
A Mesmerizing Tiny Desk Concert: Hauschka

William Lewis4/25/2024 4:14:40 am PDT

Got Sucked into Angry Staff Officer’s site. Some good bits there, especially those masquerading as Star Wars bits. This guest essay is one that gets into something I’ve thought about (and had discussions here about, though at a more technical level than I usually go) that I thought some here might find of interest:

Rebel Insurgency: Without Hope or Method

By Jared James

The Rebel Alliance is going to lose, not because they are outnumbered, but because they have no model on which to base plans for their campaign. There are essentially two kinds of insurgent campaigns: city-out or countryside-in; Leningrad, or Yorktown. The Rebel Alliance is fighting both of them wrongly, and has few chances left before defeat and dissolution.