
Video: Andrew Weissmann on Why Trump May Have Violated His Bail Conditions: "Threatening the President Is a Crime"

Joe Bacon ✅4/01/2024 6:21:42 am PDT

Mark Burns, a résumé-padding, culture war-obsessed MAGA cultist and preacher who failed in his 2022 bid for Congress, has finally launched a Christian military academy he first announced back in October.

Last year, Burns described the “Burns Military Christian Academy” as necessary “to save our children from the evil public school system.”

He said on Facebook that the school would ensure that students “are not exposed to LGBTQ, CRT, or ‘woke’ teachings.” They would also wear “military-inspired” uniforms while using the Abeka curriculum (a fundamentalist Christian company that specializes in writing textbooks for parents who don’t want their kids to actually learn anything).

It’s familiar rhetoric for anyone who’s followed Burns and his political trajectory over the years. In November of 2021, he called for the establishment of a theocracy, saying that anything “contrary to the word of God” needs to be removed from the country and made “illegal.” This is a man who offered up a biblical defense when Trump condemned African nations as “shithole countries.”

Burns is a professional liar who wants to put his hand on the Bible while torching the Constitution. For a preacher who falsely claimed he spent six years in the Army Reserve, this was just the latest example of Burns disrespecting the people who actually serve in uniform.