
Another Beautiful Song From Cody Fry's Acoustic Sessions: "What If"

Nojay UK4/19/2024 4:26:30 pm PDT

re: #16 Charles Johnson

You could ask a hundred people the same question and get a lot of wrong answers as well as a lot of correct ones. We sort-of expect ChatGPT and other LLMs to be perfect and never wrong because it’s a computer which can never be wrong like we were promised on Star Trek.

ChatGPT can’t calculate the correct result for the date for Easter even if it can regurgitate the rules by which Easter dates are calculated. That takes intelligence, the ability to correlate those rules with a calendar and then calculate the correct answer. Even then mistakes can be made — see the missing leap year in 2000 that caught out a lot of people programming date stuff for databases and financial systems. Divisible by four? Yup, that’s the rule for a leap year, tappety-tappety-tap. Time passes, where did that extra day come from? Oops.