rally. Trump’s rallies are now full of that woman.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:08:21am

re: #204 BeachDem

The GOP built that stage Trump now stands on. He is the natural progression of their policy. When you act as the GOP has, Trump is what you get.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:10:21am

jeebus…these people:

A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:10:48am

re: #206 nines09

Exactly. If the freaking Tea Party people screaming at constituent meetings had been neutralized a few years back, I think we’d still be seeing an odious mess in the GOP, but not to this degree. Trump is their monster, they built him and actions have consequences. Sadly, it doesn’t just effect them.

BeachDem  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:11:19am

re: #114 dangerman

i was glib upthread
i respect his military service
i respect some of his political service
politics changed him
i dont see him changing back

I will be glib downthread
I respect his military serve
I respect almost none of his political service
Politics didn’t change him—he was always an asshole
He will continue to be the self-serving guy he has always been.

A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:11:42am

re: #207 Backwoods_Sleuth

Seriously? I saw it live. Does Kilmeade have two brain cells that touch?

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:11:45am

re: #207 Backwoods_Sleuth

jeebus…these people:

Propaganda arm of the Republican party.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:12:43am

re: #210 A Mom Anon

Seriously? I saw it live. Does Kilmeade have two brain cells that touch?

There was one station that did not cover her speech: Fox.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:13:59am

re: #191 HappyWarrior

Then you deserve to go down with him, Mitch as does anyone in your party who contines to support him.

He has no choice…and he is trying to make it sound only as convincing as minimally necessary.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:15:27am

re: #193 nines09

McConnell acknowledged that many people in the room may not be happy with Republican nominee Donald Trump or Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, but the biggest thing they must determine is what direction do they want to see the country go.

“I think you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton if you believe this is as good as America can be,” McConnell said. “But, if you think that America can do better by taking a different path, Trump is the only alternative.”

McConnell admitted that he did not watch any of the recently completed Democratic National Convention saying that he knew what the Democrats arguments would be and “he has heard them all before.”

I think we have our answer.

Listen closely to how he worded it. He is offering only very conditional support to the GOP candidate and hedging it very closely. And there is a telling lack of enthusiasm in his words.

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:17:02am

Sad wingnut is sad that facts has Librul Bias

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:18:21am

Trump is going to be the hugest of friends to Israel and the Jews.

That’s why his top adviser spent years as a lobbyist flack for Saudi Arabia, including on undermining Israel’s right to claim Jerusalem as its capital.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:20:05am

So Trump literally spits on John McCain and every other serviceperson, and Ambien Johnny takes it. Says Trump should apologise to the other Vets. Trump basically spits in Johnnys’ face. Again. Now Ambien Johnny must feel as if he should say something…..To defend integrity and honor and sacrifice…..from a grifting two bit…wait…..Oh. Fuck it….Ambien Johnny is still supporting Trump. Nevermind.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:20:48am

re: #215 The Vicious Babushka

Sad wingnut is sad that facts has Librul Bias

It’s their inability to change their mind with respect to facts that is most dangerous. They have been allowed to believe that something is true only if they accept it for far too long. At some point it needs to cost them for being this wrong. The problem is that they won’t get that unless a whole lot of other people get hurt as well.

Franklin  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:21:41am

re: #215 The Vicious Babushka

Sad wingnut is sad that facts has Librul Bias

[Embedded content]

There we go again with:

Feelings > Facts

I feel that Clinton and Obama lie alot. And Politico says that they have a low “pants on fire” rating. So Politico must be a librul shill.

Jenner7  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:22:29am

Hubby gets stung three times by bee’s while mowing the lawn. Turns out we have a nest in some railroad ties against our shed. Called my spray guy and he tells me they are africanized bees. Oh goody. It’s a small nest, but glad we caught it when we did.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:22:43am

re: #214 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Sure. Read between the lines. Like Theology. You get your version, I get mine….

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:23:27am

re: #211 Belafon

Propaganda arm of the Republican party.

Fox dummies not acknowledging that the reason Khan spoke was because TRUMP HAS CAMPAIGNED EXPLICITLY ON BANNING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:25:38am

re: #222 Sir John Barron

Fox dummies not acknowledging that the reason Khan spoke was because TRUMP HAS CAMPAIGNED EXPLICITLY ON BANNING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION.

And also that like, you know, Hillary didn’t attack Ms Smith after speaking at the RNC.

A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:26:30am

re: #192 Sir John Barron

Yeah, but we have no racism problem. Nope. Nothing to see here. Fucking Georgia.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:27:02am

re: #220 Jenner7

Hubby gets stung three times by bee’s while mowing the lawn. Turns out we have a nest in some railroad ties against our shed. Called my spray guy and he tells me they are africanized bees. Oh goody. It’s a small nest, but glad we caught it when we did.

[Embedded content]


Jay C  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:27:57am

re: #223 Sir John Barron

And also that like, you know, Hillary didn’t attack Ms Smith after speaking at the RNC.

Nor did the Khans explicitly blame Donald Trump for their son’s death like Mrs. Smith did to Hillary, but “both sides….” etc.

Jenner7  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:29:54am

re: #225 Dr Lizardo

Get Fox News on the line!

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:31:14am

re: #196 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

video at the link.

he’s jimmy stewart

you cant vote against jimmy stewart

Barefoot Grin  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:32:05am

re: #225 Dr Lizardo


Multiculturalism Fail!! ///

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:33:58am

re: #209 BeachDem

I will be glib downthread
I respect his military serve
I respect almost none of his political service
Politics didn’t change him—he was always an asshole
He will continue to be the self-serving guy he has always been.

i defer to your expertise in the matter

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:34:24am

re: #221 nines09

Sure. Read between the lines. Like Theology. You get your version, I get mine….

He is doing it most intentionally that way in the hope that some people will take it that way. He needs to cover his ass and sound like he is supporting the GOP candidate, but he is not about to just jump up and down with enthusiasm, either, and I find that telling.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:35:40am

re: #214 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Listen closely to how he worded it. He is offering only very conditional support to the GOP candidate and hedging it very closely. And there is a telling lack of enthusiasm in his words.

sorry -if you’re not unequivocally, waffle-less (as it were) against him, you’re with him

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:37:31am

re: #219 Franklin

There we go again with:

Feelings > Facts

I feel that Clinton and Obama lie alot. And Politico says that they have a low “pants on fire” rating. So Politico must be a librul shill.

its like no proof being conspiracy theory confirmation

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:37:45am

re: #221 nines09

Sure. Read between the lines. Like Theology. You get your version, I get mine….

Read it literally: “I think you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton…”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:40:15am

re: #232 dangerman

sorry -if you’re not unequivocally, waffle-less (as it were) against him, you’re with him

That certainly applies to voters, I am looking at the specific case of a GOP member and leader being INCREDIBLY equivocal. That, to me, speaks volumes.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:41:00am

re: #234 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Read it literally: “I think you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton…”

what a great ad - :

Mitch Mcconnell says “I think you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton”

Jenner7  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:43:10am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:43:45am

re: #236 dangerman

what a great ad - :

Mitch Mcconnell says “I think you ought to vote for Hillary Clinton”

And watch the GOP freak out and complain about a lack of nuance and context…

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:44:07am

New cartoonist/outlet for me:


The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:46:00am

Someone who has quaffed deeply of Trump Kool-Aid projects like an IMAX in Outer Space

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:47:31am
nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:48:27am

re: #241 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Yeah. They’re there on Vacation. Armed, but on vacation.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:50:26am

re: #241 Lidane

The Japanese did not bomb Pearl Harbor.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:51:40am

re: #243 Sir John Barron

The Japanese did not bomb Pearl Harbor.

Well only a few, in proportion to their population.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:52:07am

re: #240 The Vicious Babushka

Someone who has quaffed deeply of Trump Kool-Aid projects like an IMAX in Outer Space

Stephanie: Just because you can say “drinking the Kool-Aid” doesn’t mean you’re applying it properly. And it’s pretty obvious that you’re not qualified considering you start your article with “Democrat party”.

Ubiq  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:54:25am

re: #205 Sir John Barron

That woman was one in a crowd at McCain’s rally. Trump’s rallies are now full of that woman.

A link of the exchange.

McCain Counters Obama ‘Arab’ Question

I don’t fault McCain for not saying ‘he’s a Christian’. He looks flustered and panicked as shit. As in, ‘shit this is a live grenade’.

I hate McCain’s politics, but I genuinely think that he’s one of the few good ones on the other side of the aisle.

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:54:26am

re: #245 Belafon

Stephanie: Just because you can say “drinking the Kool-Aid” doesn’t mean you’re applying it properly. And it’s pretty obvious that you’re not qualified considering you start your article with “Democrat party”.

That article is a flaming dumpster fire of Trump slogans. And of course it is utter bullshit that this person claims to have been a “lifelong Democrat”

Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:54:38am

re: #244 Decatur Deb

Well only a few, in proportion to their population.


Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 8:54:50am

re: #247 The Vicious Babushka

That article is a flaming dumpster fire of Trump slogans. And of course it is utter bullshit that this person claims to have been a “lifelong Democrat”

Who is this Troubled Heart?

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:00:09am

re: #249 Sir John Barron

Who is this Troubled Heart?

Google of Stephanie M. Jason turns up a bunch of anti-Hillary diatribes. I guess she is the resident anti-Hillary screamer at The Hill.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:01:02am

how unfortunate that there is no funding for that.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:03:21am

re: #72 Dr. Matt

But McCain is still endorsing Donald.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:07:03am

re: #242 nines09

Yeah. They’re there on Vacation. Armed, but on vacation.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:07:15am

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

how unfortunate that there is no funding for that.

uk travel warning

its been on again / off again
its on again
specifically mentioning florida

Jenner7  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:07:27am

Just say words and they’ll believe me….

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:07:46am
The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:08:20am

[Tweet already posted by jenner7, above]

Barefoot Grin  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:09:07am

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

how unfortunate that there is no funding for that.

Just a couple of days ago he was telling the Feds to keep out of it.

Eventual Carrion  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:09:17am

re: #210 A Mom Anon

Seriously? I saw it live. Does Kilmeade have two brain cells that touch?

Nope, just a head full of cells playing Marco Polo.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:10:34am

re: #250 The Vicious Babushka

Google of Stephanie M. Jason turns up a bunch of anti-Hillary diatribes. I guess she is the resident anti-Hillary screamer at The Hill.

Oh well, never heard of her.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:13:20am

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

how unfortunate that there is no funding for that.

There would be if Democrats agreed to kill Obamacare and Planned Parenthood and their right to field a 2016 presidential candidate and allow a flat tax and….


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:13:34am

re: #258 Barefoot Grin

Just a couple of days ago he was telling the Feds to keep out of it.

Because ZIka prevention also involves contraception for women at risk, and a lot of states would rather see people get Zika than use contraception…

this is gonna get real ugly real fast

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:16:14am

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

how unfortunate that there is no funding for that.

Another stage the GOP built.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:18:22am

Spoiler: they crashed into a beehive.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:20:15am

re: #264 Backwoods_Sleuth

“And the guy came out, screaming and squalling, and running around about like a chicken with its head cut off,” Anderson recalled.

Looks like he found that ONE telephone pole to slam into.

Eventual Carrion  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:21:20am

re: #220 Jenner7

Hubby gets stung three times by bee’s while mowing the lawn. Turns out we have a nest in some railroad ties against our shed. Called my spray guy and he tells me they are africanized bees. Oh goody. It’s a small nest, but glad we caught it when we did.

[Embedded content]

Kenyan no doubt.

*shakes fist at sky* OBAMA

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:21:30am

Fox Host Dobbs Also Promotes Claims That Khizr Khan Is Tied To Muslim Brotherhood

No self-respecting human could possibly vote for this party. Disgusting.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:22:10am

re: #255 Jenner7

Just say words and they’ll believe me….

Isn’t this the guy who’s threatening to hurt businesses that ship jobs overseas? Aren’t these businesses just “playing the market?”

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:22:25am

Moonie Times columnist Charles Hurt:

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:22:49am

re: #268 Sir John Barron

Isn’t this the guy who’s threatening to hurt businesses that ship jobs overseas? Aren’t these businesses just “playing the market?”

Maybe he’s only talking about successful businesses.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:26:11am

re: #270 Belafon

Maybe he’s only talking about successful businesses.

As long as Donald “wets his beak”, alles gute.

Teukka  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:29:44am

re: #264 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Spoiler: they crashed into a beehive.

So they drove buzzed and got an unexpected buzz?

Jenner7  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:31:12am

The same one who thinks Hillary should be shot for treason.

Eventual Carrion  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:31:39am

re: #256 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

That there might be the one statement in this whole fiasco that could really leave a mark.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:32:56am

re: #269 Lidane

Read comments=stare into abyss.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:33:48am

re: #256 Backwoods_Sleuth

“But be sure to support our GOP candidates”

makeitstop  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:34:00am

I’m wondering if the VFW and Gold Star Families are going to end up letting him get away with this.

And if the public in general is going to stand for smearing a fallen vet and his family.

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:35:12am

re: #277 makeitstop

I’m wondering if the VFW and Gold Star Families are going to end up letting him get away with this.

And if the public in general is going to stand for smearing a fallen vet and his family.

Jenner7  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:35:14am

“We appreciate Mr. Baldasaro’s support, but we don’t agree with what he says….AGAIN. But we’ll continue to keep him as an adviser.”

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:35:21am

re: #277 makeitstop

I’m wondering if the VFW and Gold Star Families are going to end up letting him get away with this.

And if the public in general is going to stand for smearing a fallen vet and his family.

Trump already spit in their faces. See his remarks on John McCain.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:35:50am
Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:36:05am

re: #278 Dr. Matt

Clinton leads Trump by 6 points

Electoral Map Gives Donald Trump Few Places to Go

That’s one reason why I get sick of the breathless national poll watching. What matters are electoral votes and state-by-state polls.

A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:36:51am

re: #282 jaunte

What the fuck does that mean?

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:37:10am

re: #277 makeitstop

I’m wondering if the VFW and Gold Star Families are going to end up letting him get away with this.

And if the public in general is going to stand for smearing a fallen vet and his family.

Both the Gold Star Families group and the VFW condemned Trump for this.

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:37:17am

Considering the fact that her work was blatantly ignored by the GOP, I don’t blame her:

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:37:56am

re: #282 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Trump is the face of everything wrong with American politics now. You can be breathtakingly ignorant and get away with it because people see you as someone “who tells it as is” even though you contradict yourself even in your own speech.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:38:27am

re: #284 A Mom Anon

What the fuck does that mean?

anything to trash his reputation and distract attention from the totally vile things Trump said in “retaliation”

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:38:48am

re: #284 A Mom Anon

Somebody claiming Khan was “tricked” into smearing Trump:

Joe Bacon  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:38:52am

re: #220 Jenner7

Hubby gets stung three times by bee’s while mowing the lawn. Turns out we have a nest in some railroad ties against our shed. Called my spray guy and he tells me they are africanized bees. Oh goody. It’s a small nest, but glad we caught it when we did.

[Embedded content]

We had a swarm of them in a tree on my block. The Los Angeles Fire Department used fire extinguishers on them. Even then those brave folks got a couple stings!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:39:16am

re: #287 HappyWarrior

Trump is the face of everything wrong with American politics now. You can be breathtakingly ignorant and get away with it because people see you as someone “who tells it as is” even though you contradict yourself even in your own speech.

they want someone as clueless, confused and conflicted as themselves

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:39:52am
HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:42:34am

re: #289 jaunte

Somebody claiming Khan was “tricked” into smearing Trump:

Implying the man is too stupid to think for himself. Nice. They’re hoping anything stays except the fact that they’ve nominated and continue to support a bigoted jackass for President.

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:42:39am

Would someone please fix that damn clock already?

Jenner7  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:42:39am

re: #292 Lidane

Maybe that explains his final night ratings. More people in the party are concerned that this isn’t just a normal election cycle. ?? Just a guess.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:43:03am

Trump was not “tricked “into smearing Mrs. Khan by implying she’s an abused wife, it was his natural response, but The Hill won’t be talking about that.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:43:03am

re: #289 jaunte

Somebody claiming Khan was “tricked” into smearing Trump:

The writer completely misunderstands the purpose of Khan’s speech. They were up there, not to attack Trump for any slight he might have made against their son, but to point out to Trump that most Muslims are very patriotic, even willing to give up their lives for the country. But the bigotry of Trump and his supporters prevents them from understanding that.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:43:12am

re: #292 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Not a good omen for the Republicans.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:43:51am

re: #292 Lidane

Sadly, hurt is insufficient for the GOP at this time. They need to be euthanized for supporting a crazy craven bully whose lack of empathy means he continues to attack the Khan family and Gold Star Parents, including through surrogates who are even more insane than he is.

This is a party that thinks that Trump will calm down at some point and behave in a presidential manner?


Assumes facts not in evidence.

There’s no reason to think that Trump can do anything other than identify with the bigot brigade that brought him this far. He continues espousing the same beliefs and crazy incoherent thought patterns.

Doesn’t matter that Pence is his VP choice either since Trump doesn’t listen to anyone but the voices in his head.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:44:26am

re: #297 Belafon

The writer completely misunderstands the purpose of Khan’s speech. They were up there, not to attack Trump for any slight he might have made against their son, but to point out to Trump that most Muslims are very patriotic, even willing to give up their lives for the country. But the bigotry of Trump and his supporters prevents them from understanding that.

Exactly, it wasn’t anti Iraq War even. Trump and his surrogates have been attacking the patriotism of Muslims throughout their campaign and Captain Khan and others like him fly in the fact of his attacks on the patriotism of Muslim-Americans.

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:45:06am

re: #294 Lidane

Would someone please fix that damn clock already?

[Embedded content]

I suggested before that Kristol was a pro-Trump PsyOp to dishearten Hillary supporters. If we’re agreeing with Kristol and given his almost certainty of being wrong, it’s pretty troubling my mind.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:45:06am

re: #299 lawhawk

Sadly, hurt is insufficient for the GOP at this time. They need to be euthanized for supporting a crazy craven bully whose lack of empathy means he continues to attack the Khan family and Gold Star Parents, including through surrogates who are even more insane than he is.

This is a party that thinks that Trump will calm down at some point and behave in a presidential manner?


Assumes facts not in evidence.

There’s no reason to think that Trump can do anything other than identify with the bigot brigade that brought him this far. He continues espousing the same beliefs and crazy incoherent thought patterns.

Doesn’t matter that Pence is his VP choice either since Trump doesn’t listen to anyone but the voices in his head.

They think they can control. Reminds me of another group of snobbish assholes who thought they could control an egomaniac.

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:46:10am

re: #300 HappyWarrior

Exactly, it wasn’t anti Iraq War even. Trump and his surrogates have been attacking the patriotism of Muslims throughout their campaign and Captain Khan and others like him fly in the fact of his attacks on the patriotism of Muslim-Americans.

And not to mention that Trump did initially support the Iraq War.

retired cynic  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:46:33am

Heard an author on the subject of the Ego, and how it was a problem, today on NPR. He didn’t bring up Trump, but a caller did, and he said ‘Malignant. Toxic.’

Ryan Holiday, Ego is the Enemy: wbur.org

retired cynic  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:47:36am

A caller reported a bumper sticker he had seen: Don’t Believe Everything You Think.

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:48:31am
A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:48:35am

re: #297 Belafon

I also love how it’s worded, “her vote” sent him to his death. Like Hillary did it.

You know, you’d think these idiots would have learned their lesson from the first President Clinton’s approval ratings on leaving office. The more they tried to mess with him, the higher the ratings went. Of course there wasn’t social media and the internet then, but still, there comes a point where people are going to have had enough and just either tune it out or turn on the party entirely.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:49:45am

re: #303 Timothy Watson

And not to mention that Trump did initially support the Iraq War.

As did and still probably does Pence.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:50:13am

re: #306 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Wow it’s really come to this shit. Fuck anyone who supports this monster.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:50:37am

re: #307 A Mom Anon

I also love how it’s worded, “her vote” sent him to his death. Like Hillary did it.

You know, you’d think these idiots would have learned their lesson from the first President Clinton’s approval ratings on leaving office. The more they tried to mess with him, the higher the ratings went. Of course there wasn’t social media and the internet then, but still, there comes a point where people are going to have had enough and just either tune it out or turn on the party entirely.

It’s the same thing that Pence voted for but Trump won’t tell you that because he’s a lying piece of shit.

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:52:01am
Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:52:01am

re: #306 Lidane

“We were always at war with Eastasia.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:52:50am
Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:53:14am

re: #302 HappyWarrior

They think they can control. Reminds me of another group of snobbish assholes who thought they could control an egomaniac.

Yeah, this triumvirate of dolts:

Franz von Papen
Kurt von Schleicher
Alfred Hugenberg
A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:53:15am

re: #306 Lidane

I knew it was coming the second the thin skinned yam started his twitter tantrum. Yep, he only served his country to kill Americans and spy and inform ISIS what was happening. Or something.

How long before the Kahns start recieving death threats or someone attempts to harm them? I hope they have proper security in place. This is the kind of shit encouraged by this hateful lying. If anything happens to the Kahns, all of these assholes are responsible. All. Of. Them.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:53:45am

re: #311 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Good. Keep on hitting the bastard but also the cowards who support him.

Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:54:03am

re: #286 Lidane

Considering the fact that her work was blatantly ignored by the GOP, I don’t blame her:
Wow — Longtime Jeb Bush adviser @sallybradshaw, co-author of RNC’s 2013 autopsy, is leaving the Republican Party, per CNN.

The 2017 after-action report will be done by archaeologists.

makeitstop  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:54:22am

re: #285 Belafon

Both the Gold Star Families group and the VFW condemned Trump for this.

I really hope they continue to press the point.

This could be the issue that really does serious damage to Trump. I want them to push it, hard.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:54:39am

re: #315 A Mom Anon

I knew it was coming the second the thin skinned yam started his twitter tantrum. Yep, he only served his country to kill Americans and spy and inform ISIS what was happening. Or something.

How long before the Kahns start recieving death threats or someone attempts to harm them? I hope they have proper security in place. This is the kind of shit encouraged by this hateful lying. If anything happens to the Kahns, all of these assholes are responsible. All. Of. Them.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t already due to the hateful shit that con artist Shoebat started.

Ubiq  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:55:20am

re: #301 Timothy Watson

I suggested before that Kristol was a pro-Trump PsyOp to dishearten Hillary supporters. If we’re agreeing with Kristol and given his almost certainty of being wrong, it’s pretty troubling my mind.

As troubling as I find them more of the time, we should be doing more to laud Erickson, Kristol, McCain and the Bushes and the other GOP members who have put their party and their country ahead of simply winning the presidency. Sure, they could all do more, but they’re already taking a lot of heat for the baby steps that they have taken.

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:55:58am

This morning my mentions are full of dumbasses insisting that Politifact can’t be trusted.

Skip Intro  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:56:44am

We Should Probably Do Something About This Russian Anthrax Outbreak

The Great Climate Change Hoax strikes again.

Temperatures have soared in western Russia’s Yamal tundra this summer. Across Siberia, some provinces warmed an additional 10 degrees Fahrenheit beyond normal. In the fields, large bubbles of vegetation appeared above the melting permafrost—strange pockets of methane or, more likely, water. Record fires blazed through dry Russian grassland. In one of the more unusual symptoms of unseasonable warmth, long-dormant bacteria appear to be active. For the first time since 1941, anthrax struck western Siberia. Thirteen Yamal nomads were hospitalized, including four children, the Siberian Times reported. The bacteria took an even worse toll on wildlife, claiming some 1,500 reindeer since Sunday. According to NBC News, the outbreak is thought to stem from a reindeer carcass that died in the plague 75 years ago. As the old flesh thawed, the bacteria once again became active. The disease tore through the reindeer herds, prompting the relocation of dozens of the indigenous Nenet community. Herders face a quarantine that may last until September.

In other words, an anthrax strain that has spent 75 years resting, sleeping a lot, going a few times a week to the Bacteria Gym, and generally muscling up, gets another chance at sickening reindeer and people because the Great Climate Change Hoax has thawed the permafrost, so it gets its shot at the reindeer and people that didn’t die in the record wildfires. I would point out that one of our two major political parties doesn’t believe that any of this is happening, and that the party’s candidate for president thinks it all might be a hoax thought up by the Chinese.


Skip Intro  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:57:40am

re: #320 Ubiq

Screw McCain and the Bushes until they come out and say they will never vote for Trump.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:59:51am

re: #321 The Vicious Babushka

This morning my mentions are full of dumbasses insisting that Politifact can’t be trusted.

I wonder which talk radio person or wingnut think tank is spitting out those talking points.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 9:59:56am

re: #323 Skip Intro

Screw McCain and the Bushes until they come out and say they will never vote for Trump.

I believe the Bushes in fairness have said that. The same can’t be said for Mr. “I’ll support the nominee.”

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:00:17am

re: #324 Sir John Barron

I wonder which talk radio person or wingnut think tank is spitting out those talking points.

That sounds like Heritage’s fat footprint.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:01:15am

re: #311 Lidane

At this point, do they not know that an “apology” by Trump would mean nothing? He already doubled down on it. It’s who he is, and what he is. If they want to send a message they should not vote for him or any of the others who soft shoed mealy mouthed words without denouncing Trump. So if Trump “apologizes” is all well? The man who spoke that filth is redeemed? The party who got out lied still backs him. Apologize and on to the next insult. It’s Monday.


Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:01:26am

re: #163 lawhawk

“Then put your little hand in mine…”

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:01:55am

re: #283 Timothy Watson

That’s one reason why I get sick of the breathless national poll watching. What matters are electoral votes and state-by-state polls.

Eric Boehert was saying this morning that Hillary essentially starts with 200 electoral votes on November 4th. However, according to the WSJ, it may actually be even more advantageous for the Dems:

Democrats hold an advantage: A solid base of 18 states plus the District of Columbia have backed the party in every election since 2000. They add up to 242 electoral votes, just 28 short of a majority. Republicans have won 22 states every time since 2000.* They add up to 180 electoral votes, 90 shy of a majority.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:01:58am
GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:02:33am

I can’t help but contrast Chris Kyle who the right holds up as a war hero vs. Humayun Khan who actually sacrificed his life to save others.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:03:54am

re: #329 Dr. Matt

Democrats hold an advantage: A solid base of 18 states plus the District of Columbia have backed the party in every election since 2000. They add up to 242 electoral votes, just 28 short of a majority. Republicans have won 22 states every time since 2000.* They add up to 180 electoral votes, 90 shy of a majority.

That’s a massive advantage, one the GOP is simply not going to be able to overcome, and especially with Trump as their candidate.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:04:59am
Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:05:20am

See I think folks in the GOP tell Trump he shouldn’t be saying that stuff, he just doesn’t care.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:06:36am

re: #329 Dr. Matt

Eric Boehert was saying this morning that Hillary essentially starts with 200 electoral votes on November 4th. However, according to the WSJ, it may actually be even more advantageous for the Dems:

That’s what I’ve been arguing when I say there’s so little margin for error for Trump. Even with Bush who was a much less toxic candidate, he still was only winning by one state. I just don’t see Trump taking any strong Democratic states. In fact, I think it’s far more likely he can and will lose some that both McCain and Romney won.

Blind Frog Belly White  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:07:00am

I wonder how many of his followers will become disillusioned with Trump when he dodges the debates. For many of them, the chance to see Trump bullying Hillary is one of their big dreams. Most of them will buy into the chaff about ‘rigged debate dates’, but I’m sure some will wonder just how strong their strong man is.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:08:22am

re: #334 Eclectic Cyborg

See I think folks in the GOP tell Trump he shouldn’t be saying that stuff, he just doesn’t care.

Yeah too late to reign him in.

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:09:02am

re: #336 Blind Frog Belly White

If he dodges the debates, he buries his campaign. Maybe he’ll use that as a final escape hatch before the big day in November.

Skip Intro  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:09:43am

re: #327 nines09

At this point, do they not know that an “apology” by Trump would mean nothing? He already doubled down on it. It’s who he is, and what he is. If they want to send a message they should not vote for him or any of the others who soft shoed mealy mouthed words without denouncing Trump. So if Trump “apologizes” is all well? The man who spoke that filth is redeemed? The party who got out lied still backs him. Apologize and on to the next insult. It’s Monday.

[Embedded content]

Trump will never apologize for anything. The most he’ll ever do is let an anonymous staffer take the blame, but that can’t happen this time because Trump said it, repeated it, doubled down on it, and sent his campaign hacks out to their paid positions as tv “analysts” to spin it.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:12:28am

re: #339 Skip Intro

Trump will never apologize for anything. The most he’ll ever do is let an anonymous staffer take the blame, but that can’t happen this time because Trump said it, repeated it, doubled down on it, and sent his campaign hacks out to their paid positions as tv “analysts” to spin it.

The only thing Trump can do is either just shut up or change the subject. But, the first is impossible, and he won’t be able to let it go if people keep prodding him about it.

Blind Frog Belly White  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:13:07am

OT - something strange happening here in Pennsylvania. I know this happens sometimes in California, but not much recently. I can’t seem to remember the word, but WATER falls from the SKY!!!

In Spain, as I understand it, it stays mainly on the plain.
Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:14:19am

re: #341 Blind Frog Belly White

I believe over the weekend, it stayed mainly in the Maryland.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:14:35am

The conversational, superfluous “maybe”

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:14:41am

re: #336 Blind Frog Belly White

I wonder how many of his followers will become disillusioned with Trump when he dodges the debates. For many of them, the chance to see Trump bullying Hillary is one of their big dreams. Most of them will buy into the chaff about ‘rigged debate dates’, but I’m sure some will wonder just how strong their strong man is.

Yeah I think the debates will be when many them realize he’s not Mr. Tough Guy. He’s actually a shrieking chihuahua.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:15:05am

re: #343 jaunte

[Embedded content]

The conversational, superfluous “maybe”

That goes without saying for so much of his campaign.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:15:50am

Trump supporter being classy:

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:16:00am

re: #332 Dr Lizardo

re: #335 HappyWarrior

Seeing the electoral math puts my mind at ease a bit compared to all these chaotic national polls. But, we can’t take anything for granted and we have to make sure our left-leaning friends and family GOTV.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:16:10am

re: #338 Eclectic Cyborg

Trump is a sick puppy. And it’s a pathological sickness. He’s not going anywhere. He drinks this attention up. He throws out insult and vileness one after another and believes he is winning. The damn GOP can’t even denounce him, because he is THEM. They are HIM. Donald would no more walk away from this then walk away from an easy mark. He is the personification of all the GOP stands for. A huge billboard of vile. They built him. They cannot bring themselves to admit truth. They are the “party of responsibility” remember. They are as responsible as Trump is presidential. Peas in a pod. Twins. They are uncomfortable with his words, NOT his intent. They are with him on that. 100%. Same cloth.
Trump bail. Right. Yeah. Sure.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:16:20am
Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:17:21am

re: #346 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump supporter being classy:

Yes, but he put himself in danger to allow his troops to escape.

Edit: I can’t tweet from work, or I would reply with that.

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:18:10am


HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:18:39am

re: #346 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump supporter being classy:

[Embedded content]

Somehow doesn’t understand going beyond the call of duty which is what Captain Khan did. He saved peoples lives with his actions. More than shit “politically incorrect” coward ever has.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:19:38am

re: #346 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump supporter being classy:

They just can’t help themselves.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:20:21am

re: #352 HappyWarrior

Somehow doesn’t understand going beyond the call of duty which is what Captain Khan did. He saved peoples lives with his actions. More than shit “politically incorrect” coward ever has.

Only Chris Kyle who killed people can be a hero.


Skip Intro  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:20:34am

re: #353 Sir John Barron

They just can’t help themselves.

Hey, Trump is the real victim here.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:21:15am

re: #354 Sir John Barron

Only Chris Kyle who killed people can be a hero.


I still remember Bryan Fischer belittling a CMOH winner who won it for saving peoples lives. That was mine and I imagine many people’s introduction to him.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:22:36am

re: #346 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump supporter being classy:

Hurr Hurr I’m not politically correct you politically correct loser dummies!!!!111

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:23:51am

Need to buy a Chromebook for my MIL


lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:23:53am
dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:23:55am

re: #324 Sir John Barron

I wonder which talk radio person or wingnut think tank is spitting out those talking points.

all of them katie

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:24:00am

Especially someone who claims to have the “World’s Best All-Time Memory”

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:24:04am

re: #356 HappyWarrior

I still remember Bryan Fischer belittling a CMOH winner who won it for saving peoples lives. That was mine and I imagine many people’s introduction to him.

And Glenn Beck whining about Obama giving out too many Purple Hearts and Medals of Honor.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:25:43am
jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:26:09am

re: #361 The Vicious Babushka

Serious question: Wouldn’t you remember meeting the Vladimir Putin if you had?

Or would you be so self-absorbed that you could never be sure who you had met?

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:26:10am

re: #346 Backwoods_Sleuth

Hate to spit in the politically correct punchbowl but getting shot or blown up in the line of duty makes you a soldier, not a hero.

But every cop is a “hero”.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:26:12am

re: #362 Dr. Matt

And Glenn Beck whining about Obama giving out too many Purple Hearts and Medals of Honor.

How come Obama never talks to soldiers or honors our military!??!?!

Obama awards Purple Hearts and Medals of Honor to military personnel.

How come Obama gives too much Purple Hearts and Medals of Honor these aren’t all heroes like Chris Kyle!!!!11

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:26:34am


HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:27:54am

re: #367 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

She hasn’t been silent you fucking bigoted asshole. These people make me ill. They can’t even comprehend that she may have been quiet because it was hard for her to speak about her dead son. Fucking right wing ghouls.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:28:04am

re: #367 The Vicious Babushka


I think I missed where Khan accused Trump of that.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:28:20am

re: #344 HappyWarrior

Yeah I think the debates will be when many them realize he’s not Mr. Tough Guy. He’s actually a shrieking chihuahua.

nope sorry to disagree
there will be rationalizaitons galore (maybe already written) why a guy who “speaks the plain truth” either wouldnt do well in a debate format or actually ‘won the day / didnt you see?!!?”

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:28:39am

re: #369 Belafon

I think I missed where Khan accused Trump of that.

He didn’t.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:29:00am

re: #370 dangerman

nope sorry to disagree
there will be rationalizaitons galore (maybe already written) why a guy who “speaks the plain truth” either wouldnt do well in a debate format or actually ‘won the day / didnt you see?!!?”

Yeah you may be right.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:29:15am

re: #364 jaunte

Serious question: Wouldn’t you remember meeting the Vladimir Putin if you had?

Or would you be so self-absorbed that you could never be sure who you had met?

Oh, someone who claims a perfect memory would certainly remember meeting Putin. Or never meeting him (but claiming you did). Or not meeting him but meeting him and his staffers. Or never not meeting him.

Trump’s GIGO takes garbage to a new level. He can’t keep track of his own bullshit, which makes me wonder how he functions on a daily basis.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:29:55am
The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:31:02am
Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:32:18am

re: #367 The Vicious Babushka


I thought Khan’s speech might drive wingnuts batty, just didn’t know what forms or depths it would take.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:33:26am

re: #368 HappyWarrior

She hasn’t been silent you fucking bigoted asshole. These people make me ill. They can’t even comprehend that she may have been quiet because it was hard for her to speak about her dead son. Fucking right wing ghouls.

She doesn’t need to speak. She doesn’t owe anybody, especially Trump and his zombie followers any explanation of any kind.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:34:37am

More minions eager to shed what little ethical restraints they might have had.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:35:06am

re: #378 jaunte

[Embedded content]

More minions eager to shed what little ethical restraints they might have had.

Evil party. Fuck them. I hope they never win another election anywhere ever again.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:35:56am

re: #378 jaunte

[Embedded content]

More minions eager to shed what little ethical restraints they might have had.

“Vote your conscience”.
Best joke all year.

Nyet  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:37:24am

IIre: #351 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]


Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:38:01am
Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:38:56am

re: #381 Nyet



“Boss, someone on the internet told me to stop everything and watch it.”

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:39:40am

re: #380 nines09

“Vote your conscience”.
Best joke all year.

profiles in cowardice

darthstar  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:40:39am

re: #358 darthstar

Need to buy a Chromebook for my MIL


Done…thanks. Got a new one for her - in Aqua blue.

So we went to Fry’s yesterday to buy her a laptop. I have a “want to love”/hate relationship with Fry’s. Their customer service is shitty, their sales people are treated like dog meat and know nothing about what they’re selling. Checkout is like going to the cage at a low-end casino, and they’re almost always out of stock of the item I want to buy…but they have floor models of everything.

We walk over to laptops and the sales guy says, “Who needs a computer?” I point to my MIL and he says, “Okay, so just for the internet but no need for gaming or programming” - I think, okay…maybe this guy isn’t so bad - and I say, “I want SSD, long battery life, etc.” We start with the LG - $1500 - she loves the weight, the sales guy is excited. We look at a few other models under $1000 - nothing appeals so it looks like it’s the LG. Then my wife sees this blue and white Chromebook with a 14” screen and says, “What about that pretty thing?” I walk over, look at it - $249 - and say, “We’ll take it.” The guy looked depressed. Then he says they’re out of stock but he has the LGs. I said, “That’s okay. I’ll just order one of these on Amazon - she’s on Gmail, doesn’t need to do anything except look at catalogs online and learn to use facebook, and a Chromebook is really the right thing.”

So there you have it. Honestly, I”m thinking about getting one for myself and throwing Linux on it. Since I store most of my stuff on Google now too (and have some AWS VMs for grins and giggles), I don’t really need much horsepower either…Just Putty and VNC client.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:40:43am

re: #303 Timothy Watson

And not to mention that Trump did initially support the Iraq War.

But he didn’t VOTE for it…in fact, there is not a single bit of bad legislation that he ever voted for!!!

A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:42:54am

re: #378 jaunte

What oppo research? That they’re Muslim immigrants who lost a son who gave his life fighting for his country? Is Michelle Malkin peeking in their windows to report on what kind of countertops they have?

I guess there is just no place too low for them to sink. And can you even imagine living with any of these people?

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:42:58am

re: #384 dangerman

profiles in cowardice

Shall not speak the name lest it reflect badly on you. Yes they are. If you didn’t get Trump is the GOP and the GOP Trump…….Does this show you? Senator McCain should just go lie down before he loses all of his dignity. Whoops. Too late. Blown away like sand across a trail…..gone…

Stanley Sea  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:43:44am

re: #385 darthstar

Done…thanks. Got a new one for her - in Aqua blue.

So we went to Fry’s yesterday to buy her a laptop. I have a “want to love”/hate relationship with Fry’s. Their customer service is shitty, their sales people are treated like dog meat and know nothing about what they’re selling. Checkout is like going to the cage at a low-end casino, and they’re almost always out of stock of the item I want to buy…but they have floor models of everything.

We walk over to laptops and the sales guy says, “Who needs a computer?” I point to my MIL and he says, “Okay, so just for the internet but no need for gaming or programming” - I think, okay…maybe this guy isn’t so bad - and I say, “I want SSD, long battery life, etc.” We start with the LG - $1500 - she loves the weight, the sales guy is excited. We look at a few other models under $1000 - nothing appeals so it looks like it’s the LG. Then my wife sees this blue and white Chromebook with a 14” screen and says, “What about that pretty thing?” I walk over, look at it - $249 - and say, “We’ll take it.” The guy looked depressed. Then he says they’re out of stock but he has the LGs. I said, “That’s okay. I’ll just order one of these on Amazon - she’s on Gmail, doesn’t need to do anything except look at catalogs online and learn to use facebook, and a Chromebook is really the right thing.”

So there you have it. Honestly, I”m thinking about getting one for myself and throwing Linux on it. Since I store most of my stuff on Google now too (and have some AWS VMs for grins and giggles), I don’t really need much horsepower either…Just Putty and VNC client.

I have a chrome book. I like it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:44:10am
calochortus  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:44:34am

re: #387 A Mom Anon

What oppo research? That they’re Muslim immigrants who lost a son who gave his life fighting for his country? Is Michelle Malkin peeking in their windows to report on what kind of countertops they have?

I guess there is just no place too low for them to sink. And can you even imagine living with any of these people?

He’s an immigration lawyer and therefore has strong links to all sorts of fraudulent programs, or some such.

MsJ  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:45:25am

re: #358 darthstar

Need to buy a Chromebook for my MIL


I always check Woot first. They have great bargains. eBay also.

$299 for a Chromebook is pretty high. I got one for my brother on eBay for $219.

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:46:02am

It’s Twitchy, so of course it’s fact free.

Never mind that the Clinton campaign has never done anything of the sort that Trump alleges, or have never attacked the families of those who died.

Moreover, Ambassador Stevens’ family has categorically stated that they do not hold Clinton responsible, and that the GOP should stop politicizing the Ambassador’s death.

A Mom Anon  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:46:09am

re: #391 calochortus

So they’re going to try to ruin his career and reputation too. Nice. I hope he can sue the fuck out of these assholes.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:46:36am

re: #387 A Mom Anon

What oppo research? That they’re Muslim immigrants who lost a son who gave his life fighting for his country? Is Michelle Malkin peeking in their windows to report on what kind of countertops they have?

I guess there is just no place too low for them to sink. And can you even imagine living with any of these people?

I have no idea. This is just vomit inducing material. I can’t see it doing anything but backfiring on them.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:47:49am

re: #393 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

It’s Twitchy, so of course it’s fact free.

Never mind that the Clinton campaign has never done anything of the sort that Trump alleges, or have never attacked the families of those who died.

Moreover, Ambassador Stevens’ family has categorically stated that they do not hold Clinton responsible, and that the GOP should stop politicizing the Ambassador’s death.

She never smeared the family of the Benghazi dead. And as you said,. Stevens family strongly rejects his name being used to attack Clinton. Nice try Michelle but you done failed again. Maybe look in the mirror for once and realize what oyu’re supporting.

Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:48:04am

re: #393 lawhawk

It’s Twitchy, so of course it’s fact free.

Never mind that the Clinton campaign has never done anything of the sort that Trump alleges, or have never attacked the families of those who died.

Moreover, Ambassador Stevens’ family has categorically stated that they do not hold Clinton responsible, and that the GOP should stop politicizing the Ambassador’s death.

What a vile, vile person Malkin is.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:48:23am

re: #394 A Mom Anon

So they’re going to try to ruin his career and reputation too. Nice. I hope he can sue the fuck out of these assholes.

He is a lawyer thankfully. Immigration but as a lawyer, he’d have some familiarity with slander and libel law.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:48:36am
Sir John Barron  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:49:04am

re: #396 HappyWarrior

She never smeared the family of the Benghazi dead. And as you said,. Stevens family strongly rejects his name being used to attack Clinton. Nice try Michelle but you done failed again. Maybe look in the mirror for once and realize what oyu’re supporting.

Oh who cares about Stevens family Hillary shrill losers what about real Benghazi victims??!?!?!?!?!??!

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:49:10am

re: #390 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

A typical conservative hypocrite. But don’t let his taxdollars go to other people. Fucking hypocrites.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:49:31am

re: #399 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

No fucks to give. Good.

Belafon  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:49:38am

re: #393 lawhawk

What are we supposed to be remembering (not going to click on link at work)?

ObserverArt  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:49:55am

You know what got the loudest reaction from the crowd at the Columbus Clinton-Kaine Bus Tour rally yesterday?

When anyone (Hillary, Tim K and an 70 year old Ohio Vietnam vet) mentioned Trumps comments about Mr. and Mrs. Khan. The crowd had some pretty lusty boos for all that.

So, it may be a party us and them thing, but no one in that crowd seemed willing to let any of that go.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:50:15am

re: #387 A Mom Anon

What oppo research? That they’re Muslim immigrants who lost a son who gave his life fighting for his country? Is Michelle Malkin peeking in their windows to report on what kind of countertops they have?

I guess there is just no place too low for them to sink. And can you even imagine living with any of these people?

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:51:32am

re: #405 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Wow, that really speaks to a conversation I was having with my Dad about how the internet has led to the mass spread of misinformation.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:51:36am
The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:51:42am

This idiot blames Hillary for Capt. Khan’s death:

Perhaps a better testimony from Khizr Khan would have been for him to talk about how Hillary Clinton was in the U.S. Senate when she voted to invade Iraq. Years later, after that position became politically unpopular, she changed her mind and joined new political forces to vacate all the land across Iraq that so many great American patriots like Capt. Humayun Khan had died for.

It was her vote that sent Capt. Khan to his death. And then it was her decisions later to render that sacrifice worthless.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:51:58am

re: #404 ObserverArt

You know what got the loudest reaction from the crowd at the Columbus Clinton-Kaine Bus Tour rally yesterday?

When anyone (Hillary, Tim K and an 70 year old Ohio Vietnam vet) mentioned Trumps comments about Mr. and Mrs. Khan. The crowd had some pretty lusty boos for all that.

So, it may be a party us and them thing, but no one in that crowd seemed willing to let any of that go.

We shouldn’t let it go.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:52:08am

re: #406 HappyWarrior

Wow, that really speaks to a conversation I was having with my Dad about how the internet has led to the mass spread of misinformation.

“It’s written down! I saw it!”

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:53:29am

Jeb Bush’s top adviser, Sally Bradshaw, has left the Republican Party to become an independent

Bradshaw said she hasn’t yet decided who she’ll vote for — though “it obviously won’t be Trump. I haven’t made a decision yet between Clinton, Gary Johnson or writing in a candidate.”

so she’s half way there

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:53:56am

re: #408 The Vicious Babushka

This idiot blames Hillary for Capt. Khan’s death:

[Embedded content]

You mean the same legislation Mike Pence voted for and never expressed any regrets about voting for? The same war that Donald Trump supported? Khan’s upset because Trump questions the very idea that someone like Mr. Khan’s son has patriotism and love for this country and that’s something that goes beyond your feelings about the war. I was staunchly opposed to the war in Iraq but Captain Khan still acted heroically in my eyes. It’s not that complicated you right wing pieces of shit.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:54:14am
calochortus  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:55:00am

re: #394 A Mom Anon

So they’re going to try to ruin his career and reputation too. Nice. I hope he can sue the fuck out of these assholes.

I don’t suppose he can unless someone does more than accuse him on the internet, but I also don’t think anyone who believes this garbage would have been his client anyway.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:55:01am

re: #413 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

When does Trump repeat the Putin line that they’re just Nazis.

sagehen  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:56:32am

Joanie Caucus is un-retiring!

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:57:03am

Good piece on the Khans at The New Yorker:

“…It is Trump, though, who has not been smart, not about what the Constitution says (he should, indeed, read it) and not about the power of the Khans’ message. He had decided to take on the Khans and he was losing to them, not just because they were sympathetic figures but because they stood up to him and pushed back. Both have been clear that their message is not only an expression of grief but one of political warning. Khizr said, on MSNBC, that he was speaking in Philadelphia to two specific people: Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, whom he referred to as otherwise decent men who had failed a crucial test. “Isn’t it time to repudiate Trump?” he said. “I appeal to both of these leaders: this is the time—there comes a time in the history of a nation where an emphatical moral stand has to be taken, regardless of the political cost.”

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:57:23am

re: #406 HappyWarrior

Wow, that really speaks to a conversation I was having with my Dad about how the internet has led to the mass spread of misinformation.

(no it hasnt)

MsJ  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:57:27am

re: #404 ObserverArt

You know what got the loudest reaction from the crowd at the Columbus Clinton-Kaine Bus Tour rally yesterday?

When anyone (Hillary, Tim K and an 70 year old Ohio Vietnam vet) mentioned Trumps comments about Mr. and Mrs. Khan. The crowd had some pretty lusty boos for all that.

So, it may be a party us and them thing, but no one in that crowd seemed willing to let any of that go.

I keep thinking about what Anymouse said some weeks ago about NE being in play if Hils (whom I’ve taken to calling Notorious-HRC) stresses trump’s treatment of the military. This was over smaller stuff, attacking McCain, etc., nothing as severe as what’s happening now.

Today, N-HRC is campaigning in NE.

Please let this baffoon lose 45 states.

Alephnaught  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:57:59am

re: #378 jaunte

[Embedded content]

More minions eager to shed what little ethical restraints they might have had.

Reminds me of a line from “Only Fools and Horses”:

RODNEY: Del, do you not know what “ethics” are?
DELBOY: Yeah, they make model aircraft, don’t they?

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:58:22am
HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:59:40am

re: #419 MsJ

I keep thinking about what Anymouse said some weeks ago about NE being in play if Hils (whom I’ve taken to calling Notorious-HRC) stresses trump’s treatment of the military. This was over smaller stuff, attacking McCain, etc., nothing as severe as what’s happening now.

Today, N-HRC is campaigning in NE.

Please let this baffoon lose 45 states.

I think AM was talking about her having the potential to win the one district (NE is one of only two states that divides their EVs). Obama won one district in 2008 but lost it in 2012. Man though I would love it if Trump lost 45 states. It would be a sound rejection of him.

sagehen  Aug 1, 2016 • 10:59:57am

re: #419 MsJ

I keep thinking about what Anymouse said some weeks ago about NE being in play if Hils (whom I’ve taken to calling Notorious-HRC) stresses trump’s treatment of the military. This was over smaller stuff, attacking McCain, etc., nothing as severe as what’s happening now.

Today, N-HRC is campaigning in NE.

Please let this baffoon lose 45 states.

I want Trump to win the same states George Wallace did. No more, no less.

piratedan  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:00:06am

re: #378 jaunte

dating myself here but … Today’s GOP, the party of Douglas Niedermayer

The Vicious Babushka  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:00:32am

re: #421 nines09

Onion Guide To Rio Olmpics


Decatur Deb  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:01:12am

re: #416 sagehen

Joanie Caucus is un-retiring!

[Embedded content]

Next up: Frederick Barbarossa and King Arthur.

nines09  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:01:15am

re: #425 The Vicious Babushka

You know it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:01:37am

Guessing that the woman read it on the internet…

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:01:45am

re: #424 piratedan

dating myself here but … Today’s GOP, the party of Douglas Niedermayer

i dated myself once
never showed up
never found out if i had a good time or not

Blind Frog Belly White  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:01:58am

re: #424 piratedan

dating myself here but … Today’s GOP, the party of Douglas Niedermayer

Well, Greg Marmalard was their candidate in 2012, so….

But Niedermayer actually WENT to Vietnam. Still, there’s time for Trump to get figuratively fragged by his own troops, esp. if he keeps attacking the Khans.

Big Beautiful Door  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:02:06am

re: #313 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I thought it was pretty funny when I heard on the radio during lunch that Hillary was campaigning with billionaires to shore up her support with working people.

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:03:10am

So now the right-wing freak show is claiming Captain Khan is not a hero for dying in the line of duty. Imagine the utter shitshow if someone said the 4 men that died in Benghazi were not heroes.

Blind Frog Belly White  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:03:56am

re: #429 dangerman

i dated myself once
never showed up
never found out if i had a good time or not

I dated myself a lot in my 20s. I was always there for me, and never asked for much. And I never forgot my birthday!

lawhawk  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:04:13am

re: #430 Blind Frog Belly White

Well, Greg Marmalard was their candidate in 2012, so….

But Niedermayer actually WENT to Vietnam. Still, there’s time for Trump to get figuratively fragged by his own troops, esp. if he keeps attacking the Khans.

Nope, the GOP leadership has all but deferred their service or otherwise MIA.

Big Beautiful Door  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:04:51am

re: #314 Dr Lizardo

Yeah, this triumvirate of dolts:

[Embedded content]

Based on the criteria of making a decision which based on available evidence could clearly lead to bad outcomes, I believe the decision to make Hitler Chancellor of Germany in 1932 was the worst decision ever made in human history.

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:04:58am

re: #434 lawhawk

Nope, the GOP leadership has all but deferred their service or otherwise MIA.

They hired substitutes.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:05:01am

re: #428 Backwoods_Sleuth

Guessing that the woman read it on the internet…

[Embedded content]

Wingnut confirmation bias at its craziest. Of course, when prsented with actual crazy shit Trump has said, they cry about PC run amok.

sagehen  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:05:22am

re: #429 dangerman

i dated myself once
never showed up
never found out if i had a good time or not

You did better than me. When I dated myself, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and never came back. Probably climbed out the window. I had to take a cab home.

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:05:35am
MsJ  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:05:36am

re: #411 dangerman

Jeb Bush’s top adviser, Sally Bradshaw, has left the Republican Party to become an independent

Bradshaw said she hasn’t yet decided who she’ll vote for — though “it obviously won’t be Trump. I haven’t made a decision yet between Clinton, Gary Johnson or writing in a candidate.”

so she’s half way there

She said she’d vote Clinton if FL is close.

Think about that.

Now, because of her close relationship with the Bushes, CNN was wondering if they’d make statements. The Bushes are none too pleased with trump to start with. This will be interesting.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:06:54am

re: #440 MsJ

She said she’d vote Clinton if FL is close.

Think about that.

Now, because of her close relationship with the Bushes, CNN was wondering if they’d make statements. The Bushes are none too pleased with trump to start with. This will be interesting.

I think I heard Marvin said he was voting for Johnson but it will be very interesting to see what Jeb and the Georges say since they’re the ones who have been in public life. I can’t think of any time a former President has actually endorsed the presidential candidate of his opposing party in recent history or at all.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:07:10am
jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:07:56am

re: #437 HappyWarrior

Wingnut confirmation bias at its craziest.

Helpfully collected at Wonkette:

“….Still, Trump has his defenders: Noted Raving Anti-Muslim Screamers Theodore Shoebat and his dad Walid floated a bizarre conspiracy theory that Khizr Khan is actually an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood who is attempting to bring Sharia Law to the United States, which is why he was waving that Constitution around so much last week. We are not going to summarize their “argument” because it is transparent bullshit that boils down to “Khan wrote a law review article in the 1980s about Islamic law in Saudi Arabian, therefore he is a Sharia advocate who wants to behead everyone.” Longtime Trump ratfucker Roger Stone dutifully tweeted the news that Khizr Khan is no patriot, but in fact pretty much a terrorist himself, just like Hillary Clinton’s wife Huma Abedin!


ObserverArt  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:08:16am

re: #409 HappyWarrior

We shouldn’t let it go.

Happy…I heard Tim Kaine say he was a “happy warrior” once yesterday when he was addressing the Columbus crowd. I thought of you.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:08:30am

re: #435 Big Beautiful Door

Based on the criteria of making a decision which based on available evidence could clearly lead to bad outcomes, I believe the decision to make Hitler Chancellor of Germany in 1932 was the worst decision ever made in human history.

Well, there’s also Lenin’s appointment of Stalin as General Secretary of the Communist Party. Talk about a monumental blunder - and a serious lack of judgement. Lenin at least realized what a grotesque error he had made - but by then, it was far too late to do anything about it as Stalin had basically consolidated his position and Lenin was, quite bluntly, on his deathbed.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:09:16am

re: #443 jaunte

Helpfully collected at Wonkette:

Read more at wonkette.com

Well by Teddy and Walid’s crazy standards, I must be a supporter of pogroms because I wrote my term paper on them. What an inchoerent pile of bs.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:09:42am

re: #444 ObserverArt

Happy…I heard Tim Kaine say he was a “happy warrior” once yesterday when he was addressing the Columbus crowd. I thought of you.

He does fit the mold of guys like Al Smith and Hubert Humphrey who genuinely seem to enjoy politics.

Big Beautiful Door  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:09:45am

re: #336 Blind Frog Belly White

I wonder how many of his followers will become disillusioned with Trump when he dodges the debates. For many of them, the chance to see Trump bullying Hillary is one of their big dreams. Most of them will buy into the chaff about ‘rigged debate dates’, but I’m sure some will wonder just how strong their strong man is.

I still don’t think Trump will dodge the debates, because the bar will be set so low for him by the media he almost can’t lose.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:09:55am

re: #443 jaunte

Walid Shoebat? LOLOL the man is a demonstrable fraud. That anyone takes him seriously beggars belief.

Dr. Matt  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:10:29am
Big Beautiful Door  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:10:58am

re: #341 Blind Frog Belly White

OT - something strange happening here in Pennsylvania. I know this happens sometimes in California, but not much recently. I can’t seem to remember the word, but WATER falls from the SKY!!!

[Embedded content]

Its been a very rainy Summer in Kentucky. Steamy.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:12:00am

re: #375 The Vicious Babushka

CDC: Pregnant women should avoid travel to Zika-stricken part of Miami-Dade County, Fla. - AP

and women who might get pregnant should avoid having sex there

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:12:21am

Meanwhile my wingnut friend is whining via Steve Crowder because some obscure columnist doesn’t like God Bless America being sung during the seventh inning stretch. HOnestly, it wasn’t sung before 9/11. I can understand why the guy may be tired of it. It’s not like it’s the National Anthem.

Lidane  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:12:29am

re: #411 dangerman

Jeb Bush’s top adviser, Sally Bradshaw, has left the Republican Party to become an independent

Bradshaw said she hasn’t yet decided who she’ll vote for — though “it obviously won’t be Trump. I haven’t made a decision yet between Clinton, Gary Johnson or writing in a candidate.”

so she’s half way there

She’s not just a Bush adviser. Sally Bradshaw was one of the authors of the 2012 RNC autopsy that told Republicans to be more inclusive or risk dying. The GOP responded by nominating Trump. It’s no surprise she’s leaving the party.

MsJ  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:13:45am

re: #422 HappyWarrior

I think AM was talking about her having the potential to win the one district (NE is one of only two states that divides their EVs). Obama won one district in 2008 but lost it in 2012. Man though I would love it if Trump lost 45 states. It would be a sound rejection of him.

Obama got one, AM was talking about HRC getting two. I’m going for all.

A state that honestly values its military participants will not accept this crap from trump.

(Isn’t AM a guy?)

Timothy Watson  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:14:22am
The United States launched multiple airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Libya on Monday, opening a new, more persistent front against the group at the request of the United Nations-backed government, Libyan and U.S. officials said.

Fayez Serraj, the head of Libya’s U.N.-brokered presidency council, said in a televised statement that American warplanes attacked the IS bastion of Sirte on the Mediterranean in northern Libya. No U.S. ground forces will be deployed, he said.

The precision strikes, which targeted an Islamic State tank and vehicles, come amid growing concerns about the group’s increased threat to Europe and its ability to inspire attacks across the region, even though its numbers have been shrinking because of attacks from local forces and allied international troops.




MsJ  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:16:41am

re: #423 sagehen

I want Trump to win the same states George Wallace did. No more, no less.

I’m good with less. I very good with less.

HappyWarrior  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:17:17am

re: #455 MsJ

Obama got one, AM was talking about HRC getting two. I’m going for all.

A state that honestly values its military participants will not accept this crap from trump.

(Isn’t AM a guy?)

The her is Clinton. AM is a dude, yes.

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:17:57am

re: #453 HappyWarrior

Meanwhile my wingnut friend is whining via Steve Crowder because some obscure columnist doesn’t like God Bless America being sung during the seventh inning stretch. HOnestly, it wasn’t sung before 9/11. I can understand why the guy may be tired of it. It’s not like it’s the National Anthem.

“in god we trust” has ALWAYS been on our money
“one nation, under god” has ALWAYS been in the pledge

founding fathers did it

Skip Intro  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:18:04am

I’m waiting for Trump to announce that he only likes heroes who don’t get blown up.

MsJ  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:18:20am

re: #429 dangerman

i dated myself once
never showed up
never found out if i had a good time or not

But would you have put out?

Dr Lizardo  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:18:36am

re: #460 Skip Intro

I’m waiting for Trump to announce that he only likes heroes who don’t get blown up.

Heh. But knowing Trump, I wouldn’t be surprised.

jaunte  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:20:21am

Trump on talking to Putin, on a Fox video (at about 5:00)

“When I went to Russia with the Miss Universe Pageant, he contacted me.. and was sooo nice…”


In his infamous press conference last week, Donald Trump was asked about his associations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I never met Putin,” Trump replied. “I don’t know who Putin is.”

dangerman  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:20:29am

re: #461 MsJ

But would you have put out?

i said i was cheap, not easy

ObserverArt  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:23:20am

re: #447 HappyWarrior

He does fit the mold of guys like Al Smith and Hubert Humphrey who genuinely seem to enjoy politics.

I was impressed. A very down to earth guy…just a white shirt, dress pants a bit of a pot belly. Definitely an Uncle Joe Biden type. Looks like he would be fun to hang with and talk about the world over a beer or three.

He got a great response when he said “I understand Columbus is a college town” and I think he realized it wasn’t just Ohio State. I don’t know if they drove by the two colleges just a few blocks from Fort Hayes where the rally was, but a good chance they did. My art college alma mater Columbus College of Art & Design and Columbus State (Community College) are right next to each other and take up several blocks of downtown. We have Franklin, Capital and Ohio Dominican Universities and of course Ohio State. He did his homework.

And I noticed Hillary really seems to like him. She sat on a chair while he talked and she had a little smile on her face the whole time like…this IS my Biden.

When Hillary was talking I watched him and his wife and they seemed to be looking around at the crowd and pointing out different people and signs etc. having some fun.

As I said yesterday, they all (yes Hillary included) all seemed like real people no visible stuck-up better than you stuff.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:23:54am

re: #451 Big Beautiful Door

Its been a very rainy Summer in Kentucky. Steamy.

Thunder is booming here, storm should be here pretty soon.

And NWS-Wilmington tweeted this morning:

Big Beautiful Door  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:28:15am

re: #445 Dr Lizardo

Well, there’s also Lenin’s appointment of Stalin as General Secretary of the Communist Party. Talk about a monumental blunder - and a serious lack of judgement. Lenin at least realized what a grotesque error he had made - but by then, it was far too late to do anything about it as Stalin had basically consolidated his position and Lenin was, quite bluntly, on his deathbed.

However, was there readily available evidence as to how big a monster Stalin would become? If the men who elevated Hitler to Chancellor had read Mein Kampf they should’ve known Hitler was a dangerous lunatic.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 1, 2016 • 11:30:17am

re: #327 nines09

Trump is not going to apologize. Believe me. That will never happen. Christie has a bridge to sell anyone believing otherwise.

Eventual Carrion  Aug 1, 2016 • 12:00:43pm

re: #459 dangerman

“in god we trust” has ALWAYS been on our money
“one nation, under god” has ALWAYS been in the pledge

founding fathers did it

In the 1950’s, so they were real old and senile by then anyway.

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