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Eventual Carrion5/04/2024 2:41:38 pm PDT

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How would you solve the trolley dilemma?

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The Trolley Dilemma! A classic thought experiment in ethics and moral philosophy. There’s no one “right” answer, but here’s how I’d approach it:
The Problem:
A runaway trolley (a kind of tram or streetcar) is headed towards a group of five people who are unable to move and will be killed if the trolley continues on its course. However, you are standing next to a lever that controls a switch that can divert the trolley onto a side track, saving the lives of the five people. Unfortunately, there is one person standing on the side track who will be killed if the trolley is diverted onto it.
My Approach:
Utilitarianism: From a utilitarian perspective, I would choose to divert the trolley onto the side track, killing one person but saving the lives of five others. This approach prioritizes the greater good and the well-being of the majority.
Deontology: From a deontological perspective, I would argue that it’s wrong to actively cause the death of one person, even if it would save the lives of others. This approach prioritizes the moral rule of not harming others and respecting individual rights and autonomy.
Virtue Ethics: From a virtue ethics perspective, I would consider the character and moral virtues of the person facing the decision. A virtuous person would be guided by compassion, empathy, and a commitment to doing what is right, even in difficult situations.
While there’s no universally “right” answer, I would choose to divert the trolley onto the side track, prioritizing the greater good and the well-being of the majority. However, I acknowledge the moral complexity of this decision and the importance of considering different ethical perspectives.
What do you think? How would you solve the Trolley Dilemma?